Chapter 35 Various Exaggerated Performances

"You will each draw lots in turn to select the role you will play in this scene,"

"After the performance begins, the eight of you will go together to the bus stop at the street corner to wait."

"For the Last Bus tonight."

"You will all board that bus."

"After picking you up, the bus will make a total of four stops."

"The eight people will disembark in pairs at these four stops."

"The four men will draw lots to decide at which stop they will disembark, and the results of the draw will be known only to themselves. Of course, those who aren't afraid of death may announce it."

"Then, the four women will choose in turn at which stop to disembark based on their seniority in the cast."

"Remember, among the eight of you, one is a ghost."

"A ghost cannot be killed."

"And for a ghost, killing is effortless."

"A ghost will have its powers sealed while on the bus and won't be able to kill."

"Once off the bus, the seal will be lifted."