A Doomed Situation

Anna, whom the woman in the sunglasses was acting as, asked everyone, "Huang Xun is the traitor. No objections about this, right?"

Everyone shook their heads and replied, "No."

Then, she asked, "Who's the resistance fighter?"

Aisha, whom the white-collar woman was acting as, hurriedly waved her hand and replied, "Not me."

"Not me, either," denied Daisy, whom the teenage girl was acting as.

Gao Fei shrugged and said, "I'm not the resistance fighter, either." Then, he looked at Li Teng.

Li Teng shook his head and said, "Don't look at me. I'm not the resistance fighter."

"Well, I guess no one would admit to something like that after all, right? But… I feel that the likelihood of him being the resistance fighter is the greatest," remarked Aisha with a laugh as she pointed at Li Teng.

Daisy agreed and said, "My thoughts exactly."

Anna glanced at Li Teng and said, "Right? He was the one who got knocked down by the car in the first scene, and he was also the ghost in the second scene. In any case, the key figure is definitely him for sure."

Li Teng looked resigned as he replied, "You people… What am I supposed to say to that? Everyone has a 20% chance of being the resistance fighter. Why must it be me?"

"Actually, I already know who the resistance fighter is. Nevermind, since no one is admitting to it, then I won't say it. Alright, if that person is the resistance fighter, then who's the liar?" asked Anna as her eyes swept across everyone's faces again.

Needless to say, no one admitted to that, either.

Li Teng spoke up at this point. He said, "I have a question for everyone."

"What is it?" Everyone turned to him at the same time.

Li Teng had a very stern expression on his face as he asked, "Do all of you think that I'm the smartest? The most handsome?"

Anna, the woman in the sunglasses, reminded him, "These are two separate questions. Can you not ask both at the same time?"

"Haha! You're definitely more handsome than Gao Fei and Huang Xun," replied Aisha, the white-collar woman, as she burst into laughter.

Daisy, the teenage girl, had a very exaggerated flirtatious expression on her face as she replied, "Big brother, you're the smartest and the most handsome in my heart."

Gao Fei also replied, "If you must think of it that way, then I will support your views."

Li Teng frowned and said, "That's not quite what I was expecting. Forget it."

Anna urged Li Teng and asked, "What kind of insidious plan have you come up with this time?"

"Nothing much. If all of you think of me as the smartest and the most handsome, then you should reveal your identities and let me come up with an overall plan on how we should deal with those three defectors later. Otherwise, once we lose, all the points that we have earned before this will be gone. If we don't have sufficient balance in our accounts, we'll even be turned into wax statues," said Li Teng in an attempt to persuade the others.

Everyone glanced at him, but no one responded.

"You… Sigh…" Li Teng couldn't help but sigh.

After a moment of hesitation, Gao Fei said, "I'm not the resistance fighter, nor am I the liar. My clue is…" Surprisingly, he was actually going to reveal his clue.

However, he was only mid-way through his reply when Li Teng covered his mouth.

He said to Gao Fei, "Since none of them are saying anything, then you can just tell me secretly after we get off the bus."

"Alright." Upon hearing what Li Teng said, Gao Fei didn't say anything more.

At this point, the teenage girl asked rather worriedly, "Say, what should we do if the three defectors torture us later?"

The woman in the sunglasses cast a glance at Li Teng before she replied, "We'd better just try our best to win. He probably doesn't have that many points left in his account. Once we lose, he's doomed for sure. He won't even have the chance to go to the hell-mode film crew."

Li Teng thought of an idea and suggested, "What if I self-destruct?"

She replied, "It's very risky if you self-destruct. There are three possible outcomes in this case.

"The first one, and also the best outcome: The defector chief has less than 100 points in his account, so your self-destruction causes his point balance to become negative. He is wax-sealed, filming is discontinued, and you enter hell.

"The second one: The defector chief has more than 100 points in his account. The story continues, and at the end of the two-hour filming time, he fails to identify the resistance fighter correctly and kills the wrong person. Our camp wins, and both the victim and you enter hell.

"The third one: The defector chief has more than 100 points in his account. The story continues, and he kills the correct person. Our camp loses in the face-off, and both the victim and you enter hell. If your point balance becomes negative, you are wax-sealed immediately.

"Let's add another possibility to this. If you're the resistance fighter and you self-destruct while he also kills you, you still end up becoming wax-sealed immediately, anyway.

"Therefore, you choosing to self-destruct is the worst choice you can make.

"However, if you don't self-destruct, the likelihood of you being killed by him is still very big. If he can't deduce successfully who the resistance fighter is from the clues, he may still choose to kill you anyway, because he can get 100 points as a bounty reward from the guild after he returns, thereby making up for his loss. You will still go to hell.

"No matter what happens, it's very difficult for you to survive this scene," said Anna in conclusion of her analysis of Li Teng's current situation.

Daisy's eyes widened. "Is it that bad?"

Gao Fei cursed. "Damn! How is it that he's already caught in a doomed situation based on your analysis?"

Anna shook her head and replied, "No, this is in the event that he self-destructs. If he doesn't, and the resistance fighter turns out to be someone else, and the defector chief makes an erroneous judgment and kills someone else instead, he'll be completely safe. Of course, the likelihood of this happening is very small."

"So, what you mean is that the best outcome for us is that he alone becomes wax-sealed or goes to hell?" interrupted Aisha, the white-collar woman.

"Pretty much, yes." Anna looked at the others.

Aisha cast a sympathetic glance at Li Teng and commented, "Why do I feel like the filming this time is targeting him again?"

Anna spoke openly about the topic and replied, "Therefore, this is probably also why he's anxious to get clues from us. He's very clever, so he has already gotten a clear idea of the pros and cons of the situation a long time ago. Maybe each respective clue in our hands isn't enough to deduce who the resistance fighter is, but once the clues are pieced together, the outcome will become very clear."

"Forget it. It's not like I was counting on any of you to be able to help me, anyway. I'll just go to my death alone and not implicate all of you," said Li Teng. He got up and ran over to the last row of seats on the bus and sat down.

"He's really so pitiful," mumbled Aisha softly.

Anna sighed and said, "We can't help him. He can only count on himself to get out of this. Let's just see what he can come up with to turn things around this time."