The Drowned Territory

The rainstorm lasted for an entire hour. No matter where he could possibly hide, he would still end up drenched.

The previously quiet river ditch filled with rushing water. The wheat fields near the side had dozens of holes, washed open by the water. Instead, the wheat fields to the north of the hill were in a better state.

Li Siwen's face was green from coldness. Shivering all over, he looked even more like a quail now.

However, because he ate a pear which replenished six Stamina Points, plus his remaining eight points, he had a total of 14 points in total when the rain dropped down. In the rainstorm, he depended on these 14 Stamina Points to sustain him, depleting an average of one point per 10 minutes. Therefore, he still had four Stamina Points remaining. Even though it's actually in the red zone, it was in fact a very good state.

Removing all of his shabby clothes, he started wriggling the water out of them. When the cold wind blew, he shivered non-stop.

Luckily, as the water on the surface of his body was blown away, the sun appeared from between the clouds and shone down. Li Siwen felt that he was going to die from this comfortable feeling. The feeling of warmth caused his stamina to restore at a speedy rate.

At the same time, he didn't forget to open up and dry his clothes. Because, with the coming of this rainstorm, there might still be more rains in the next few days. If he didn't use this time to make preparations, he might possibly die from the consequences.

As for the other seven farmers, Li Siwen didn't have any time to care about them anymore. Even with his 14 Stamina Points, he still used up 10 points to remain safe. As for those farmers who worked for the entire morning, even if they rested during noon, they would have seven to eight points of stamina at most. Under this rain, their stamina naturally would be depleted. And without the stamina to sustain them, they could only use their health to fight off the rain!

In other words, these seven farmers were only left with half a life now. If they had flu or fever next, they might not last longer than three days.

But this wasn't the worst situation. After an hour of the rainstorm, floods from several places entered the river at the west, causing the water level to rise and exceeded the original shore, spreading further into the land on both sides.

Li Siwen and the other farmers were all hiding on the hill previously, so they haven't noticed yet. But once the rain stopped—after his stamina and spirit recovered somewhat—Li Siwen went around to take a look. He was shocked by what he saw. Within his field of sight was all water. As for the territory that was 500 or 600 meters away, it was completely drowned too… Oh, that wasn't correct, it wasn't drowned, the houses remained only half submerged. He could faintly see a few people lying helplessly on the rooftops.

He didn't know why, but he felt that this sight suddenly seemed very comical. A funny mood filled the environment.

It looks like no one was able to escape from this ordeal.

After basking in the warm sunlight for half an hour, Li Siwen's stamina was restored to eight points. But this was mainly because his stamina didn't drop to a dangerous point just now, thus, the coldness wasn't able to invade his body. Therefore, he was able to recover after basking in the sunlight. If it were the other seven farmers, even if they basked in the sunlight for a whole day, they would still be just as half-dead as before.

But even so, Li Siwen still dragged them out from under the large tree. These fellows were really lucky there wasn't much lightning just now. If not, they might have been struck by lightning.

The first four farmers were unable to speak anymore, as they shivered like chicks that just hatched.

The fifth farmer was cold all over, he didn't have any breath left. Li Siwen didn't have any knowledge of first aid. Even if he had, he wouldn't dare to save him either. Therefore, he could only drag him under the sun too, and leave the rest up to fate.

As for the remaining two farmers, to Li Siwen's surprise, they still had some energy left in them. But it was indeed smart of them to hug each other for warmth.

No matter what the case was, they would probably survive through this, which was a good thing.

Next, Li Siwen didn't rest, but carried his hoe to the river and scooped up some firewoods floating on the water, then laid them under the sun to dry. He must make full preparations now, what if the Feudal Lord wasn't able to return?

The territory was already flooded, the water wouldn't be subsiding anytime soon. Looking at the sky, although it was warm and bright now, there were still numerous dark clouds remaining. There was a chance that it would still rain tonight. He could still survive without a house to hide from the rain, but without food, he would really die.

But this time, Li Siwen still planned on eating raw food. Unless it was a life and death situation, he wouldn't try anything like building a fire by rubbing the wood with wood or whatsoever. That would be akin to suicide.

Then where would the food come from?

Simple. The water level rose a lot, many large fishes and small fishes have washed ashore. As the water level subsided, the small fishes might be able to escape back into the water, but most of the big ones couldn't.

By that time, even the farmers would be able to pick a few fishes from the ground. This was logical, right?

Therefore, Li Siwen started preparing his weapon now. He couldn't bear to use his own hoe, but there wasn't any problem in using the hoe of the farmer who died.

Standing next to the water, every 10 plus minutes, he would use the hoe to test the water level. His eyes were fixed on the water like an eagle, knowing what was under the water through the small ripples on it.

He couldn't wait until the water level subsided and exposed the shore to catch the fish. By that time, it would already be evening, there would be too many variables. Also, what if the Feudal Lord came back and saw what he was doing, how should he explain himself?

Therefore, after the water level retreated about 50 centimeters and only 20 or 30 centimeters of land was still submerged, Li Siwen waded into the water. Holding the hoe, he rushed into the water ferociously and smashed down at a ripple spot.

A direct hit!

It would be weird if he missed it. This fish was at least a meter long, its agility was greatly lowered in the water that was only less than 30 centimeters deep.

However, what Li Siwen didn't expect was that after the big fish was attacked, it immediately jumped up and slapped its tail on his shoulder. The force pushed him back a few steps, causing him to almost sit down into the muddy water.

What a ferocious fish! Could it be that it had gained intelligence?

Without much thought, Li Siwen smashed down again, hitting the fish on its back this time, immediately drawing blood. However, the hoe was twisted too, becoming useless.

Pained, the fish fervently patted the water, escaping at quite a fast speed.

But it wasn't possible for Li Siwen to let it escape, he chased after the fish and viciously smashed down continuously. At some point, without him noticing, the head of the hoe had disappeared, only leaving the stick. However, he didn't care about that. Instead, he became even more fierce. Clenching his teeth, he kept stabbing at the fish with the stick!

After stabbing it for dozens of times and the fish had already swum over a hundred meters, it finally died.

Instantly, a thick yellow light flashed in Li Siwen's attribute bar. The yellow orb had directly become half full!

Panting, Li Siwen didn't have time to be happy about the yellow ball. He directly started dragging the big fish up to the hill. That fight had depleted six Stamina Points, it was an alarming rate.

After dragging the fish that weighed tens of kilograms onto the hill, another Stamina Point was depleted. Now, Li Siwen only had one Stamina Point remaining, it was in the most dangerous state.

Unable to bother about anything else, he directly used his hoe to scrape away the fish scales. Picking the most tender part of the fish meat, he directly started eating madly.

Unexpectedly, the meat actually didn't taste too fishy. Also, it was really tender, tasting much better than the black dry food.

After eating until he was full, he was shocked to realize that other than the fish head, tail, organs, and bone, he had finished all the other meat cleanly.

What the heck, since when did he have such a horrifying appetite?