"Taekyung." Jaehyuk called out knocking on the door to Taekyung's room.
The door flung open and Taekyung pulled the confused Jaehyuk into his room and closed the door.
Jaehyuk sighed frustrated, "Taekyung, don't be mad at me. I only said I'd think about it so Lena would leave the room. There's no way in hell I would actually go-"
"You have to!" Taekyung said to Jaehyuk quickly.
Jaehyuk furrowed his brows, "What? No."
"But you have to!" Taekyung stressed to Jaehyuk.
Jaehyuk stared at Taekyung irritated, "Why?"
Taekyung shushed Jaehyuk, worried that his mom would hear them. "Didn't you hear my mom? She suspected something was weird about us! You have to throw her off track!"
Jaehyuk covered his face with his hand, just staying still not answering.
Taekyung grabbed onto Jaehyuk shirt, pulling him in. "Jaehyuk? Please, sh-she'll find out soon! We can't get caught-"
Jaehyuk snapped and grabbed Taekyung's arms, "How much longer, Taekyung? Hmm? A year? Or two? The rest of our fucking lives? How long are you going to keep this up?!"
"How ever long I need to!" Taekyung whisper yelled back at Jaehyuk. "My mom won't be understanding like how your dad was! So I'll lie for however long I need to! Cause if I don't, we might not be together!"
Jaehyuk let go of Taekyung's arms and pulled him into a hug, "We will stay together, for anything. It's your choice if you want to tell your mom or not. It's okay, don't feel bad."
They both pulled away from the hug still holding each other close.
Taekyung couldn't smile though, he felt angry about the whole situation. It's not like he wanted to lie to his mom, but if he told her the truth, there's no chance she would allow their relationship to go on.
Jaehyuk caressed Taekyung's cheek and kissed it, "Let's just go to sleep, baby."
Taekyung nodded, just wanting to clear his mind.
"Hmmph!" Taekyung whined late at night.
Taekyung was being smothered to death by his ginormous boyfriend. He couldn't fall asleep thinking about his and Jaehyuk's relationship and if everything they were going through together was even worth it.
He couldn't stand the face Jaehyuk made earlier on their FaceTime call. It wasn't even the first time he had mentioned the stress of hiding their relationship.
He hated that he felt that way because of Taekyung's lies.
Jaehyuk began to move around in his sleep and Taekyung pretended to be asleep.
Jaehyuk sat up and wrapped his arms tighter around Taekyung's body. "Baby, I know that your not asleep."
Taekyung opened his eyes, having no reaction and just staying still on the bed.
"When you fall asleep, you move around a lot. It's cute." Jaehyuk continued.
Taekyung just listened to him not feeling any better.
Jaehyuk sighed and leaned in close to Taekyung's face. "I'll go on the date, if it's what you really want."
Taekyung stared at Jaehyuk face close up, "I'll tell her someday. Soon. It's just too soon right now. But thank you."
"I know. It's okay, there's no need for us to rush." Jaehyuk said petting Taekyung's hair.
Taekyung put both his hands on Jaehyuk's face and brought him into a small sweet kiss.
Jaehyuk smiled in response. "Can we go to sleep now?"
"Yeah. I'm really tired." Taekyung replied and waited till Jaehyuk wrapped his arms around him, to finally drift off to sleep.
to be continued...