I Just Want to Win Your Friendship

The elegant aristocratic girl opposite of him surprised Reed.

Winnie Alex

Age: 24

Level: 11

Class: Gale Warrior

Introduction: The most beautiful tulip of Grimm, the elder daughter of the house of Alex, the chairman of The Alex Consortium, the disciple of Duke Gale.

They were very simple attributes, but each content was worth in gold.

Her level was as high as 11, which was one level higher than him, the so-called genius mage.

Plus, her class was a Gale Warrior that he had never heard before. Without a doubt, this was a hidden class, and a class that could be practiced by a daughter of a Marquis would not be bad.

The next series of titles carried even more weight than the one before.

In particular, he was a little surprised that she was a disciple of Duke Gale.

Duke Gale, in one of the few memories of the Norland Empire the Progenitor Vampire had, was one of the strongest warriors of the empire.

He was already a Transcendent who had exceeded Level 20, and there had long been rumors that he was looking to move from Transcendent to Legendary.

He was a veritable elite among elites.

Reed did not expect to meet the disciple of Duke Gale in Grimm, a southern city thousands of miles away from the royal city.

"Miss Winnie, you are too kind. I'm here today, mainly to ask a favor from you."

After some thoughts, Reed decided to be frank, and from the conversation earlier, this amazing noble lady was certainly not a person without cunning.

It did not make much sense for him to beat around the bush.

"Please go ahead, Master Reed."

Winnie was a little surprised. She thought that Reed would spend at least half a solhour or longer to chat with her to build a connection before stating his goal at the end... This had always been how the aristocracy operated.

She did not expect the other side would be so direct, so she swallowed the words she had prepared back, and look at her opposite number with interest.

"It is my honor to have gained your trust, Master Reed. If you need the aid of The Alex Consortium, please say so."

While the words were beautiful, but it was only for listening at face value. If he really bought that, he needed to invest more points into his intelligence.

"Miss Winnie, I need to buy a huge quantity of food. Due to the war, the city had ordered a ban on the sale of large quantities of grain. The Alex Consortium controls more than half of the city's food supply, and so there is no better choice in Grimm than The Alex Consortium. Miss Winnie, I don't know if The Alex Consortium is able to fulfill my request."

Since he had decided to be frank, Reed simply just said everything.

If Winnie were to refuse, then he could start his Plan B. When he first stepped into the consortium, Reed had planned to use his master, Spock's name to apply pressure.

However, seeing that Winnie was a disciple of Duke Gale in her attribute panel, he quietly dismissed that plan.

Not to mention, she was the eldest daughter of a Marquis. For an Archmage's disciple to threaten a disciple of Transcendent warrior that was almost Legendary, it was awkward no matter how he cut it.

If he was a player who could be resurrected at any time. He would not care who he faced, but as a vampire hiding amongst humans... He still had to follow the rules of the nobility.

Winnie's exquisitely perfect face revealed a deep smile. This mage was really a little different, she could feel that Reed really did not understand the aristocratic way of talking.

The news she had said that he was a minor border town noble, and for him to be able to reach the level of mastery of magic he had all by himself, he probably had spent all of his time to study magic.

Winnie filled in the blanks to justify Reed's behavior.

"Master Reed, I have to say that it was the lord mayor who imposed the ban, and The Alex Consortium would need to unconditionally follow the orders of the lord mayor, more so at this critical time of the Orcish invasion. I'm sure that you are aware of how big the effect of the war is, and we will have a large number of starving civilians. So, there is a reason to impose control over the purchase of grain."

Reed was not taken by that excuse, and he looked at the girl's gorgeous violet eyes, and his tone sincere.

"Miss Winnie, I'm willing to increase the price by 10, no, 20 percent, as long as I am able to get the food stock before the coming of winter. I'm sure you will do a friend a favor, right? I need this food, and I need your help."

Those speaks seemed to be speaking, there was no deception, no concealment, and within it was a tenacity that could not be shaken.

As if he was possessed by Tony Leung...

Grain was necessary for his agriculture project and could not be replaced. No matter how much gold Pykes he had to pay, he would buy it.

He was now using money to buy time.

It took less than three years for the players to arrive, and if his castle did not accumulate enough power before then, the crisis he would be facing was not something that could be patch over by gold Pykes.

Winnie looked at Reed's dark eyes and broke into a smile.

"That's right, Master Reed. I will do you a favor, and I will do it at the current original price."

Reed took a deep look at Winnie after hearing that.

"Thank you, Miss Winne. You are a worthy friend indeed, and I am deeply honored by this."

Although he did not even believe a smidge of the words he had just spoken...

Winnie picked up the cup of black tea shipped from the distant Eastern Empire on the wooden table and took a sip.

"No Master Reed, you don't need to thank me. I'm doing all this to win your friendship," as she said that, she looked at Reed's deep eyes and continued, "even if it means going against and offending the lord mayor."

Reed was really surprised after hearing that.

Could it be that the eldest daughter of the marquis, the disciple of a Transcendent Warrior, was fascinated by my handsomeness?

As expected of my good looks.

Yet, the sight of her unmoving eyes told him that he was thinking too much.

What handsome aristocrat had this noble lady not seen before? Even a royal prince might not necessarily catch her eyes.

"While I don't understand why I deserve such an effort from you, Miss Winnie, I am sincerely grateful. So what can I do for you instead?"

There was no free lunch in this world, and Reed was not that naive.

Winnie smiled gently.

"No, Master Reed. You are overthinking. There's nothing now."

Reed caught on to the word 'now'.

"Then how about the future?"

"The future? Perhaps, when Master Reed you have managed to be an Archmage or a Transcendent Mage, then perhaps you could be of help to me. You don't have to thank me too much, Master Reed. I'm just investing in your future."

Reed narrowed his eyes slightly, and he took another look at the lady who was called the most beautiful tulip of Grimm and was a little aghast.

The talents cultivated by a decadent feudal society was really not much worse than modern society.

Until now, he still had not figured out what this lady was planning.

Now that things had progressed until this point, the matter of The Alex Consortium purposely hindering the Goldwheat Guild's purchase of grain did not matter any longer.

This time, he considered it a complete success, using a hollow promise to exchange time and space for development.

Reed suddenly felt like he was raising money with angel investors, and the latter saying that I'll give you 80 million now, and when your company has developed and goes public, then give me some of the shares.

But who could tell what the future brought?

Was a business like this not a little fraudulent?

In this exchange, Reed had no idea what Winnie had planned, and Winnie too did not know what Reed was planning, but both sides miraculously felt that they did not suffer any losses.

The only thing that Reed felt a little unpredictable was this violet-eyed girl with such a shocking background.

What was she up to?

While he bore a smile on his face, he had already been extremely on guard against this girl.

Did this lady do so much just to win his friendships as she said?

If he could believe those words, then he better go back to Earth...

After leaving The Alex Consortium's gate, Viena and Cain could not wait to inquire about the results.

"Master Reed, how did your talk went with Lady Winnie?"

"Yes, did Lady Winnie agreed to our request?"

Laurent too had an anticipating look on his face.

Reed demurred for a moment and left toward the carriage without answering.

Looking at Reed's figure, the three of them felt a little down. They did not expect that things still did not proceed smoothly when Master Reed showed up personally.

Viena was even more bitter. If she was a noble, she would definitely help Master Reed resolve this problem.

"Hurry up and get into the carriage. Everything is settled. Laurent, once we are back at Goldwheat Guild, immediately head to The Alex Consortium branch at the Eastern District to receive the food stocks. If you don't get on now, walk home then."

Hearing Reed's voice from the carriage, the initially dejected three were seemed to be rejuvenated by magic, and their spirits immediately rose.

"Master Reed sure is amazing. I just knew that even the tulip of Grimm could not hinder Master Reed."

Cain looked very proud, and he was proud of having such a mentor.

An apprentice could only call Reed a mentor, and only disciples could call him their teacher.

Viena's depressed mood earlier instantly disappeared.

Master Reed was still the omnipotent Master Reed, great.

Laurent broke into a goofy smile, and it seems like his first mission for the Goldwheat Guild did not end in failure.

Goddess above, finding himself a backer was indeed the right thing to do.

While Reed may look like he had just resolved some minor problems. In the eyes of the three, this was no less than a victory.

That was the eldest daughter of the house of Alex, the chairwoman of The Alex Consortium, and the most beautiful tulip of Grimm. It is a glorious thing indeed to be able to make progress before such a dazzling lady.