Night Has Fallen

The feeling of thirst was real.

No wonder he was still thirsty even after drinking a large glass of water in the dream just now.

Besides, the feeling of holding back his pee was also real. Even without water to drink, he still had to pee.

After getting trapped on top of the stone pillar, Li Teng hadn't peed yet.

The reason was simple… There's no toilet up there!

Could he directly stand beside the bed and pee downward?

Would there be residents in the town below? Would they think it was raining if they got caught in it?

Smelly rain?

That's too unethical, right?

But he couldn't care so much right now.

He couldn't possibly pee on his own bed, right?

"Everyone below, I'm sorry, it's too difficult for me," Li Teng murmured.

Then stood up very carefully, moved to the edge of the bed with small steps, and cautiously looked down below.

He could kill himself with the slightest sign of carelessness!

After peeing, Li Teng went back to the middle of the bed, panting like he had done heavy labor, and sat back down.

It took him a long time to calm his nerves.

"I, Li Teng, have lived in this world for more than 20 years, and I've never done anything against god and reason! Why am I punished like this?

"This isn't fair!

"Besides, it's very unrealistic."

Li Teng held his head in frustration for a long time before he calmed himself down again.

The sky was already a little dark. It seemed that his first day on top of the stone pillar was about to end.

The coming night seemed more terrifying to him.

How was he to face this long night?

The best way to deal with such horror should be for him to sleep.

Currently, he had no food to eat, no water to drink, no strength in his body, and nothing else to do except sleep.

Maybe when he woke up again, he could really be back in his bedroom?

Since he could suddenly wake up to such a spooky place, it may not be entirely impossible for him to wake up back in his bedroom.

God and Buddha together bless me to go home safely!

Li Teng, who had never believed in supernatural beings, made the sign of the cross in front of his chest and then pressed his palms together to chant, "Amitabha Buddha", a few times. Then, he lay down on the back and went back to sleep.

The sky darkened slowly.

The moon didn't come out—it was unknown if it hid behind the clouds.

When a person was extremely hungry, their body cells would lack sugar and energy, and they would become inactive, which actually made it easy for people to fall asleep.

They may also fall into a semi-comatose state due to the low sugar levels.

After night fell, the top of the stone pillar became a bit cold, and the thin blanket on the bed seemed rather unable to keep out such cold.

What the hell! So hot in the day but so cold at night!

Li Teng wrapped the blanket tightly around his body, assumed a fetal position, and even buried his head in the blanket.

Unfortunately, hunger prevented the body from producing more heat, and even if he shrank into a ball, he would still feel very cold.

After a while, Li Teng felt a little stuffy in the blanket, so he stuck his head out of it.

The billowing wind feels uncomfortable when I pop my head out of the blanket.

If this continues, will I catch a cold?

It'd be a troublesome affair to catch a cold up here.

If it develops into pneumonia, I'll die.

Li Teng recalled a popular science article he had read. It stated that according to scientific research, viruses caused colds, not coldness. The cold just weakened people's immune systems and made them susceptible to viruses.

At such a high place, there shouldn't be any viruses, right?

Li Teng retracted his head into the blanket.

Cold, hunger…


While stuffed in the blanket, Li Teng's consciousness slowly started blurring.

He craved a sweet drink or even a glass of cold water.

He craved delicious food or even a pack of instant noodles.

Unfortunately, he had nothing. Even a glass of cold water and a pack of instant noodles were a luxury to him now.

Li Teng felt that he was even more miserable than the homeless people sleeping underneath overhead bridges.

Those homeless people could at least go out to beg and pick up garbage to eat.

Presently, he didn't even have rubbish to pick up.

He could only endure it.

Go to sleep! Go to sleep!

No matter what, he still had a bed, no? And a blanket to keep out the cold.

If this bed wasn't here, wouldn't he have to sleep on the stone pillar's cold surface? That would be really miserable.

Well, I'm still not too miserable now, I should feel lucky.

People must be content to be happy.

Suddenly, everything became blurry, and Li Teng fell into a trance.

He slept for an unknown amount of time. However, it didn't seem to be very long.

The world outside the blanket suddenly became very bright, and right afterward, there was a blast.

Li Teng, who was hidden in the blanket, woke up from his trance.

Something seemed to be scattered on the blanket.

Upon realizing that something bad had happened, Li Teng hurried to flip open his blanket and sit up.

"What the… f*ck!?"

When Li Teng saw the scene unfolding in the sky, he started cursing in desperation.

The furthest edge of the sky lit up with lightning and roared with thunder. Numerous thunder clouds were visible.

The worst part was the direction of the wind!

Those thunder clouds were moving in his direction with the heavy wind!

At the same time, large raindrops were falling onto his blanket from the scattering front part of the thunder clouds!

The wind grew stronger and faster, and it almost blew the blanket on Li Teng's bed away!

Li Teng's hungry body trembled in the cold. He watched the thunder clouds reach the sky on top of his head from the sky's edge within less than half a minute.

The large, scattered raindrops became thicker. Instantly, they drenched Li Teng's pajamas, along with the pillow, blanket, and mattress on his bed!

"What the f*ck! Can't you not be this cruel?" Li Teng wiped the rainwater on his face and started cursing at the sky.

Raindrops fell into Li Teng's open mouth, as more rainwater poured down from the sky.

Li Teng suddenly realized something. He stopped cursing and hurried to open his mouth wide. He also closed both hands together to hold the rainwater from the sky, held it to his mouth, and drank wildly and indulgently.

Though he was trembling from the cold, his body was finally greatly relieved after an entire day's thirst.


There was another blast, and an extremely thick flash of lightning appeared not far from Li Teng.

The bright light blinded Li Teng somewhat in an instant, while the blast made Li Teng's ears ring. He couldn't hear anything else for quite a long while.

Li Teng was completely terrified.

This flash of lightning sounded very near to him, any nearer, and the electricity would instantly roast him!

The thousand-meter-tall, wet stone pillar was pretty much a giant lightning conductor in a thunderstorm!

What made Li Teng even more desperate was the fact that the blast near him just now was just a start.

Soon, one blast followed by another sounded, all of them not far from Li Teng. The nearest flash of lightning seemed only about a dozen meters away from him!