Good And Evil Will Ultimately Be Rewarded and Punished

"Disgusting!" The woman in the sunglasses beside the man in the sunglasses was a little unhappy at his behavior.

"When we were extras, wasn't that how those experienced, wily old foxes treated us? Don't you understand that one has to work hard and suffer in order to be successful?" The man in the sunglasses didn't care about the woman in the sunglasses cursing him earlier.

The woman in the sunglasses turned her head and said nothing.

Through the large sunglasses, the man observed the extras, Li Teng and Gao Fei, just like a hunter admiring his prey.

In the real world, there were people who would abuse their power to the extreme, even if they only possessed a small amount of power.

It's the same in this world as well.

What's more, this kind of power that dominated others' lives and death fully exposed a person's despicable side.

The extras avoided the man's gaze when they realized he was looking at them. Clearly, no one wanted to be his target.

"You, the one with the glasses, are you a college student? I think you are more pleasing to the eye. Well, give me a reason not to choose you." The man in the sunglasses patted the spectacled man next to him.

"Big brother, who are we following? From now on, I will follow you on this film set. If you have anything that needs to be done, please let me know! I am always ready for your bidding!" The spectacled man fawned on the man in the sunglasses.

"Hahaha, I like straightforward people like you! You are not like some vicious villains who like to stick a knife into the backs of others! Now that you have expressed your wishes, everything will be smooth-sailing!" The man in the sunglasses patted the spectacled man on the shoulders and turned his gaze to the woman next to him.

The woman looked to be around 31 or 32 years old. From her clothes and expressions, she appeared to be a white-collar employee in a big company.

"I… I…" The woman appeared a little scared after being stared at by the man in the sunglasses, her voice trembling a little.

"Beautiful, don't be like this, do you think I'm scary? Surely, you aren't frightened by my questioning?" The man in the sunglasses laughed at the reaction of that white-collar female.

"I… I… I have two elderly and a seven-year-old child in my family. I don't want to stay here! I want to go home! They can't live without me. I cannot become a wax statue! Please don't choose me. I beg you!" The white-collar female suddenly cried and pleaded at the man in the sunglasses.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk… Do you think I will let you go just because you asked me? One of you six has to die. If I let you go, wouldn't the others be unlucky? Wouldn't you then become an indirect murderer? Since you are also a murderer, why do you have to pretend to be pitiful? Do you think that I will take pity on you if you pretend to be pitiful? Actually, the more you pretend to be pitiful, the more I want to see your desperate expression when the wax is sealing you. Hahaha…" The man in the sunglasses laughed even more smugly when he saw the white-collar female worker being frightened to tears.

The white-collar female bowed her head and did not dare to cry or make a noise. When faced with such a difficult wily old fox, she did not know what she could do to increase her chances of survival when acting pitiful was just not enough.

The woman in the sunglasses that was beside the man in the sunglasses was obviously disdainful of his behavior.

"Your turn, lanky." The man in the sunglasses looked at Gao Fei, who was beside the white-collar female. It was obvious that the man in the sunglasses was often bullied when he was an extra. Hence, when he finally reached where he was today, he wanted to make the most of his status as the lead character and enjoy the pleasure of dominating others' fate.

"Bro, I have no intention of pretending to be pitiful. I just want to explain my situation… My girlfriend came here to film first. In the first scene, when filming the tsunami, she muddleheadedly became a wax statue. I came here with no other intentions except to take her home.

"But I think this is now almost impossible. Given my intelligence, I will not survive more than a few scenes. It's a matter of time before I become a wax statue. Anyway, if this scene needed someone to be knocked down in order to complete the filming, then use me. Once I am knocked down, I could be reunited with my girlfriend." Gao Fei chuckled after he finished his words.

Li Teng could hear the bitterness and helplessness in Gao Fei's laughter. In Li Teng's view, Gao Fei might belong to the type of person who preferred to hide his true feelings. He was always smiling on the outside, but the real him may not necessarily be as optimistic and open-minded as he appeared.

"Don't pretend to be noble! Save your girlfriend? I think you can't wait to have a new girlfriend now that she is dead. I can't stand people like you the most! Hypocrite! Hmph! You thought that by offering yourself, I would not knock you down? All the more I want to do so!" The man in the sunglasses saw through everything.

"That's not what I meant. Anyway, ah… Forget it. I'll stop talking." Gao Fei looked a little embarrassed.

The man in the sunglasses did not continue to pressure Gao Fei. His attention was not on Gao Fei and the others anymore. After mocking Gao Fei a couple more words, he turned his gaze to Li Teng, who was beside Gao Fei, still drinking his coffee.

"Eh? This young man is handsome! Hold your head up and let big brother take a look! Don't keep your head down! Do you think I won't recognize you if you keep your head down?" The man in the sunglasses looked at Li Teng with a contemplative expression.

Li Teng knew that he would definitely be recognized. However, he had no better way to deal with such a situation, except to keep his head low and sigh gently.

Tragedy! Enemies often crossed each other's path!

Li Teng never expected that he got out of the frying pan, only to end up in the fire.

In his first show in the film studio, he ran into an acquaintance.

The man in the sunglasses was named Guo Zhipeng, who was very familiar with Li Teng.

The first job Li Teng had found after graduating from the university had been in the company where Guo Zhipeng was in. Li Teng had been recruited by Guo Zhipeng himself through an interview. After joining the firm, he had always worked under Guo Zhipeng.

Guo Zhipeng had a strong desire for dominance and control and was a fierce person.

He understood the weaknesses of these college students very well and had exploited and abused them at work. He had even used work-related reasons to get a submissive female college student to accompany him over night shifts and taken the opportunity to make a move on her.

When the female college student had complained tearfully to Li Teng about her pregnancy and abortion, she had also revealed that Guo Zhipeng had been involved in fraud and had been secretly selling company assets for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Li Teng could not stand Guo Zhipeng for a long time. In addition, he had just graduated from university and was young, inexperienced, and full of a sense of justice. After obtaining enough evidence from the female college student, he had gone directly to the company headquarters to report Guo Zhipeng.

However, Guo Zhipeng had spent money and used his connections to settle the matter. He had not gone to prison but repaid hundreds of thousands of dollars to the company. He was then fired and lost that lucrative job.

After finding out that Li Teng had been the one who had reported him, Guo Zhipeng had been furious. He had felt that Li Teng had betrayed him and stabbed him in the back. Because of this, he hated Li Teng and had threatened to take revenge on him several times.

After that, Li Teng had been jumped and beaten up by strangers on several occasions. He had no choice but to quit his job and leave the city to avoid Guo Zhipeng's revenge plans.

Unexpectedly, the two ended up meeting each other here.

Moreover, Li Teng landed in Guo Zhipeng's hands.

"What does it mean by repaying kindness with enmity? What is ingratitude? I recruited a key employee for the department whom I planned to groom. Instead, he stabbed me in the back. This stab was very painful! It hurts!

"I treated you like a brother, but you viewed me as an enemy. I don't understand! I don't understand this at all!

"There is an old Chinese saying—Good and evil will ultimately be rewarded and punished. Hahaha, little brat, do you understand the meaning of this phrase?" Guo Zhipeng took off his sunglasses and leaned forward to look at Li Teng, who was still drinking his coffee.