Opening a Brand New World

This is?

Upon seeing the system prompt, Reed was shocked. It turned out that not only could he gain experience points from studying magic, but also when his apprentices became full-fledged mages.

It seemed like he had opened a brand new world this time around.

As of now, there are three known sources of experience, first was the innate talent of the Progenitor Vampire, and every vampire would provide him a fixed amount of experience each month.

Even so, this experience would only be credited at the end of the month, so he had not received them yet.

The second was gained through the creation of new magic models. The improved Mage's Hand had given him 500 experience points.

The third was an apprentice mage of Vermillion Tower becoming a Mage.

Glory was not a game where you level up by killing monsters. The official website had introduced more than once, and a few days ago, he had spent several gold Pykes to get Laurent to purchase two Level 7 monsters back.

After killing the two beasts, in addition to the apprentices being much happier due to extra meat during their meals, forget equipment drop, there was nothing at all.

Of course, he did not rule out that the level of the monsters brought back was just too low, but it also showed that the focus of Glory was different.

Fortunately, now he had explored several ways to gain experience. The effect of not being able to farm monsters for experience was greatly mitigated.

"Viena, from today, you are a Mage of the Vermillion Tower. You can get 2 gold Pykes a month, and when I'm not around, you will be responsible for giving lectures to the other apprentices. All of the First Circle Spells in the study on the third floor is now open to you, and you can learn the spells there."

Two gold Pykes, Goddess above, how much money was that? All of the apprentices was about to drool, the subsidy they could receive a month from the mage tower was just 10 silver Pykes, which was already a huge amount of wealth for them.

Most importantly, she could learn all of the First Circle Spells at will. Did that mean, that would also be the case once they became full-fledged mages?

The generous Master Reed has really been a gift from the God of Creation to us. Praise be the gods.

Mages had always pursued the idea of equivalent exchange. If an outsider wanted to learn magic, then they must pay a certain price.

However, these apprentice mages were Reed's personal property... They were so the moment they stepped into the Vermillion Tower, and naturally did not have to abide by that rule.

"Yes, Master Reed, Viena will work hard to teach them."

The happiness on Viena's face brightened the whole place up.

Master Reed, Viena did not disappoint you.

Those bright sapphire-like eyes had a joy that could not be described by words. Her heart had the delight of becoming a mage but also the satisfaction of meeting Reed's expectations.

"Cast a spell and let me see the spell that you have formed."

"Yes, Master Reed..."

Viena mused for a moment before she started to infuse mana into the magic model in her mind.


Following the sound of a finger snap, a translucent palm appeared in the air before everyone.

"This is? Mage's Hand?"

"Viena, you didn't form a First Circle Spell?"

"No, the magical fluctuations of Mage's Hand is not that big..."

Mage's Hand was a spell so simple that even apprentice mages did not think of it as a spell that could be called a First Circle Spell. So, everyone was surprised to see Viena formed a Mage's Hand.

But then, under their gaze, the Mage's Hand began to change.


Long sword.






An Ultraman with a distorted appearance.

The first spell Viena had formed was the Mage's Hand that Reed had improved.

This First Circle spell, with its 90 magic nodes was the nemesis of all of the apprentice mages. The magic nodes in the spell were too bizarre and contrary to norms. Even if Reed were to explain to them in detail, no one could understand it.

But not one expected Viena to be the first to learn it.

Reed was a little surprised too and was still quite attached to his first improved spell.

"Good. The improved Mage's Hand is a very promising spell. You can tap into its potential in the future."

"Yes, Master Reed, and I will ensure that all of the apprentices in the Vermillion Tower learn this spell. It is your masterpiece."

A very serious shade appeared in Viena's eyes.

Reed smiled and reached out to ruffle the little maid's curly blonde hair.

"How do you feel after drinking the Manablood?"

Viena pondered seriously for a moment before saying, "I felt like there was a large amount of mana in my body. The mana was very calm and easy to mobilize, unlike the solid mana in the outside world. When I was forming the magic nodes, the consumed mana was replenished very quickly. Master Reed, you are magnificent to be able to create such a great magic potion."

Looking at the girl's adoring eyes, Reed shook his head and fell into deep thought.

He had thought that the effect of Manablood was only to restore mana, but now it seemed like the effects of the Remnants of the Divine soaking inside the blood.

For an apprentice mage to become a Mage, they need to form a true First Circle spell... and the standard was a spell with more than 50 magic nodes.

The process of forming a spell would require a lot of mana, and this process would often take months or even years.

Due to issues of talent, many apprentice mages often failed to succeed when forming magic nodes, and some would have their magic nodes collapse due to the lack of mana. This was the reason why many apprentice mages were unable to become full-fledged mages in their lifetime.

The amount of mana they could mobilize was just too little.

Even if a magic node is formed it is not absolutely safe, as the magic node will collapse if it does not get an infusion of mana after a period of time.

With the barren nature of an apprentice mana pool, at the later stages of forming the magic nodes, and the daily infusion of dozen magic nodes would leave them exhausted. Forget about forming new nodes as an additional node was another point of burden.

However, Manablood was different, this magical point provided an inexhaustible source of mana for a short period of time, at least for an apprentice mage.

Reed had hundreds of mana points, and while the mana recovered by Manablood was not little, it was also far from enough for him to be able to use it wantonly, so there was some deviation from his previous judgment.

His mana pool was already the size of a lake while the mana pool of the apprentice mages was about the equivalent of a bowl-size puddle. And now for Manablood to be poured into the puddle, the apprentice mages with their small amount of mana is able to use them freely.

What Reed did not know was Manablood was blood poured into the Fount of Blood since its establishment. The Manablood within the Fount of Blood had been soaking in the presence of the Divine Spirit for hundreds of years for it to have such a powerful effect.

As a High Mage, he felt that it was very useful, and for these apprentices who were not even Mages yet, its effect was better than drinking dragon blood.

Having a font of mana made creating and forming the magic nodes a very simple thing.

It was just rinse and repeat, then.

Reed looked up and watched the apprentice mages around him that were full of yearning and desire.

"You don't have to be envious. This is a magic potion I've developed recently, and its effect on Viena is not bad. But due to its high cost, I cannot create much in a short period of time. I will choose the best performers for the next distribution. Work hard and let me see hope in you."

Reed turned around and said that to the envious apprentices in a faint tone. He had given Viena about 100ml worth of Manablood, and it was not an exaggeration to say that the Manablood in the pool was enough for the entire Grimm's Lodge of Mages to use.

Now, the vampires still needed to rely on the Manablood for support, and the more precious a thing was it could not be used as easily, otherwise, it wouldn't have been precious.

After judging the effect of the Manablood, Reed quietly made a decision in his heart, he would use Manablood to nurture a group of mages that were completely loyal to him.

Humans were not vampires, their loyalty to him was only because he was the master of the Vermillion Tower. If one day his identity as a vampire was revealed, would these apprentices still be loyal to him?

No one could be sure, even Reed would not bet using his and the vampire's fate. What he wanted was mages loyal to him, whether if he was an angel or the devil.

Plus, giving these apprentices the First Embrace was also very stupid. He himself was afraid of being discovered, these rookies were even more likely to be exposed before long.

"But if any of you is willing to pledge your soul through the Covenant of Souls to be eternally loyal to me, you will be given priority for the magic potion.

The Covenant of Souls...

The faces of all of the apprentices changed drastically.