Chapter 4 Save me! I'm here!

In the instant he fell, Li Teng's other hand frantically grabbed at anything and caught onto a bed leg. His feet desperately kicked against the stone wall below, it seemed to encounter something that temporarily stabilized his body.

After catching his breath, Li Teng, holding the bed leg with one hand and the edge of the stone platform with the other, carefully peered beneath the stone pillar.

Wasn't this just too high?

Falling down would surely lead to a broken body and shattered bones!

Calming his emotions, Li Teng gathered strength in both hands, preparing to climb back onto the wooden bed.

Just then, he suddenly discovered some markings on the stone pillar beneath him.

Looking carefully, he realized the markings were carved scales.

The scale next to him read… 1000 meters.

Looking further down, there appeared to be inscriptions like 999 meters and so forth.

His bare feet had found leverage because they had pushed against these carved scales on the wall.

It seemed his earlier estimate of the stone pillar's height wasn't off; he was indeed at a height of a kilometer in the sky.

There were scales on the pillar, which meant that this stone pillar wasn't formed naturally but was constructed by someone.

Who had built such a kilometer-high stone pillar, and moreover, hoisted his bed to the top of this pillar while he was asleep?

The four bed legs were even riveted.

It was as if he was a lab rat in an experiment.

Why was it me who was chosen?

A wave of powerlessness surged over Li Teng's heart.

Making use of the last bit of his strength, Li Teng managed to flip back onto the bed board, laying down and gasping for air.

"If I find out…"

"If I find out who did this…"

"I'll tie them to a rocket and launch them straight into the sun!"

Li Teng's heart raged with indignation.

Hunger caused Li Teng's consciousness to drift in and out of awareness.

After being baked by the sun all day, he became incredibly thirsty.

Despite longing to drink rainwater as he did last night, he didn't want to experience another thunderstorm like the previous evening.

With lightning and thunder, it felt like he could die at any moment, likely charred beyond recognition.

What a miserable state!

When the sun was about to set, the blankets and padding had dried out by about fifty percent.

The pillow looked to be about thirty percent dry.

Li Teng's clothes, however, were completely dry.

A light breeze started, blowing over Li Teng. Even in his dry pajamas, he still felt quite cold.

Without food, his body struggled to warm up the half-damp bedding and blanket, but at least a wet blanket could provide some protection from the wind.

Darkness fell.

Cold, colder and colder.

The damp blanket made it feel like he was in an ice cellar.

If this continues, he would catch rheumatism!

What does rheumatism matter if life itself is gone?

It wasn't as pitch black tonight as it was last night.

Because there was a moon.

A chillingly cold moon hung in the night sky, casting its light on Li Teng's equally cold face.

"Seeking, seeking, oh so bleak, in desolation and with a heart so meek. In times when warmth turns cold, find breath to stifle, uphold. Three cups two light drinks, how compete with the brisk wind of night that thinks? Geese fly overhead, bringing sorrow to heart, reminders of an old friend's part."

"Fields of yellow flowers, layered, dejected they wither, now who is there to gather? By the window alone I stand, in darkness, how can one withstand? The parasol tree accompanies the fine rain, pitter-patter until dusk's refrain. In this instance, how can one simply define, the sorrow in just a single line!"

"How miserable I am!"

"In the poetry at least one can watch the rain on the parasol trees by the window, but what about me?"

"I'm just watching a bloody pillar!"

After reciting a poem, Li Teng felt immense pity for his current situation.

Miserable and desolate.

Those six words summarized it perfectly.

The author of that poem really had some damn talent!

After a series of long sighs, Li Teng drifted off into a fitful sleep.

The night was peaceful.

No lightning, no thunder, and no fierce storms.

As day broke again, Li Teng slowly awoke from his slumber.

Cold, bitterly cold.

He didn't sit up.

Looking at the sky, confirming he was still trapped atop the stone pillar, his heart once again filled with despair.

His body was exceptionally weak, and sleep hadn't alleviated his fatigue.

His hands and feet were almost numb.

It was as if his body no longer belonged to him, as if his soul was merely residing temporarily in this place.

He knew it was because of hunger and thirst.

Hunger and thirst prevented his body from obtaining the necessary energy, causing his bodily functions to start declining.

All his internal organs would also gradually fail, and then death would ensue.

Unless some miracle happened during this period.

For example, someone discovering him and arranging a helicopter rescue.

But now, the likelihood of rescue seemed slim.

Li Teng had already decided that before his body completely broke down, before death overtook him, if no rescue came, he would jump off the top of this pillar.

Even in death, at least let it be known that he died, known where he died.

Otherwise, his life would be too meaningless.

A life without meaning was worse than being a salted fish.

Speaking of salted fish…

If only there was a fish.

Even a couple of chicken legs would do! Li Teng licked his cracked lips.


Today was a sunny day.

There was no rain to quench his thirst.

And of course, no food.

He could only keep holding on.

Li Teng didn't even have the strength to sit up, so he just lay there.

Lying down waiting for death.

Continuing to sleep might be the best option at the moment.

If he died in his sleep, perhaps it wouldn't be so painful.

Although that meant no one would know he died here.

Rendering his life meaningless.

At this point, what did meaning matter?

Soon, Li Teng discovered a problem... he realized he couldn't sleep today.

Perhaps he had slept too much, or maybe for some other reason, but he just couldn't sleep, didn't even feel like closing his eyes.

Just lying here was indeed uncomfortable.

His whole body felt bad, indescribably so.

There was also an inexplicable anger.

Although angry, Li Teng no longer wanted to pursue questions like 'Why me?' 'Why treat me like this?' 'Who is treating me this way?'

It was pointless.

His anger was without reason, most likely just frustration over his inability to sleep.

If only there were a cellphone, at least he could read some online novels to pass the time.

But now he had nothing, and could do nothing.

If a person becomes this bored, they could go mad.

Li Teng felt he was on the brink of insanity and collapse.

A rumbling sound echoed through the air.

Li Teng knew it was a commercial airliner flying at a high altitude.

Several commercial flights passed over his head every day.

He no longer hoped these airliners could see him, so he didn't bother trying to jump, shout, or wave anymore.

But this time, the rumble sounded different.

It was loud, as if it was nearby.

Getting closer and closer.

Li Teng instinctively glanced in the direction of the sound, and what he saw in the sky made his eyes widen.

The commercial airliner was flying low and growing clearer in his field of vision.

So clear that Li Teng could almost make out the plane's windows on its fuselage.

"Help me! I'm here!" Li Teng instinctively stood up and waved toward the airliner.

Better to treat a dead horse as if it's alive, what if he got saved?

After Li Teng waved, the commercial airliner actually changed its course in the sky, and although Li Teng didn't think his cries for help had any effect, the plane, after altering its course, really did head towards the pillar!

"Save me! Can you see me?" Li Teng waved frantically, trying to increase the likelihood of being seen by the airliner's pilot.

There was a 'bang!' of a dull thud.

One of the engines on the side of the commercial airliner suddenly emitted a huge plume of thick smoke.

The plane's body also began to tremble violently.

The nose dipped down, starting to dive.

Could it be? Was this the prelude to an air disaster?

The problem was... the direction of the plane's dive was right towards the pillar he was on!