Su Feng's new cheat!

America, Florida, Auburndale.

In America, there is a famous idiom that goes, "Once in a blue moon: Rarely. In Florida, the temperature drops below freezing only once in a blue moon."

There are many different translations of this idiom, but they all mean pretty much the same thing.

Putting it simply, winter in Florida did not feel like winter. For the whole year, those in Florida were able to enjoy good weather that made Londoners envious.

"Pumpkin Head, I can't help but think that Coach Ty was purposely picking on you last time."

In an orange orchard in Auburndale, a scrawny, black lad said while looking at his buddy lying on the ground.

His buddy had a pair of long legs that would make people envious. At the same time, he also had a pair of huge hands.

At that moment, he was enjoying the sunshine while using his big hands to peel an orange.

After he sat up slowly, you would think that his back was a little "hunched". That was because he did not want to sit straight. He wanted to stay in that comfortable sitting position.

It was like opening his eyes…

How tiring.

Lazy, comfortable, and free. To him, that was how summer should be.

He took another bite of the orange.

So comfortable~!

"Pumpkin Head, after eating Aunt Molly's oranges like that, are you really not scared of…" the black lad asked worriedly.

"It's fine, Aunt Molly is a good person.

"See, if she really didn't want to let us in.

"Why would she tie up those huskies, which are fiercer than wolves, every time we came over?"

Pumpkin Head replied neither slowly nor quickly.

"Makes sense."

Although he could not help but feel that something was not right, the black lad, who was obviously tricked by Pumpkin Head, could not resist and took a bite out of the orange Pumpkin Head threw him after catching it.

The black lad smiled while exclaiming, "So sweet!"

Summer was really comfortable!

And just as the duo were enjoying the peaceful afternoon while eating oranges, suddenly…

"Boss, there's trouble, there's trouble…"

A chubby black lad carrying a basketball charged into the orange orchard while panting as he exclaimed while looking at Pumpkin Head, who was lying on the ground.

Then Pumpkin Head, who was originally sleepy-eyed, subconsciously opened his eyes.

"Hold on, Coleman, what happened?"

As someone who grew up in the slums, because he had personally witnessed his cousin and her boyfriend get shot to death in the streets during his childhood, "Pumpkin Head's" lazy gaze hid many memories he was unwilling to remember.

Thus, when Coleman, who was normally very laid-back, charged into the orange orchard anxiously, Pumpkin Head was a little nervous.

If possible, he really did not want to lose anyone.

He grew up in Auburndale.

Although his father had only lived in his memories since young, two women named Melanise and Roberta gave him twice the motherly love.

He was Auburndale's King of the Children. When he was young, because the neighbours found him too mischievous, they gave him the nickname "Pumpkin Head."

However, all of his beautiful memories turned into puddles upon puddles of blood after he heard those gunshots in his childhood.

He lived his childhood in both pain and happiness.

"D*mn it, d*mn it!" Coleman panted heavily, and his words had many classic American profanities mixed in.

Pumpkin Head could not hold back anymore. He stood up, and although he appeared to be only 15 or 16 years old, he was a good six feet tall.

And after he straightened his back, you would even feel that he was even taller than six feet.

Although he was a little scrawny, this was a suitable body shape for his age anyway.

"Tell me, what happened." Pumpkin Head narrowed his eyes and stared at Coleman.

"There's, there's an Asian. He took over our court!

"And, and, he said that unless someone from our clique could beat him in a 1v1…

"He… he wouldn't give our court back to us!" Coleman panted.

"Did he follow the rules?" Pumpkin Head asked.

"He did. We can't deal with him precisely because he follows the rules too closely.

"And… and he even brought three bodyguards, the really muscular kind," Coleman told Pumpkin Head.

Pumpkin Head nodded. The rules he mentioned were referring to the commonly accepted rules when having 1v1s in America's street basketball courts.

Because America valued freedom, peace, and democracy, there was always an unspoken rule among America's street basketball world to prevent players from experiencing life-threatening situations when playing basketball. That was, issues on the court should be resolved using your basketball skills.

"He even brought bodyguards? Interesting." Pumpkin Head patted the dust off his clothes and said, "Come, let's go meet him."

At a street basketball court in Auburndale, 10 seemingly "malnourished" black teenagers were doing a "staredown" in the middle of the court against that b*stard who was eating ice-cream and had taken over their basketball court.

That's right, the b*stard who had taken over their basketball court was…

Su Feng.

Come to think of it, Florida was really a great place.

The sun shone brightly here, and to Su Feng, there was no need to worry about the cold wind even if he woke up at 4 AM to train.

Oh well, Su Feng also did not want to become a b*stard if possible.

But the problem was…

His cheat had run away!

Kobe had gone to Adidas' ABCD training camp.

And the most important thing was, on the first day of the camp, he even purposely called Su Feng to provoke him. "Su, did you know? Lamar is really awesome. Let me tell you, you're way worse than Lamar."



Really scummy.

Thus, to stop giving Kobe chances to continue hurting his feelings, Su Feng embarked on his journey to Florida to look for a new cheat.

According to his memory, Su Feng remembered that right now, his "new cheat" was still studying at Auburndale High School. He would have to wait till grade 12 before going to North Carolina.

Because Auburndale High School's head coach, Ty Willis, was someone who suspected people a lot. When his "new cheat" was in grades 9 and 10, Willis did not trust his "new cheat", and even though his "new cheat" had an average of 20 points and 10 assists per match in grade 11, Willis would always nitpick on his "new cheat".

Moreover, his "new cheat" neglected his studies in order to train in grade 11. That made many colleges which were already interested in his "new cheat" to withdraw their interest.

Afterwards, it was only under the introduction of his benefactor, Smith, that he would transfer to North Carolina's Mount Zion Christian Academy.

There, his "new cheat" soared to become the true America's top high school student.

Emm… gaining popularity on the back of the human tragedy known as Odom was just that satisfying.

Of course, before looking for his new cheat, Su Feng had to first do an important thing.

That was to find professional trainers to help him improve and get used to the NBA beforehand.

The first person that came to Su Feng's mind was Michael Mancias, LeBron James' future personal trainer.

However, looking for someone in the 90s was akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, Mancias was not famous yet!

However, Su Feng's handsome appearance had helped him this time.

Because when he asked Joe Bryant to help him contact trainers, Michael Mancias was among the people Joe Bryant recommended to him.

That was totally unexpected!

This was the effect good looks had. Ah spat, that was fate!

As a matter of fact, Su Feng felt like Mancias was truly worthy of his position as LeBron James' personal trainer.

Because after seeing Su Feng, Mancias discovered the astonishing talent he had.

"Your skeletal structure… it's too perfect.

"Are you 17? When are you going to join the NBA draft?"

What's professionalism?

Mancias embodied professionalism.

He neither made arrogant remarks or criticisms towards Su Feng, nor talked about abstract concepts with him.

After observing Su Feng for a few minutes, feeling Su Feng's skeletal structure a few times, and analysing his performances in last season's Pennsylvania High School Basketball League, Mancias predicted that Su Feng would definitely be able to play in the NBA in the future.

Tsk tsk.

"Would you believe me if I told you I wanted to skip college?" Su Feng asked Mancias jokingly.

"I believe you. Of course I believe you. Why wouldn't I believe you?

"Your legs are long enough. So long as you train reasonably, you'll definitely be able to jump very high in the future.

"Moreover, your skeletal structure is big enough, your shoulders are very wide, palms are big, fingers are long, and your arm span is outstanding.

"I can responsibly tell you that you would be wasting your talent if you don't play basketball," Mancias answered.

"But… there has never been a Chinese player in the NBA…"

Without waiting for Su Feng to finish, Mancias, who was getting increasingly interested in Su Feng's body, interrupted him. "I know some people in the NBA are blindly believing in the so-called 'Asian inferiority' currently.

"But I believe more in scientific training and a reasonable diet.

"I've done some research and read very many books. Most Chinese love to eat pork.

"So if you want to hire me as your trainer, then I hope you'll consume beef and chicken as your main proteins in the future instead.

"To me, you are no less talented than any other American player of the same age as you.

"I feel that this is a good opportunity, because I've also never been the trainer of a Chinese basketball player.

"And if you're able to achieve success, it would be a great help to my career as a trainer in the future."

Listening to Mancias' words, Su Feng's eyes became wide as saucers…

No wonder LeBron James was so horrifyingly fit in the future!

Just look at his trainer. Wasn't he way too ambitious?

In Su Feng's previous life, James was a human tank in the NBA. Moreover, he was the indestructible kind. He could still score an average of 25+ points per match even past 30 years old.

Su Feng believed in Mancias' ability, so he consulted him by asking, "If I play in the NBA in the future, what do you think my most suitable weight would be?"

Mancias pondered for a few seconds before replying, "If you could grow to around 2 meters in the future, I would advise you to gain weight up to around 100kg.

"If you plan to skip college, I'd suggest increasing your weight to around 90kg in your first season. After that, you should gradually gain 3kg per year.

"If you gain weight too quickly, your body won't be able to take it.

"You need to slowly get used to your new weight. Also, I felt your skeletal structure just now and I think you could develop a body shape similar to that of Michael Jordan."

Su Feng nodded. Mancias' advice was very similar to what he previously predicted.

If he gained weight too quickly, it would indeed affect his agility and flexibility and even his coordination.

In Su Feng's previous life, the little tank LeBron James could not learn an elegant playing style precisely because he gained weight too quickly and his arms were too thick.

Mancias was a talent. Su Feng discovered during his conversation with Mancias that he planned a completely different route for him.

Su Feng felt that he definitely had to hire such a trainer who knew how to adapt his training plans according to his client as his personal trainer.

"I'd advise you to gain 4.5kg this summer first. You'll need to gain 1.5kg per month for a period of three months, and the process will be very difficult. You need to be mentally prepared," Mancias advised Su Feng.

"If I keep going through physical training, will it affect my shooting?" Su Feng asked.

"Yes, of course it will. Because in these three months, I will set a serious and scientific training routine for you.

"By then, your core strength will reach a higher level and so will your other areas.

"So the strength of your shots will be much different from before." Mancias smiled while replying.

"Then how can I ensure my shooting accuracy while training my strength?

"Uhh, don't be mistaken. You know that many people regard me highly for my shooting and defending. I don't want to lose my signature traits," Su Feng explained.

"This truly is a problem. If you want to skip college, our schedule is too tight…

"Hmm, tell you what. I'll help you contact a friend of mine. But money wise…"

Mancias looked at Su Feng a little nervously. After all, based on his ambition as a trainer, he really wanted to help Su Feng. But there was no reason not to earn someone's money when there was a chance to.

However, considering how Su Feng was only a high school student and still a kid…

"No problem, I'll pay any amount.

"And for this summer, I want to rent a gymnasium in Orlando. Do you know anyone who can help me with that?"

Money? Since they were talking about money, Su Feng was not nervous at all.

Because after confirming his future plans, Su Feng knew that he needed a hefty sum of money.

Thus, he called Su Weiguo, who once commented that tens of millions of RMB are peanuts.

Su Feng decided that he was going to buy some stocks after entering the NBA and repay his parents the moment he made money.

"Oh? You really can play in the NBA? Don't lie to me. When you were young, in order to cheat me into buying toys for you, you…" On the phone, Su Weiguo activated his "father" mode again.

Su Feng, who took the blame for "Su Feng", was caught between laughter and tears. But luckily, Su Weiguo was willing to believe him.

"How about this: I'll let your Uncle Xu transfer a sum of money to you. If you have any difficulties in the future, just call your Uncle Xu," Su Weiguo told Su Feng over the phone.

Although Su Feng did not really remember much about Uncle Xu from "Su Feng's" memories, after seeing an extra 1 million in his bank account after a day, Su Feng had a completely new understanding of his family background in this life.

"If I really can't enter the NBA, I could just get my a** back home and inherit my family business worth billions right?"

Good lord, that was 1 million in the 90s!

Because "Su Feng's" memories were too scattered, Su Feng knew that he could probably only truly understand his family background in this life after he returned to China in the future.

"My dear nephew, have you received the money?" After receiving the 1 million from Uncle Xu, Su Feng received a call from this Uncle Xu soon after as well.

Su Feng, who felt a little dumbfounded, replied, "I've received it…"

"It's good that you received it. I heard from Weiguo that you're going to play in the NBA? Is it the NBA that Jordan plays in?" Uncle Xu asked curiously.

"Yes…" Su Feng replied.

"Don't lie to me, I'm not your dad.

"I do business in America throughout the year and I've watched a few of the Chicago Bulls' matches before.

"If you want pocket money, I can give you any amount.

"But if I catch you fooling around, I'll only have four words for you: I'll break your legs!"

Uncle Xu warned Su Feng over the phone.

What on earth…

Did you hear that? He said he could give me any amount of pocket money I wanted.

Su Feng gasped and, after taking a few seconds to calm down, said, "Then, Uncle, can you give me a little more?"

"Get lost. I knew I shouldn't have heeded your aunt's advice to send you to Philadelphia.

"I heard you even transferred schools? You brat, just you wait!

"Let me tell you. I'm fine with most things, but if you dare try those few things, I'll really make you go swim naked in the Pacific Ocean," Uncle Xu threatened again.

"Uncle, I really just want to play basketball…" Su Feng felt that he was like Benzema. He took the blame while feeling both happy and depressed.

"Tsk, you can continue lying to your dad.

"I transferred money to you this time only because I want to tell you that our two families don't lack anything.

"Even if you want to be a wastrel, so long as you don't touch those few things, you can spend the money however you like.

"I watched you play basketball in China when you were in middle school. With your double dribbling and six-step layups, if you can enter the NBA in the future, I'll go streaking in Wall Street!" Uncle Xu mocked Su Feng.


Luckily, Su Feng was a good man. To stop his gold mine from continuing to make ridiculous promises, Su Feng quickly changed the topic.

It was just that, after hanging up, Su Feng really felt like he was living this life like the child of prodigy.

"I can't help but feel that I can achieve whatever I want to do," Su Feng thought.

Thus, just like that, with Mancias' introduction, Bruce Frazier and Alan Stein joined Su Feng's summer special training trainers' team.

Frazier was Nash's future personal trainer and trained him to become an MVP. To Su Feng, a person who could do that definitely had talent.

Su Feng also knew Alan Stein. He was a relatively famous trainer in the NBA in the future.

However, when the two of them heard that Su Feng wanted to rent an entire gymnasium in Orlando to carry out his summer special training, they asked Mancias curiously, "Is his dad Bill Gates?"

Actually, Mancias was also very shocked when he heard that Su Feng was preparing to go to Orlando for special training.

That was especially so considering Su Feng had even told him that he would hire him as a "sugar baby" if he managed to enter the NBA in the future…

What the heck…

Were high school students all so rich now?

Evil capitalists!

In reality, Frazier was originally not too keen on training a high school student. But Su Feng really gave way too much.

Su Feng definitely had to save his money. After all, this money was not his.

But Su Feng was also very clear that this special training was a very good chance for him to befriend these famous NBA trainers.

To become an excellent basketball player, just working hard was not enough. You also needed an outstanding team to ensure your continuous progression.

Oh, right…

You also need to have a system like Wilt Chamberlain and Su Feng.

So, after assembling his team, Su Feng headed to Florida. And Su Feng chose Orlando because Orlando was very close to Auburndale.

Mancias very quickly rented a gymnasium fully equipped with various training facilities for Su Feng.

Because he was tricked by the promises Su Feng had made him, Mancias negotiated an extremely honest and reasonable price for Su Feng.

"As expected from LeBron James' future most trusted employee!" Su Feng felt that he had to ensure that such a loyal servant stayed by his side.

"When do we start training?" Mancias could not wait to see just how much Su Feng's body could be conditioned by his training.

"No rush there. You have to follow me to Auburndale first." Su Feng smiled.

"Huh?" The three trainers were all confused.

Just like that…

Su Feng became the nightmare of those basketball youths in Auburndale…

One had to admit, his "new cheat" was pretty famous in Auburndale.

Moreover, Auburndale was only a small town with a population of 10,000, so Su Feng very quickly knew which street basketball court his "new cheat" loved to go to.

Unfortunately, Su Feng did not meet his "new cheat".

So, in order to make his new cheat show up as soon as possible…

Su Feng had no choice but to bring three muscular men and challenge the kids at the court. "Come, let's 1v1. If you lose, you're not allowed to play at this court ever again."

Su Feng remembered that his "new cheat" was Auburndale's King of the Children and had a very high status among those of his age.

Thus, he had to play the bad guy.

At most, he could just buy some candy to console these children whose basketball dreams were shattered by him.

"Boss, you're finally here! There's the b*stard! He even slam dunked right above me just now!"

"Boss, you don't know, he… actually slapped away my basketball dream!"

Just as Su Feng was being surrounded by a group of black youths…

The black youths suddenly cleared a path.

Su Feng, who was eating a popsicle, looked back at his trainer bodyguards and smiled as he told them, "The person we're looking for is here."

Mancias looked in the direction Su Feng was pointing at.

There appeared a lanky, black boy.

His eyes made it seem as though he was not fully awake.

He held a basketball in his hands. Although he did not walk quickly, he took huge strides.

He's here!

He's coming!

My new cheat!

Spat, he was-

Tracy McGrady.

People called him Houston's Little Tracy.