Pipe Shock

"What kind of monster is that?"

Meng Chao and the Wolf King were both shocked.

Although the Turan people had a lot of beast-like characteristics, were over ten meters tall, and considered giants, they all had basic human forms.

It did not matter whether it was the Gold Clan's wolves, tigers, and leopards, or the Blood Hoof Clan's bulls and wild boars.

Even the Dark Moon Clan's Lizardmen, crocodiles, and even snake-people looked like "Beast-like humans"at first glance, not "Half-human, half-beast monsters.".

This was the reason why the Tulan people called themselves "High-level beastmen.".

Apart from the wet fur that drooped down, the facial features of the monster in front of them shrunk together, and its head looked extremely pathetic, there was no sign of any human features.

Only the distorted warrior of origins who had lost control of his totem power would look so strange.