The Wondrous Use of Blood

When he arrived at the sacred grounds, Frey, who was guarding the place had sensed Reed's position using the power of the blood, and so had long come to the mouth of the cavern to wait.

"Greetings, Patriarch."

A somewhat haughty figure bowed deeply at Reed.

"Greetings, take me to the Fount of Blood, I want to feed."

"Yes, Patriarch."

This was the first time Reed would be consuming blood, and while it had been immersed with the Divine Spirit, and was full of mana, and could even be regarded as a miraculous substance that was no longer blood, he was still nervous inside.

When he came to the Fount of Blood and looked at the milky white liquid before him, it was really hard for Reed to imagine that blood was stored in there.

The Divine Spirit's ability to keep blood fresh was in a radius of 100 rhents and covered the entire underground hall, so he did not need to directly drink from the pool itself.

The creation of the Fount of Blood was only to allow the blood to come into close contact with the Divine Spirit. The Divine Spirit's ability to draw in mana made mana much more potent the closer it was to it.

On the side were over a dozen seats carved out of bluestone, and Reed followed Frey to sit down.

Another vampire brought a gem-studded vessel and filled it with the blood from the Fount of Blood before bringing it to the stone table in front of Reed.

Reed looked at the swirling milky white liquid in the round vessel.


Restore 50 points of mana upon consumption.

Increases the recovery speed of vampires by 1000% after drinking and can heal wounds.

Explanation: Blood that soaks the sacred artifact of the vampires is infused with incredible energy.


Even if he had seen it before, Reed still felt amazed by it.

The blood soaked in mana could no longer be called blood, it was like a magic elixir exclusive to the vampires.

This effect made it even more powerful than a normal magic potion.

A vampire guard by the side took out an exquisite white porcelain cup and poured the manablood from the vessel into the cup.

He then handed it respectfully to Reed.

Reed reached out and took it.

Looking at the milk-like liquid in the cup, Reed gave it a sniff. It had a very refreshing smell and did not have the stench of blood.

He then drank it all in one gulp.

Reed tried to search for a taste, and the manablood was unexpectedly tasteless, almost like plain water. The only difference was that it had a stronger texture.

After the manablood entered his stomach, he felt a surge of heat in his body, and Reed instantly felt comfortable as his spirit immediately perked up.

The fatigue caused by flying from Grimm to the castle had immediately disappeared without a trace.

The results were perfect.

The vampire guard next to him immediately filled the two-finger tall cup again.

The round vessel could hold about three cups worth of liquid, and Reed estimated it to be around a liter.

After drinking it, the emptiness within his body caused by the lack of blood consumption immediately disappeared.

The effect of manablood on a vampire was far stronger than ordinary blood. If it was ordinary blood, Reed needed to consume at least three times the current amount.

Besides, a temporary buff had also appeared on his attribute panel.

Mana Surge: The recovery speed of health and mana is greatly increased. Duration 30 minutes.

While there was no specific value, Reed could feel that his mana recovery rate had increased by at least three times.

Manablood sure was magical.

Reed who was literally resurrected with full health was extremely perky and smiled as he looked at Frey.

"Thanks for your hard work, my child. The sacred ground is our roots. Once there are more humans in the castle, your responsibilities will be even greater."

Frey shook his head, with an unconcealable pride in his aloof face.

"No, it is my honor to protect the sacred ground, my liege."

Reed was also a little exasperated by the problem of the vampires having a way to call him every other minute. Father, Patriarch, My Liege, Lord Ancestor, these were all titles they referred him to.

He could not be bothered to correct them and just played along.

"All right, I'll be heading off first. The vampires must prepare for the coming of humans."

"Yes, Patriarch."

Just a few steps out, Reed seemed to have thought of something, and took the cup in his hand and filled it full with manablood.

He then took it out of the sacred ground.

He wanted to experiment with how long the manablood could be stored if it was outside the effect of the Divine Spirit.

After leaving the sacred grounds, Reed returned to his abode.

It was still the two familiar guards, and after greeting them he went straight to his study.

The fifth floor.

There was no mage tower in the castle, so his manor was the tallest building present.

Looking down from the window, he could see the border of the Southern District at a glance. It was a piece of land that had not been cultivated before, and the color of the land there was a fertile black.

Most buildings in the Southern District were two-story buildings, and only a few were three-stories. They were all built for human habitation.

After the vampire's defeat at Grimm a hundred years ago, the humans that once lived in the castle no longer existed.

After staring down for a long while, Reed shook his head and recalled his scattered thoughts as he looked at the manablood on the oak desk and thought.

The effect of the manablood on the vampires was beyond doubt. Could it heal magic backlash though?

Reed was eager to try. For him, the magic backlash was the biggest enemy he had encountered in the process of improving magic.

Even with his absolute magical affinity and talent, he would still suffer a backlash from any mistakes done throughout the long process.

If he could resolve the problem of the magic backlash, then he had many bold ideas that he could try.

After composing himself, he decided on the magic to experiment on.


For a First Circle spell, a small fireball could be regarded as the most lethal spell, but its disadvantages were also obvious.

With more than 60 magic nodes, and up to two seconds of casting time alongside the slow flight speed took some shine away from this spell. But it was without a doubt that the excellent lethality of the Fireball spell had won it a place among the First Circle Magic.

The art of explosions.

After Reed had modified the Mage's Hand, he now set his target on Fireball. However, because Fireball already consisted of 60 magic nodes from the get-go and also needed to be activated with a Fire Element, should there be a backlash, it would be much more severe than Mage's Hand.

That was the reason he had the idea but did not dare to act on it.

Now that he had the manablood at hand, he could give it a try or two.

Reed had never been a procrastinator, and he immediately started on it.

He summoned out the magic model of Fireball and started to input his mind power into it.

A Fireball spell would require 15 mana, which was equal to the modified Mage's Hand spell with 90 magic nodes.

Reed had studied the magic model of Fireball many hundreds of times. Based on the experience of improving the Mage's Hand, he had roughly determined the function and role of these magic nodes.

So, he directly removed three nodes and added six new nodes at the same time.

If this bold move was seen by an orthodox mage, he would definitely be sworn upon. Each mage model was the best solution created after countless experiments. There was only one consequence for any random changes, that was, the model would collapse, and a backlash occurs.

The magic model was built in the spiritual sea, and the magic backlash happens when a magic model collapses while inputting mana, resulting in an explosion of mana within the spiritual sea.

Most mages would be hit hard by a magic backlash. Being rendered into fools was considered light in a lot of cases, while worst cases could see their heads explode.

The spiritual sea was the most vulnerable and easily injured part of a mage, and no mages dared to be as reckless as Reed. Forget enduring several thousand backlashes, a single one was enough to send an ordinary mage into recovery for several years.

However, neither the Progenitor Vampire nor Reed had received an orthodox mage education, and he completely unaware of what he was doing.

The spells the Progenitor Vampire had were what he had accumulated over two hundred years, and Reed was a fearless person, so before anyone could find out, he had embarked on a path of insane recklessness.


Not surprisingly, the Fireball's magic model immediately collapsed under such a massive change.

Even if Reed had repeatedly reduced the input of mana, but the explosion of the fire element was still far beyond the backlash of the Mage's Hand.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and felt that his mind had been severely smashed by a hammer, and he was in a daze.

If it weren't for the innate strength of the vampire, Reed would have most likely be rendered into a fool this time around.

It took two full minutes before Reed, who had been deliberately reckless, recovered. He reached his hand and wiped his nose, only to find that his hand was full of blood.

As he endured the pain in his mind, Reed drank the cup-full of manablood in a single gulp.

The moment the manablood entered his stomach, it began to exude potent mana, and Reed instantly felt that his body which could almost barely stand was suddenly being supplemented with a huge amount of energy.

There was a chill in his mind, and his wounded mind recovered at an extremely fast speed.

In just a minute, Reed had recovered from being a mage that had almost been killed by a magic backlash back to his perfect state.

Looking at the cup, Reed did not even have the slightest fear of the magic backlash. Instead, his eyes were shining.

He then muttered to himself.

"This time around, I got it. Any future improvements could be done without any restraint from now on."