A Living Dog is Better Than a Dead Lion

"There are many things in the world that can't be witnessed with one's own eyes. It's better not to jump to conclusions, or you'll be embarrassed when the truth is revealed," added the spectacled man.

"You are a master of criticisms." Gao Fei could only attack him personally, failing to win the argument.

Gao Fei's words displeased the spectacled man. "And I think you are brainless!"

"Continue criticizing. It's people like you who die the soonest on film sets." Gao Fei was displeased with the spectacled man as well.

"However soon I die, I'd live longer than those who are brainless and do nothing but agree with others." The spectacled man continued criticizing.

"Nevermind. It's completely pointless fighting with people like you." Gao Fei lost the battle.

"I heard Brother Guo say that we will continue to be in the same group in the future as long as we don't die. Let's wait and see then if someone with independent analytical skills or if some brainless person dies first," said the spectacled man.

Although the quarrel had started due to Li Teng, he was not interested in participating in the verbal exchanges. Instead, he frowned and pondered over his affairs while drinking coffee.

For Li Teng, there was no way he could produce evidence for what he had said, and it didn't really matter whether others believed him or not.

What he cared about was his own life and death.

Although he had luckily survived this filming, it was still unknown whether he would turn into a wax statue.

Currently, the points in his account were -18. If this number couldn't turn into a positive number before leaving, his ending wouldn't be much better than Guo Zhipeng.

After Guo Zhipeng's wax-sealing ceremony, the next segment was giving out points.

The director, protected by bodyguards, announced everyone's points on the spot.

There were many terminals placed around the street, with which they could check their points by logging in with a variety of methods, such as fingerprints and facial recognition.

Gao Fei, Li Teng, and every other extra that survived got the basic 10 points.

The woman in the sunglasses was a small guest extra, one level higher than the rest, so her basic points were twice that of the others, meaning 20 points.

After getting the reward of 10 points, the points in Li Teng's account became -8.

He, who had been drinking coffee, still looked worried.

Although he had repeatedly wanted to jump down from the stone pillar and end his life because of despair, now that he had hopes of surviving, he still didn't want to let it go. To an ordinary man like him, being a living dog was better than being a dead lion.

At least, when alive, there was free coffee to drink.

Now, he could only count on the lottery segment later.

After the point distribution, was the Q&A segment, where higher-level actors would answer the lower-level actors' questions.

The first question of every lower-level actor was a freebie… Well, not exactly free, as the system would give points to the higher-level actor.

However, each lower-level actor had to pay extra for the second question.

Guo Zhipeng had turned into a wax figure, so only the woman in the sunglasses was able to answer everyone's questions.

"Beautiful lady, how does one become a small guest extra?" The spectacled man hurried to ask the first question.

After getting promoted to a small guest extra, the reward for participating in a performance would double, and this made the extras at the bottom of the hierarchy very envious.

Li Teng hurried to listen intently.

"Deduct 100 points from your account to take part in a promotion performance and survive successfully. Then, you'll be able to get promoted to a small guest extra," she answered.

"The answer is valid, and a reward of 1 point is given," said the director.

"100 points have to be deducted first? This price… What is the promotion performance like? Is it difficult?" The spectacled man hurried to ask a second question.

"You'll have to pay for the second question's answer. It will cost you 2 points, are you sure you want to continue asking?" The director who stood at the side reminded the spectacled man.

"No." The spectacled man hurried to wave his hand.

Points were precious, and they couldn't be easily wasted on an ordinary question.

"Orderwise, it should be my turn, right?" The white-collar woman was talking about the order of seating.

Nobody else showed the intention of fighting with her. After all, everyone got to ask a free question.

"You may ask." She nodded toward the white-collar woman. This was her happiest time. If Guo Zhipeng hadn't died, she would have had to take turns to answer questions with Guo Zhipeng. Now, she didn't have to, and all the point rewards for answering questions were hers.

The white-collar woman pondered and voiced out one of her biggest concerns. "Can we get food and water after we get back to the top of the pillar? How can I get food and water?"

"It's simple, just use points to lower the height of the stone pillar. After the stone pillar lowers to a certain height, there will be free supply of food and water," she answered.

Li Teng couldn't help but feel spirited. His biggest concern right now was the lack of water and food on top of the stone pillar.

According to the woman in the sunglasses, he could also get free food and water on the stone pillar in the future.

The answer was vague, so the white-collar woman asked, "Can you be more specific?"

The others also wanted more specific answers.

"Then, you have to pay for the answer." The woman in the sunglasses shook her head.

"This question is a newbie guidance question. Please answer it in more detail. If you answer it correctly, you can get up to 5 more points." The director suddenly spoke.

"Alright… For the 5 points, I will give you a super-detailed version of the answer. I heard it from seniors as well, of course." After hearing what the director said, the woman's enthusiasm to answer questions clearly increased.

She took a phone out of her pocket, looked it up, and started answering.

Of course, she read out the answer.

Upon seeing the phone in her hand, none of them could hide their surprise.

"Where did your phone come from?" The teenage girl subconsciously asked the woman in the sunglasses.

"Don't interrupt! It's not your turn to ask yet," replied the woman in the sunglasses, displeased.

"Alright." The teenage girl spoke no more.

"You probably all know that the points can only be used for consumption in the film studio. For the stone pillar, the points' biggest use is to lower the height of the stone pillar. With one meter lowered for every one point, gradually allowing us—the ones trapped at the height of 1,000 meters—to descend to safe ground.

"The time between two shoots is at least three days, at most five days or a week. During that time, we have to stay on top of the stone pillars.

"This would be a very tough time."