Sudden test

Jonah (POV)

I stood beside my locker room and saw my timetable, my face lit up when I saw today I have mathematics but it is in the last period. I kept the required books in my bag and started to walk in the physics class because every first period I had is physics. After heading to the class I saw Scarlett who was also a nerd and always keep her head in her books and I think she is typical nerd than me but sometimes I felt she is studying forcefully because when I read books I feel happy and when I see her it looks like she is struggling with her books. Then I sat to my as usual seat and like her I buried my face into the books. I heard some called and it was Salina.

"Yes?" I asked her without lifting my head from the book.

"Why do you make friends with them I mean they don't behave well" she complained making me let out a sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked her with an irritated voice when she insulted my friends.

"Uhh...nothing" she replied ignoring my question and then she sat beside me. After a few minutes, Ariana entered the class with Rain and Lisa. Rain sat with Lisa and Ariana sat alone on the third bench. I got sad when I saw she was sitting alone, without thinking anything I got up from my seat and sat beside her.

"What are your plans today?" I asked her.

"Hm...I have math class in the last hour and I am just thinking the day should be finished soon so that I can go to home and relax" she replied with a shrugged. She doesn't like to study at all.

"But, the day just started now" I reminded her.

"I know" she replied and then Ms. Patterson entered the room and started the class after taking rolls.

"Mr. wright, meet me in the office after lunch," she told me after class and I nodded with 'yes'.

'I don't know why she called me' I thought and concentrated in the class and like usual Ariana didn't concentrate on the class.

Then it was English class and Mr. Morales entered the class and yes, we had almost every class same except like in painting it's only Ariana, Rain, Salina and I had and in Geography Lisa, Ace, Joseph, Corbyn, Scarlett, and some other classmates and in chemistry Rain, Scarlett, Ace and others. Mr. Morales now started the class and I began to listen. After having two more classes we had lunch hour and I was always late to move from the class to lunch when I decided to look into my phone and there was five missed call from mom and dad. I decided to call Mom and they picked the call after ringing twice.

"Hello" my mom's sweet voice greeted me.

"Hi mom"

"How are you? Darling" I smile at her sweet gesture. In spite of spending more time with her job, they didn't forget to love me.

"I am a fine mom"

"Jonah, I know that we don't spend much time with you but this weekend we will celebrate together because we finally got success in this company" I can imagine her grinning face.

"That's a really good thing mom" I replied but I was not so happy because they are celebrating because there business success and it was like always.

"If you want to call any friends to the house then you can" she informed.

"But I thought it is a family celebration," I asked her in confusion.

"well, I thought you will get bored with us since we can't control to talk about the business matter so I thought that if your friends will be here at least you will be happy" she replied making me smile.

"Ok, mom. I'll call my every friend" I replied. After talking to her I went to the canteen and saw Ace was sitting beside Ariana. I went to their table and sat on another side of her.

"Guys, I want to invite you all in my house in this weekend because my parents got success in their business and they told me to invite you all," I said. Rain, Lisa, and Ariana nodded while Ace was looking me confused and today Salina didn't sit with us. After having lunch I went to Ms. Patterson office because she called me after entering into the office she started to speak.

"I called you because you have to announce in class that from tomorrow they will have an extra self-study class and they all have to join the class. If any students bunk those classes then it will be your responsibility. Make sure every single student should attend those classes. And let them know they should perform well this year because there previous marks sheet are not good except Scarlett and only she is good in studies so, if you want help you can take from her and this will be there self-studies" she explained me.

"Yes, Ms. Patterson I will take the responsibility that they should sit and study in those classes" I replied confidently.

"You may go now," she said and I nodded my head and headed to my next class. After having two more classes now it's my favorite class that is math and this will be the last class. After history class, I headed to my math class and sat beside Ariana, and then she broke the silence after a few seconds.

"From the starting when you shifted beside my house I didn't saw your parents so I am excited to see them," she said with an excited tone making me smile at her enthusiasm.

"Yes even I don't see them every day due to their work" I replied. She looks at me with a surprised look I think she thinks that they don't live with me but actually they move very early in the morning that's how she didn't see them.

"They live with me" I announced.

"But I didn't saw them even a single day" she tilted her head in confusion and I don't know why but I find it cute.

"They move early in the morning and they come in the late-night" I replied. she nodded her head signalling she understood in a few minutes Mr. Brown entered the room and he was five minutes late.

"Class, today I want to take a sudden test because I want to know whether you guys are listening to the class or not so, I will give you only five questions because it's already ten minutes late and now I am going to write the questions on the blackboard" He turned around and started to write questions.

Ariana (POV)

Mr. Brown finished his fifth question and whatever he wrote on board that was I practiced yesterday evening but still I don't know the last question which was "Find the roots x+1/3" I didn't know that question to solve but I started to write my answers in the paper. I completed four questions after twenty minutes then I tried to remember the formula of the last question but I didn't remember then I got my head up and started to see others and except Jonah and Scarlett was still doing their problems but when I looked Scarlett she was struggling in the paper maybe she was not getting the answer and then I turned to Jonah who was doing patiently doing his work without any stressed written on his face, then I looked front at Joseph and Corbyn who had one chit in their hand and writing into their paper. I think they are cheating from that piece of paper and then Mr. Brown saw them and took the chit from there hand and told them they have detention plus they have to call their parents. After a few minutes, I stood up and went to Mr. Brown for correction he took my test paper and corrected them all right and he started to speak.

"you did great today and I even can't blame you that you copied because I saw you when you were answering them and the last one is also easy only you have to do is revise the formula" he appreciated me and I felt so happy.

"Mr. Patterson I will improve myself and do great next time," I said to him with full of honesty.

I turned to go my seat when I saw Scarlett who was standing for correction and I decided to wait for some time because she was struggling so much while writing answers and then I moved a little so that she could submit her test paper too. She handed her test paper to Mr. Brown and he corrected all the answers except the last one that means even she didn't do the last question. I went to my seat and sat down then one by one every one submitted their books. After this class I wanted to say thanks for Jonah because of him I got appreciated but he already moved from the class while I was with Rain. I headed to the parking lot to see him but I think he already left. I moved there with my bicycle and decided to talk to him later. I was going to the home but on the way, Ace shouted at me to wait and I did so.

"What?" I asked with a hint of confusion.

"Do you like to eat ice cream with me?" he asked with full of hope. I love to eat ice-cream but I am not in mood to eat ice-cream.

"No, I will pass" I replied and started my bicycle. I didn't want to eat ice cream for the second reason because I wanted to go home early today so that I could say thanks to Jonah. After reaching home I kept my bag on the bed and went to Jonah's house. I was curious to see his house from inside because I never entered his house. I ringed the bell twice but no one came maybe there's no one inside so I decided to go back to my house. After entering the hall I saw Jonah who was sitting on his couch with his book in his hand and he wore a sweatshirt and pants.

"When did you came here?" I asked.

"Not been a long time" he replied with a shrugged.

"But when I came, you were not here and I directly went to your house you were not there too," I said.

"I was in the kitchen when you came and now you should be freshened up" he replied.

I went to my closet and wore usual sweat top and pants then headed to the hall and sat on the couch and he was still looking in his book then I saw his test paper on the table. I took the paper and saw that all answers were correct and he didn't skip any answers. He asked me to show my paper. I went to my room without saying anything. When I entered the room I grabbed my bag and took the test paper. I walked to the hall again. I kept my test paper in front of him. He saw the paper and started to speak.

"You did great but the last question you didn't attempt," he said.

"Yes, I didn't do it because I don't know how to do it?" I explained.

"This problem was damn easy, you only have to do is-

-b±√b²-4ac/2a take this formula and substitute it with b=-3; a=1and c=1 after substituting with the formula you will get 3±√5/2" he explained to me.

"It looks easy," I said when he finished explaining.

"The only thing you should remember is the formula," he said and I nodded my head in understanding.

He gave me a few more questions to do with the same formula and I got every right answer I felt so good. After one hour Lisa and Rain both came to my house and sat on the right side of the couch. I went to the kitchen and brought juice and snacks to have and kept it on the table. I don't know why but today I was enjoying it while studying. It was already dinner time so dad called us to have dinner. Lisa was refusing because she was telling that she doesn't like always eating in a friend's house but I insisted and told her that she doesn't like me that's why she is doesn't want to eat after saying that she agreed to have dinner with us. After having dinner Rain and Lisa went to their respective houses and Jonah was packing his bag because his books, papers and stationery items were all over the couch and at the table. After packing he went to his house after saying bye to me. I went to my house and because I was tired I felt asleep.