Reshaping the History of the Vampires: Part 1

The central estate in the castle was Reed's residence, and it was also the most luxurious, as well as vast, estate within the castle.

It had been built during the height of the vampiric civilization when there were three thousand vampires and more than twenty thousand humans living in the castle.

Many of the intricate carvings were made by the humans under the command of the vampires back then.

When the two vampire guards at the door saw Reed, they immediately stepped forward to greet him with surprise on their faces.

"Greetings of the night, Patriarch."

Reed nodded. Since he was not in the castle most of the time, the estate was only guarded by two third-generation vampires.

Even so, due to his status and their loyalty to him, he had nothing to worry about when it came to the safety of the estate.

His manor was made entirely out of stone and had a Romanesque style. The main building of the estate was a five-story high-rise at nearly 20 rhents tall. It was also the most magnificent building in the castle.

The courtyard, backyard, stables, cellars, storage rooms, and all of the necessary spaces fit for an aristocratic estate were all there.

After he flew all night long, Reed was not in the mood to appreciate the magnificent hundred-year-old building. With his guards on watch, he quickly washed up and slept.

Vampires only needed two solhours of sleep a day, and they usually preferred to rest during the day and move at night.

Reed, on the other hand, did not have such a habit. Besides, he was mentally drained today, so his sleep was deep.


The next morning.

The great hall in the central area of the castle was the Chamber of Blood, where the vampires met for all major meetings.

Every single legacy was life itself, and for the vampires to survive in the world of Glory, there had to be some merit to it.

To change their status quo, using force alone was simply not enough.

Reed had another plan in mind when he assembled his kin in the great hall to listen to their story.

It was to change the vampires' mindsets, and the most vital component in changing one's mindset was the reshaping of history.

People were the symbols of society, and culture was the background of society. The kind of person one developed into, depended on the cultural education one received. It had nothing to do with skin color or race.

Through generations, the vampires had always regarded human beings as mere fodder, and it was a legacy that was passed down by word of mouth.

However, Reed had decided to change it and remake vampire lore.

After he went through it over and over for a night, he ended up with a draft that was still rough on the edges. In spite of that, it was more than enough.

Every single vampire there was his descendant, and no one would question him.

Reed did not need the vampires to absolutely believe what he said. They just needed to change their mindsets a little.

"Do you know the origin of the vampires?"

His blood kin had already moved the benches below and sat in an orderly fashion with dumbfounded expressions.

"Weren't the vampires created when the god of creation created the world?"

The vampires in this bloodline did not have a solid historical foundation. In fact, most of the legends they had heard about vampires came from the humans whom they saw as fodder.

That was why Reed had confidence.

"So, who can tell me, why do vampires need to feed on human blood to survive? Why not the blood of magical beasts? In terms of magic, there is a much higher concentration in the blood of magical beasts than the blood of humans. As such, why are only humans considered food for us vampires?"

There were some differences between vampiric legends in the world of Glory and back on Earth. In the game, only the blood of human beings could serve to nourish vampires. Even the blood of the orcs and elves were useless to vampires.

His question immediately baffled the vampires below. Few would have thought about such a question in the past.

Everyone had just taken it as common sense, the same way no one would question why we liked to eat delicious food instead of unpalatable ones.

Reed was gleeful inside, and the real show was about to begin.

"Because vampires were cursed by the strongest dark god during the beginning of the world. Each of our sacred kind bears the eternal brand of the Lord of Chaos."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard that.

They looked at each other with unspeakable shock in their eyes.

The great hall fell into silence due to the shocking revelation.

The eternal brand of the Lord of Chaos—that name itself was much more terrifying than the Transcendent Mage's power by many magnitudes.

It was a world where gods and spirits existed. Gods might appear in churches to bestow miracles, while dark gods could also appear from time to time.

Being cursed by a frightening existence was enough to make their hearts tremble in fear.

There were traces of disbelief on Lucie's face and some fear in her heart as confusion filled her aquamarine eyes.

It was the first time she had heard something like that from Reed.

Their bloodline gave them eternal life, and they were no doubt a long-lived race.

Such a long life made every single vampire a knowledgeable scholar. Even if they hated books, they would still accumulate a lot of knowledge over hundreds of years.

Yet, what Reed said was totally unheard of by any vampire.

The origin of vampires was a recognized fact by every vampire: the god of creation had used his own blood to create them.

But they had never heard of the eternal brand of a terrifying dark god before.

Goddess of the Night above, it was just too much to take in.

Lucie stood up, her face full of questions.

"Father, why have we never heard of this before? And why have I never felt like I was cursed?"

Reed smiled mysteriously as he stretched out his hands and slightly tidied his black mage robe, which was lined with silver patterns. His voice was slow and deep.

"That was the last piece of knowledge passed down to me by the Divine Spirit."

A piece of knowledge passed down by the Divine Spirit?

Most of the vampires knew of the Divine Spirit's existence, but aside from Reed, who had gotten details of the Divine Spirit through his attribute panel, every other vampire thought that the Divine Spirit was a legacy treasure, just like the nobility's coat of arms.

They did not know the true origin of the Divine Spirit and only knew that the Divine Spirit was valuable and extremely important to their kind.

The Progenitor Vampire had never spoken of the Divine Spirit before, and Reed took advantage of that loophole to use the name of the Divine Spirit to start his speech.

At the same time, he could find a reason to erase the traces of the Divine Spirit.

"The Divine Spirit was once a member of our kind and one of the first vampires created by the god of creation's death."

"We have a long history...

"And it dates back a million years ago..."

A long mythological tale came out of Reed's mouth in the most solemn of tones.