The Excited People

Reed was surprised by Harrison's ability to learn.

In the afternoon, as soon as the people in the plaza had dispersed, Harrison found him with a much more detailed plan.

"That is to say, you plan to pick the first city hall officials from the humans?"

Harrison nodded excitedly.

"Patriarch, you've said that the number of vampires is just far too few, and we need to borrow the human's strength in the future. If that is the case, why not do it all at once. If the officials of the city hall are humans, it will be easier for those refugees to accept things."

Reed nodded after pondering for a moment and approved the other party's ideas.

It was inevitable for humans to participate in the management process, and the number of vampires had long determined that it was impossible for them to hold everything in their hands.

He had no plans to expand the number of vampires for the time being. Only when spring comes next year, when winter had passed, and the orcs retreated back to the Wastelands and Dawnbreak moving on the right track would he expand the numbers of the vampires.

After creating a new descendant, the vampires would fall into a period of weakness. At this critical moment of raiding for the populace, each vampire was an important force.

The loss of strength meant a greater increase in danger, and the probability of encountering orcs at the border was definitely not low.

"But we are not in a hurry. This has to be done step by step. As for the officials of the city hall, let us put it aside for the time being. Most of these people are farmers and are illiterate. The chances of finding suitable talents are low. We can first recruit a team of humans as part of the security team for daytime patrols. The selection of officials is not urgent."

While the idea worked, it was not necessary to execute it now. He had a complete set of plans for the future, so there was no need to rush the matter.

Harrison nodded after a moment of contemplation, knowing that he had gone a little too far ahead.

From the statistical data, there were no more than hat literate persons among the 700 odd people. Moreover, most of these illiterate people could only do simple tasks. It was a bit difficult to get these people to serve as officials in the city hall.

"Patriarch, I will quickly formulate the plan for the security team as soon as possible."

"Yes, employ 30 people for the security team for the time being, and assign six vampires to manage them. Let both the vampires and humans patrol together."

While there were few people now, but the population of Dawnbreak would continue to grow for a long time to come.

It was very necessary to form a security team.

Reed entrusted the task to Harrison to complete. Sooner or later, these trivial matters must be done by people beneath him. What he had to do was to guide and control the general direction instead of spending time on trivial matters.

He had a lot to do now.

The security team was just one of them, and more importantly, the allocation of land.

Reed was very well aware of what land meant to the common people. If Dawnbreak fulfilled her promise to allow these people to own their own land, the humans would truly be integrated.

The significance of land to the common folk was too great. The crowd drawn by a great person to beat up a landlord and divide the land was always great.

Therefore, the allocation of land was also Reed's trump card.

No one would object to this.

The vampires owned huge tracts of land but regarded them as nothing.

For the vampires who did not work the land, the importance they place on it was almost zero. So Reed's plan would not cause any internal obstacles. On the contrary, if this were to happen in a human kingdom, the nobility would probably erupt in a furor.

The monopoly of land was the strongest weapon the nobility had in this world.

The plan was already completed, and Reed decided to let the vampires implement the entire process. This was the best opportunity to promote the relationship between the two parties.

"Post the security team recruitment notice at a very prominent place in the plaza, and use a wall to be specially used for posting notices in the future. Have Rackel's team to get some literate folks to explain the notice.

"It's best if we can get all of the security team members today. We'll start measuring the land tomorrow, and once done we can start the allocation. You can add a condition while recruiting, that members of the security team will be given priority for land allocation."

Harrison nodded. "Understood, Patriarch."

In the afternoon, upon eating the free rations, the atmosphere of the crowd was obviously much more lively.

Compared with the fear and worry last night, many humans already dared to secretly look at the vampires in the shades.

After looking at them for a bit, many discovered that the legendary vampires were not as scary as they thought. The vampires were like the nobility who paid great attention to etiquette, and all of them were personable.

There were even two female vampires who made many young men keep turning their heads around to peek at them.

Many people started wandering curiously around Dawnbreak. They were initially a little worried, but upon noticing the vampires not driving them away, they got much bolder.

In its most glorious days, Dawnbreak was home to more than twenty thousand humans and three thousand vampires, so the scale was pretty decent, and it looked rather empty with just a few hundred people living in it.

Not long after, the notice posted in the plaza attracted the attention of many people.

"What's that? Who can read?"

"Recruitment of security team personnel?"

"Read it out."

Soon, the message of the security team recruitment spread.

The high salary of the security team attracted many people, but what excited the residents the most was the message at the top of the notice.

Members of the security team would be given priority for land allocation.

Goddess above, Lord Kaschar was really an angel sent by the God of Creation to save them. The allocation of land was really about to begin.

"Praise be Lord Kaschar. Praise be the Vampires of the Divine Light..."

"Don't push, this is not the allocation of land. This is just recruiting for the security team. The measuring of land will only start tomorrow, and the allocation is still some time away!"

"Quickly, let me in, Sir Vampire. I'm a hunter and I'm very strong. I can be a member of the security team. I want to sign up..."

The crowd was heated.

As Rackel's follower, Ollie was the first to tell the news to Rackel.

"Rackel, the vampires had posted a notice. They are saying that they are forming a security team, and a salary of 12 silver Pykes a month."

Ollie was out of breath as his face was full of excitement.

Rackel shook his head. "We are doing fine at the logistics team, and this has to do with the food provision of the entire city. There's no need for us to go and join the security team."

He could not clearly see the vampires' plan of using humans to manage humans.

Nonetheless, that made him breathe a sigh of relief. The behavior of the Vampires of the Divine Light was really as they said, completely different from the evil vampires.

He too hoped that the other party could keep it that way.

"No, Rackel, they also said they will start measuring the land tomorrow and will start the distribution once the land is measured. And the security team will be given priority during the distribution."


Thinking of Lord Kaschar's words, Rackel's heart beat fiercely.

He had a hunch that this would not be a fake, he trusted that handsome lord.

"Rackel, with you managing the logistics team I'm sure you cannot go to the security team, I'm thinking..."

Rackel patted Ollie on the head and smiled.

"Ollie, go with peace of mind and work hard. Don't embarrass me."

Ollie was surprised. "Rackel, are you agreeing to it?"

"Of course, why not? Since the Divine Light Vampires have not shown any ill will toward us, what reason do we have to refuse? Besides, for 12 silver Pykes, you'd be hardpressed to find a job that pays that well even in Grimm."

Only then was Ollie relieved as he ran excitedly toward the registration point not too far away.