The Diary's Owner

Rasika always preferred to lay low and be unnoticed in order to avoid having to talk to her classmates and to avoid making friendships with her peers. Most of the people thought of her as an arrogant person and never approached her. she was a mysterious person for most of the people. But Saloni was never one of them, she always insisted on sticking with the new student.

Before Rasika realized she had already made her first friend after a long time. and somehow this made school bearable. Saloni was a rather spontaneous person, she had this charm to her. No one could predict what she would do. She had to attend a bunch of classes - both of academics and co curricular activities- and she was good at everything. She often skipped meals and slept past midnight and hence, she was often absent in school. On those days Rasika was all alone.

And today was one of those days. When she wanted to tell her about the diary, she was absent again. This was the second time she was absent in this month and there were still ten days left for it to end. The day was going to be super boring because it had two history periods and a super boring lesson about the Industrial revolution was going on.

During the second last lecture which was mathematics, she realized the last lecture was about to start and she still haven't looked for the owner of the small diary. But then again, it only had the school logo, how was she supposed to find its owner when she never even spoke to her classmates? The lecture ended and everyone was already dead waiting for history teacher again. But when another teacher came and announced that she had to take care of something important and this was a free period.... suddenly everyone became super alive.

Rasika decided that she should look into the book clearly... for any evidence of the owner. There were many things scribbled in a neat handwriting. She began reading the first page

' Some people think I am a hopeless romantic... many people think of it as my charm and some say that it is silly but no one understands me...'

she quickly closed the diary. what was she thinking? this was someone else's diary... probably someone wrote about their lover. It would be so inappropriate to read it.

"Rasika..." the teacher called as she looked up.

"yes ma'am?" she said standing up.

"the mathematics teacher has called for you... go with your notebook" she ordered. Rasika quickly kept the diary under the desk took her notebook out and went out. When she came back it was almost the time to leave, students were lined up with their bags near the door ready for the announcement. She quickly put the notebook inside as they started leaving and she joined the line leaving with them.

Outside the school premises, students were leaving in groups standing in front of the snacks centers, laughing etc. Rasika moved through them quietly as she went through the lonely gardens away from the rush, traffic, noise into the peaceful adobe of nature almost as if travelling to a different universe. Sound of the birds chirping, view of the squirrels eating and playing, beautiful colorful flowers with hovering butterflies. The trees providing shade from the blazing afternoon sun.

To be honest, she felt more lonely with people rather than with nature. she wondered why no one used this route? It was so calming. Then her mind went back to the diary... there was another person who used this route then. Just as she was thinking she reached the place where she found the diary. But this time the path was not empty.... there was someone - from her school - a boy. he was searching something with a dried stick poking the bushes.

She stood there looking at him. Surely he was the owner of the diary. But she haven't seen him before, then again she might not recognize boys from her own class. She reached back to her bag and then suddenly realized that she left that under her desk itself. A sudden fear started growing in her, what if he gets angry on her for forgetting it at the school itself?

"How long are you going to stand there?" a sudden voice woke her up from her thoughts, she almost flinched. "huh ?" she asked.

He raised an eyebrow "what? do you have something to say to me? " he asked.

"um... I want to go home and you are blocking the way" she said. He seemingly appeared embarrassed for a moment before clearing his throat and moving aside motioning her a respectful go. She didn't say anything and when past him. She was a bit ahead when he approached her once again.

"hey! do you go home from here too?" he asked walking side by side.

"yeah" she replied.

"wow! I didn't know anyone else used these gardens" he remarked.

"Likewise." she said.

"why do you give only one word reply?" Rasika mentally rolled her eyes at his statement.

"anyways... have you seen any blue small diary lying anywhere?" he asked. so she was right, he was it's owner. But she shook her head in denial. He sighed "that diary was my most treasured possession." He stated.

"then... have you checked in the school's lost and found counter?" Rasika asked. She thought that she would just return it there the next day and the problem would be solved.

"wow... you can speak whole sentences?" he joked and she physically rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "I was just suggesting" her tone giving a slight hint of anger.

"no dear, I don't think anyone else from school goes from here; but since such a pretty junior suggested I will check... just in case." he said. That caught her off guard. She didn't have boys complimenting her everyday she almost blushed at the statement and anyways... who wouldn't.

she scoffed " whatever... how do you know I am a Junior?" she asked. "umm.." he began "you didn't notice me? not even once? I often see you in school. Maybe you don't know but you are quite popular" and then he added "at least in our class."

"oh... I live in this colony." he said "and my name is Vihaan by the way" he smiled

"My name is Rasika. I live in next colony" she smiled back.

"one more garden to cross then" he said waving as they parted ways.

"yup.. bye" she waved back.

"see you" he said.