Encyclopedia of the Four Famous Shooting Guards

On the 23rd of December, after the last intensive training with Kobe before the Christmas holidays, Su Feng was "forced" to start a two weeks break.


Even Kobe needed to celebrate Christmas.

Because Kobe praised Su Feng's cooking skills so much, even Kobe's father, Joe Bryant, was anticipating the feast of Christmas Eve.

After all, this was a tragedy after eating Kobe beef…

To be honest, if not because of his talent in basketball, Kobe would sometimes wonder if he was his father's biological son.

On the 24th of December, Su Feng, who initially wanted to sleep in, was woken up by Kobe early in the morning.

After he woke up, Su Feng was stunned when he saw the clock…

4:40 AM?

What was Kobe doing?

Su Feng was astonished when he saw Kobe shivering in the cold wind. Philadelphia was almost -7 degrees Celsius.

"Didn't we agree to postpone our 4 AM training and train indoors instead?" asked Su Feng after opening the door for Kobe.

"Su, it has become a habit for me to wake up naturally at 4 AM." For some reason, when Kobe was saying that, Su Feng felt that he was drooling.

Su Feng kind of figured it out…

It was probably because Kobe could no longer resist the temptation of Su Feng's meal.

Because of the cancellation of the 4 AM training sessions, Kobe came over to Su Feng's house to wait for him every morning, and they went to school together (more like eating Su Feng's sandwich).

"Wait a minute," said Su Feng as he stretched. Although he was woken up by Kobe, Su Feng realized that he was not that sleepy after all.

While waiting for Su Feng to prepare breakfast, Kobe, who was already in thick blankets, was still feeling cold and kept hurrying Su Feng.

Su Feng did not know how to react. Seriously, if Su Feng's story was made known to Kobe's future fans, Kobe's image would be gone.

After an hour, Kobe asked in shock after seeing the food on Su Feng's plate, "You know how to make pizza?"

"Is making pizza difficult?" asked Su Feng.

You might not believe it.

Su Feng was forced to learn how to make these dishes.

That was because his girlfriend in his past life was a person who was good at cooking. Her best dishes were omelette, tomato egg, egg with chives…

Su Feng had no choice.

He could not possibly always call in for delivery.

"Mmm, mmm, emm? Delicious!" Kobe instantly felt satisfied after eating Su Feng's pizza.

Su Feng smiled when he saw that. He thought, "Not only is it delicious, it is healthy too!"

Su Feng had added nutrient fluid to the pizza. The pizza was definitely more nutritious than any other meals.

Su Feng did not expect Kobe to bring him to his house in the morning of Christmas Eve.

Although Su Feng had nothing against Christmas, being accustomed to life in Philadelphia, as well as the strong vibes of Christmas in Philadelphia, Su Feng did not bother getting enough rest in the next two days.

"I am a hardworking and self-conscious player," thought Su Feng.

When Su Feng entered the Bryant house, Su Feng realized that Kobe's mother, Pamela, was setting up a Christmas tree.

Because of their heights, with the help of Su Feng and Kobe, the Christmas tree was set up very quickly.

"How do you celebrate Christmas in China?" asked Kobe curiously.

Su Feng thought about it. Luckily, he resisted his temptation to say "people usually go out for a bang".

"Usually, the teenagers go for a shopping spree, disco, and so on," replied Su Feng after thinking about the entertainment options in the 1990s.

After hearing that, Kobe nodded.

After having been at the Bryants' a few times, Kobe's parents were very familiar with Su Feng.

Especially Pamela, Kobe's mother, because Kobe promised her that Su Feng's food was delicious. Pamela always left to watch television after giving Su Feng brief instructions in the kitchen…

Su Feng was speechless.

"Why do I feel like I became a tool?"

Forget it, it was time for him to showcase his talent.

Amongst the four legendary shooting guards, Kobe and Carter's childhoods were much better than the other two…

In Su Feng's past life, when Kobe participated in the draft in 1996, one of the media sources said that Kobe skipped university for money.

However, this statement angered Joe Bryant and he went to the media, saying, "You can make up any excuse, but not about how poor I am!"

Look, that was boasting about his wealth!

Although Joe Bryant's career was not smooth, compared to most of the blacks in the United States, he was considered a very responsible father.

Otherwise, he would not have gone all the way to Italy to earn money for his family.

When Su Feng was preparing lunch, Kobe was stunned as he watched.

Especially when Su Feng was able to slice the potato into thin strips…

"Why do I only recall eating big pieces of potatoes?" Kobe thought.

For lunch, Su Feng successfully cooked up a fusion meal for the Bryants.

After all, a noble person said before, "the fusion of the East and the West will help with one's overall development".

Su Feng made pasta, pizza, as well as sweet and sour pork and vinegar fish.

These dishes were not complicated to make, but were dishes that were examined by his "ex-girlfriends" in his past life.

After lunch, Joe Bryant looked at Su Feng and asked curiously, "Su, your rent must be quite expensive."

Su Feng nodded. It was not cheap, after all, "Su Feng" was a rich second-generation heir…

"Look, I have many empty rooms in my house. As students, we should be more frugal," Joe said to Su Feng.

Su Feng was speechless.


Su Feng figured it out. They were really buying him like a tool!

Su Feng rejected Joe Bryant without considering. That was because he needed more personal space.

It was not because Su Feng was unwilling to move in with Kobe, but after being annoyed to death by his "ex-girlfriends" in his past life, he wanted to have more time alone…

Hmm, emphasise again, Su Feng was not afraid of being used by Kobe's family.

Joe did not say much after being rejected by Su Feng. However, during dinner, after Su Feng showed his cooking skills, Joe asked Kobe, "Why don't you get Su Feng to come over?"

Kobe knew that his father was joking, but for some reason, he suddenly felt that this idea was OK?

After dinner, Pamela began to clean up the place with Kobe's sisters. Joe began to drink coke in front of Su Feng and Kobe again.

Su Feng was speechless.

Kobe was speechless too.

For some reason, they wanted to punch this fella.

As the Christmas game was happening the next day, Joe, Su Feng, and Kobe began to chat about the NBA during dinner.

Su Feng asked Joe about how to increase his weight. Joe suggested for him to take it slowly.

To be honest, many NBA players who skipped university were the so-called "stickman".

That was because the coaches in the United States felt that an unscientific training method would affect a child's puberty.

Therefore, the coaches were very cautious when it came to increasing the weight of young players.

Usually, when gaining weight, the coaches and nutritionists would come up with a personalized and scientific plan based on one's bone structure, fat percentage, and more.

Ever since the "Basketball God" Chamberlain brought in the advanced physical training, although the NBA's training and medical services were not as good as that in the future, they were still considered one of the top in the world.

Hmm… 1990s, in terms of medical expertise, not counting the Trail Blazers.

Joe suggested for Su Feng to eat more. That was because Joe had felt Su Feng's bone structure, and Joe felt that Su Feng's bone structure was better than Kobe's.

"You also have a pair of huge hands that make many people envious," reminded Joe.

Su Feng realized that Kobe lowered his head when Joe said that…

It had triggered him!

In order to sustain their friendship, Su Feng never mentioned how big his palms were.

"Have you measured your arm span?" asked Joe as he looked at Su Feng's body.

Su Feng shook his head. He had never measured that, but he knew that his arm span would be relatively decent.

That was because he had realized when he went one on one with Kobe that if he stretched completely, his arms seemed to be longer than Kobe's.

"214 centimeters? Not bad, a relatively good length for arm span!" After measuring Su Feng's arm span, Joe instantly felt that there would be two NBA players walking out from his house.

"Eh, Su, how tall are you?" While measuring Su Feng's arm span, Joe realized that Su Feng seemed to have grown taller.

Height was like that. In Su Feng's past life, in one semester, from one of the shortest in class, he became one of the tallest…

"I'm 191cm." The system would update Su Feng's height every week, so Su Feng knew his height.

"Not bad. If you are able to grow beyond 2m, with your arm span and huge hands, they are assets that others will be envious of," said Joe.

After the casual chat, Kobe pulled Su Feng aside and asked him while stretching out his small hand, "Su… Do you think my palms can grow bigger…"

Su Feng was happy. He knew that Kobe's small hands caused some restrictions on him in the future. They even became something he hated.

After all, Kobe was so talented. Be it jumps, power, speed, and his figure, they were all rather perfect…

Apart from his pair of small hands. It felt as though God had done that on purpose.

"This is… a natural gift, Kobe."

Su Feng stretched out his big hands for comparison. In the past, Su Feng did not mention this matter as he did not want to hurt Kobe. However, today…

For some reason, he felt like making Kobe feel bad!

Kobe was silent.

In Su Feng's past life, when Kobe was going against Michael Jordan, the difference in their palm sizes were extremely obvious.

The difference was like the palm size of an ordinary guy with his girlfriend.

Of course, that's a comparison with Jordan.

If it were a comparison with an ordinary person, Kobe's palm would not be considered small.


After comparing his palms with Kobe, Su Feng was certain that…

The reason for his accurate shooting, especially the fadeaway shot, was clear.

If Su Feng estimated correctly, his palm size should be around the same as that of Jordan.


Kobe did that to himself!

On Christmas Day, Joe prepared Christmas gifts for the four children in his family. Su Feng received a pair of basketball shoes. Although they were not expensive, Su Feng knew that Joe was treating him like his own child.

Moreover, in order to let Kobe and Su Feng improve their skills over the winter break, Joe specially looked for a gym and indoor basketball court for them.

Joe told the instructor of the gym beforehand to take care of the two boys.

This was the power of connections!

As an "encyclopedia of the four famous shooting guards", Su Feng clearly remembered that if Iverson did not meet Thompson, the head coach of Georgetown University…

Allen Iverson had a pathetic background.

Look at Kobe. Philadelphia's cold winter?

No worries, go indoors!

No training equipment?

No worries, there were familiar faces all around the gym!

That was the difference.

There was a difference to individuals' lives.

Cough, back to the topic.

On Christmas Day, apart from being the chef in the kitchen, Su Feng, along with Joe and Kobe, watched the Christmas games.

Similar to what Su Feng remembered, after Jordan made a comeback, the Chicago Bulls were gradually getting into place…

In the Christmas games, the Chicago Bulls easily won the game. Pippen obtained the highest score of 36 points and 16 rebounds and helped the Chicago Bulls defeat the New York Knicks with three points. He also defeated Ewing, who was one of the more famous individuals then.

After winning the match, it was Pippen's seventh consecutive win in the Christmas games.

Therefore, the spirit of number seven was everywhere.

After the two-day holiday, Su Feng and Kobe immediately proceeded with the new round of "brick shots"…

During training, Su Feng asked Kobe for jumping techniques.

Su Feng's jumping potential had yet to be utilized fully. He could only increase his power by gaining weight. Therefore, Su Feng decided to improve his jumps in this winter break.

As for dunks…

It was too ugly.

Kobe was also very willing to share his training method with Su Feng.

Just like that…

A happy and meaningful winter break ended…