The Thoughts of the Residents

A city hall with a complete power structure should be managed by a dedicated person for every matter within the city, but Dawnbreak had not yet reached that point.

It was impossible to have such an extravagant allocation of personnel, so he temporarily divided Dawnbreak into three sectors.

Externally, raiding for population and develop trade with Grimm.

For a long time to come, raiding for the populace would be the main direction of Dawnbreak.

Dawnbreak was located in the depths of the Farmountains and was not connected to the outside world. Even flying beasts would need to take a lot of effort to come in, so the population growth could only rely on raiding for a long time.

It would take decades to grow the population by reproduction, and Reed could not afford to wait.

The trade with Grimm was more about the unilateral purchase of all sorts of living supplies. Dawnbreak in its current state did not have any production capacity and could not conduct reciprocal trade.

However, this link was extremely important, be it food, farming tools, or clothing, Dawnbreak would need to rely on Grimm's production system for a long time to come.

Reed would be responsible for these two areas. Even if he were to entrust this to other vampires they would not be able to do anything, especially on the matter of trade with Grimm.

Aside from a high probability of them being discovered upon entering the city, the powerful mages in the city would be happy to slay the vampires who were full of precious alchemical materials.

Internally, the Ministry of Social Affairs was without a doubt no less important than the Ministry of External Affairs. The raiding was for them to play a role, and not just for display.

As to how to transform humans into a productive force was up to the Ministry of Social Affairs to plan out.

For now, this ministry was only responsible for the simple matter of food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Plus, it was soon winter, and the long and cold winter was not suitable for any plantation works, nor any extensive labor work.

So for the time being, their duty was to accommodate these refugees and quickly integrate them into Dawnbreak as soon as possible.

The responsibilities they have to shoulder was not too big, and there was no problem in handing the reins to the two second-generation vampires.

A vampire who had lived for more than a hundred years still had some personal skills.

The last piece of the puzzle was the military. The number of people in Dawnbreak was too small, and there were only about 200 odd vampires that could really fight. But in Reed's vision, the military would be Dawnbreak's most powerful section in the future.

So now, there was a need to spin it off into a separate department.

Reed also knew that his vision was very rough around the edges, but he was really not management material, and this was something he had come up with after much effort.

Compared with those tedious chores, he preferred to stay in his mage tower to study the mysteries of magic, but the lack of talents and manpower made him only able to rely on himself to push Dawnbreak forward.

Plus, the crisis of the coming players had been putting pressure on him, preventing him from slowing down.

Harrison and Augustine did not speak for a long time after listening, and the vampires always had a singular structure all these while... Reed was responsible for issuing orders, and they were responsible for obeying it, nothing more.

The sudden establishment of a new power structure put them at somewhat of a loss regarding Reed's specific ideas.

While the vampires did not have as strong a desire for power as humans, but everyone knew that these newly formed departments would definitely be the core of Dawnbreak in the future.

Now that they were in charge of a department, their status would greatly improved and needless to say, the benefits that come with it.

As a being that had lived for more than a hundred years, their rich life experience allowed them to immediately be aware of the benefits of that.

"Patriarch, we shall obey your instructions." Harrison did not think too much and immediately spoke after Reed was done talking.

Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages, as long as it was an order given by Reed, he would execute them unconditionally. His loyalty to the Progenitor Vampire had long been flowing in his blood.

"As you wish, Lord Progenitor."

Augustine held a hand to his chest in salute and bowed, his black leather black trench coat swayed in the breeze, revealing the elegance and temperament of a nobility.

Reed nodded in satisfaction. As time went on, he could feel the influence of the Progenitor expanded in the vampires more and more.

The attribute of eternal loyalty to him on the attribute panel was not for show. All of the vampires had absolute trust and reliance on him, and this was almost impossible to see in humans.

In a human city, should a change and reform as this take place, it would be impossible for the opposing voice to be silenced.

Yet, it was completely different for the vampires. He was the only master, and as long as he issued an order, these loyal descendants would execute it no matter how unreasonable it was.

This was why he dared to go ahead.

Reed then went on to explain the operation modes and purpose of the two in a whole.

Harrison and Augustine nodded again and again. Harrison even wanted to take out a small notebook to jot every word down.

These advanced management methods really surprised and delighted him.

In the end, he even felt a little eager to try it out. He could imagine that such a brand new department was formed in his hands, and the feeling would definitely be no worse than the thrill of studying magic.


After a tiring day, Patrael looked at his sleeping son and sighed as he slowly sat down beside the bed.

He could feel that his body was feeling very weak now as he had not eaten anything for a full day and night.

After those accursed orcs struck Ayric, he fled in terror before he could take out the sack of wheat and 2 gold Pykes hidden at the back of his closet.

When Rackel organized the militia to raid Baron Marcus' convoy, he too was tempted, but seeing the young Patrael Jr who was less than six years old, he dispelled that terrifying thought.

Rebelling against the nobility was a crime that would see him hanged, and he had been to Grimm a long time ago and saw those ignorant beggars being beaten to death on the spot just because they bumped into a nobleman.

So he had always been afraid of those noble lords.

While he did not participate in it, he still hoped that Rackel's plan would succeed, but he did not expect the vampires to show up just as Marcus' personal guards were about to fall.

Patrael would never forget those huge bats that looked like demons. Their wings were larger than any eagle he had seen, and he was sure those sharp fangs in their mouths could straight away bite off an orcish wolf rider's head clean.

There was no doubt that Rackel's plan had failed, and no one could defeat such terrifying demons.

Patrael protected his son and hid in the crowd, hoping that these bloodsucking demons from the legends would not see them.

Fear had made him lost the ability to think.

What happened after was beyond his expectations, though. Those bloodsuckers actually called themselves Vampires of the Divine Light, and they were not evil.

They did not even harm them. Yes, he had carefully observed that these vampires had not harmed anyone.

That made him relaxed a little, but he was still afraid that this was just a ploy by the vampires, and the fear in his heart maintained.

Then what followed was beyond his wildest imaginations. Those bloodsuckers did not give them any room to resist and got him to sit on the bat that was more terrifying than the devil and had flown all night.

Goddess of Life above, perhaps they were now beyond the borders of the Norland Empire and had entered the remote orcish lands.

After arriving at this vampiric lair called Dawnbreak, he was once again subject to a huge shock.

This was not a ghastly castle of vampires, but a bright and spacious city.

Those vampires did not do anything bloody but promised to distribute land and houses to everyone instead.

As he had brought his child with him, the vampires who had allocated him ten acres of land gave him another five acres.

Goddess of Life above, he could guarantee his jaw must have dropped at that moment.

Those were lands. Patrael only ever had three acres of land in his life and was already one of the few wealthy households in Ayric.

He did not believe this promise at first, but after listening to the speech by the Lord of Dawnbreak, he and his son were really assigned a clean and tidy room, his thoughts started to quietly change.

Now, he had a little hope for the future.

If things were like what the patriarch of those bloodsuckers, no, the Vampires of the Divine Light had said, that this place was far away from wars and beasts, everyone would be assigned land, and his son could study and learn magic in the future, then he was willing to live there.

Even if it meant living with a group of vampires.

Patrael looked at his son on the bed and secretly made up his mind.

Knock, knock, knock...

"Old Pat, you there?"