
"I hate this training, why do private guards have to learn night combat. We should be in the back with plenty of light and out of the front lines!" "Shut up you idiot, do you want these freaks to hear us. They will swarm us like that other group, so shut up and follow my orders." Four people were walking in the training area, the one complaining had full gear on with metal plating on his whole body, while the female leader had slimmer and tight clothes for ease of movement.

The other two kept silent and stared out into the darkness with extreme caution, they knew they wouldn't die but knowing there were enemies in the dark kept them extremely cautious. "Two of them have regular guard clothes, one has clothes unfit for combat, and one looks ready for war, which one do we go for?" A group of types sat around a single one, it was a type five with white hair and green eyes. "Asmo as the newest here tell me a plan." The group of eight looked over at Asmo and he stared back at the leader of the group. "We should take out one of the guards, we need to pretend to take the girl but aim for one of them." "Sounds good lets do it." Looking dumbfounded Asmo was confused why his suggestion was so readily accepted, there wasn't any consideration at all they just simply agreed immediately.

After a month of sitting around Asmo got his teeth fully grown in, afterwards he listened to Reelie's advice of hunting with a group until he got to type four at the very least. He joined the first group he saw, they had nine people counting him as well, and their leader seemed idiotic to say the least.