At the End, His Goal Is Revealed

His excited words made Meng Chao's eyes tear up a little while under the cliff.

"I knew it," he mouthed to Qin Hu. "Big Brother Lin's motives are definitely not vulgar."

"Yes, yes, he's noble, and I'm vulgar." Qin Hu responded by mouthing his answer as well. His moustache moved as he did so. "So, who are you siding with?"

Meng Chao was conflicted for a long time before he answered with a scrunched up face. He looked like he was suffering from constipation. "I'll side with you, Mr. Hu."

Qin Hu huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Dragon City is sick, and if it continues developing like this, the strong will get stronger, and the weak will get weaker. Even if we really do win the Monster War, our goal of having our 'steel army sweep through the Other World' will not end well. One of these days, Dragon City will definitely be destroyed!"