Zhao’s Strategy

The fish weighed almost 50 kilograms. Li Siwen and Old Zhao had half each. They didn't light a fire, but only removed the scales and started eating.

When Old Zhao's stomach became round and he couldn't eat anymore, he still had a third of his half remaining.

As for Li Siwen, he practically ate everything but was only half-full.

This was the advantage of having 17 points of stamina, being able to eat a lot, and wouldn't become fat. Yup, the emphasis and essence were on the last word (fat).

"Brother, you are quite a good person."

After being full, Old Zhao threw the rest of his fish to the nine farmers who were already mouthwatering long ago. Sitting on the hill and looking at the water, he said that to Li Siwen.

However, Li Siwen wasn't as free and carefree like him. He was pondering on how to make use of Old Zhao's remaining usefulness and to turn Old Zhao into his biggest protection.

Because at the current stage he wouldn't be able to go solo, he wouldn't be able to survive outside alone. This was an undeniable fact. Therefore, he needed to hide in the territory and develop himself.

However, this not only required a high-level of technique, but he also needed to create a suitable environment for himself.

For example, Li Siwen ensured that he stayed as the lowest level farmer. This way, not only could he enjoy the protection from the Feudal Lord, but he also wouldn't attract the attention of the Feudal Lord.

Sounds like a perfect plan, right?

But in fact, this was impossible. Farmers had to complete their share of the task every day and also constantly monitored. They had to start work early and end late, with little free time at all. And in times of crisis, they would be the first to be abandoned.

And if he dared to even slightly resist or do anything out of the norm, he would be noticed and expose himself.

Therefore, he needed to befriend someone in the territory who's at the middle level. Only so would he be able to act with no restriction.

For example, if he didn't persuade Old Zhao today to build a hut, he wouldn't have an excuse to go cut tree. He could only do his work obediently and clear the weeds. If not, Old Zhao would report him, and with no Feudal Lord to make a move, Sun Tieshi alone would give him enough trouble.

Therefore, he needed to play a little strategy.

As he thought of this, Li Siwen was also casually chatting with Old Zhao, changing the topic without Old Zhao noticing.

"Looks like the territory is flooded again."

"That's right. Once there is a rainstorm, it will be flooded. It's annoying. Looks like we can only sleep in the hut today."

"But the Lord doesn't seem to think of moving the territory, so we can only take it as it is. But speaking of which, Old Zhao, have you ever considered why the wheat fields aren't important to the Lord?" Li Siwen guided Old Zhao's thoughts along.

"What do you want to say?" Old Zhao wasn't a fool too. He instantly asked cautiously.

"What I want to say is that we can't do anything when the territory is being flooded. But you saw too that 30 acres of the 50 acres of wheat fields are flooded too. Shouldn't we do something about it?"

"Do what?" Old Zhao subconsciously asked, but immediately said, "Brother, don't create trouble. I am grateful for today, but I will definitely not allow you to trick me."

"Ha! Why will I trick you? I am just thinking about what food we will have during winter. Do you see that snow mountain, that means that there is definitely winter in this place. By that time, there won't be rain, meaning no fish that's coming to our doorstep. What will we eat then?"

"What will we eat?" The focus in Old Zhao's eyes was a bit scattered. "But it's only summer now."

"Therefore, no one thinks the wheat fields are important. Oh, that's not right. At least the Lord values the wheat fields. He knows that when winter comes, all creatures will be in hiding. That's why we must farm to survive through winter. But as you can see, the Lord is very busy, he has too many things to take care of and can't care for farming too. And you, Zhao Da, the warrior that the Lord has praised before and praised again just now, don't you think that if you don't do something about it, you will not live up to the expectation the Lord has of you?" Li Siwen stared at Old Zhao solemnly.

"What the heck, brother, don't use words to lure me. Could it be that you have a solution?"

Old Zhao's mind was very sober. He was full of the desire to survive.

"Very simple, build a dam. I saw just now that when the wheat fields are flooded, it's only half a person deep. We just have to build a dam to block the water. As long as we can preserve these 50 acres of wheat fields, we will have enough food to eat during winter. Do you think the Lord won't reward you heavily if this happens?"

Li Siwen tried his best to make it sound as simple as possible. It really is very simple. It's just that he wasn't sure why the Feudal Lord didn't think of this.

Old Zhao went quiet. After a long while, he stared at Li Siwen and said in a deep voice, "Don't you want to be rewarded by the Lord?"

Great, this fellow was getting suspicious.

However, Li Siwen wasn't surprised. After all, this fellow wasn't stupid. But so what?

Therefore, he purposely gave a bitter laugh.

"Zhao Da, I shall be honest with you. It's because my luck isn't good. Previously, I was obviously the one who killed the grey wolf, but the Lord mistakenly gave the credit to you. At that time, I could have raised this up. My ax had blood on the blade, but your ax was lost outside. But could I have spoken the truth at that time? If I had, would your arm have been cured in a single night? Do you think that Sun Tieshi would have been so generous to cure you? You would have died, Old Zhao."

"But I really didn't expect that because of such a small thing, the Lord would use a precious fire amulet and turn you into a Fire Guard from a lumberjack. Do you know? Even until now, I regret it so much that I wish to strangle you to death!"

Li Siwen angrily roared in a low voice, "Especially when you didn't even know that I had saved you, but even came running up to me and act high and mighty in front of me, my wish to kill you is even stronger than your wish to kill me to silence me!"

"But you should thank Sun Tieshi. That fellow didn't like me and always tried to kill me. But I had lost my chance to for the Lord to notice me. Do you understand that? I don't have a chance anymore! That's why I need someone with enough authority to protect me from Sun Tieshi, that's why I need to help you plan so much rubbish stuff."

Hearing Li Siwen's explanation, Old Zhao hurriedly placed a smile on his face and said, "Brother, don't be angry, I am just a normal uneducated man, but I am definitely not an ungrateful one. Don't worry, once the water receded tomorrow, we will start building the dam. I will take the lead. If that bastard tries to find your trouble again, I definitely won't allow him to."

Li Siwen stared at Old Zhao, then pretended to spit out a bad breath after a long while. He slowed down his speed of talking, trying to act very sincere.

"Actually, there isn't a rush in building the dam, but after we catch some fish later, bring some to Old Song. Old Zhao, say sorry, say some friendly words, having another friend is always better than having another enemy."

Without a doubt, these words would move Old Zhao even more than all the other stuff he had said.

As expected, Old Zhao was excited. After all, his conflict with Song Hu had almost become a thorn in his heart. This was much more to his liking than building a dam.

"Brother, you are really my brother! How can I forget this matter! You are right! Then, I shall trouble you to look after things here for me, I shall go and catch some fish now."

Old Zhao hurriedly ran off.

As for Li Siwen, for a split second, his eyes were so deep that it couldn't be measured.