He Had Strength

At night,

A breeze blew gently, the mosquitoes buzzed, and a certain Li's stomach whined.

But he still had to maintain the appearance of an enlightened master. Squatted on a section of a wooden pile, from time to time, his gaze wandered, from time to time, his outer ear would jiggle, from time to time, he struck like lightning, from time——alright, he was merely fishing.

These days, Iron Ring Black Snakes and pastry rats were rarely seen in the area of the tree house. Hence, in line with the teaching that the skilled are bold, he came to a spot about three hundred steps south of the tree house. As expected, the gains this time were much better.

In this less than an hour's time, he'd killed no less than three thousand mosquitoes, as well as two breakfast snakes weighing more than ten catties and two pastry rats. The gains were considerably big.

"That's about it, let's end it here today."

Li Siwen leaped off the tree pile. His gaze thoughtlessly stole a look at the dark forest in the north. Earlier, when he was catching the snakes, he didn't know whether it was because of the rise in his Spirit Development, but he had a vague feeling of being watched. He wasn't too bothered by this, there were lots of all kinds of wild beasts in the forest, he'd even saw a small beast resembling a fox in the day.

Hence, so long as they do not disrupt him, everyone would live in peace with each other. After all, he was no longer that cowardly farmer in the past.

He had Strength!

Jumping into the tree house, Li Siwen routinely first glanced at his Attribute Bar, mainly to check whether there were any cracks and the like. Right now, three days had passed with him carrying the red name curse. He had to be on guard.

Name: Li Siwen

Health: 35

Stamina: 28 (17/28)

Strength: 18

Agility: 9

Defense: 3

Spirit: Gray (Development 30%)

Talent: Level 3 Spirit Vision

Skill: Farming Level 3, Logging Level 3

Green Orb: 10/15 (Vitality Point)

Yellow Orb: 14/15 (Vitality Point)

Blue Orb: 3/15 (Heavenly Workmanship Point)


"Not too bad, my Spirit Points are going to be full again. Then, shall I continue with Spirit Development tonight?"

At this thought, Li Siwen instantly shivered, wearing a look of terror. He, he, he, he was about to be developed into a madman!

But with a path he'd chosen himself, he had to finish it, even if it was with tears in his eyes.

"Slowly, slowly, I'll first grill a breakfast snake, a breakfast snake is so delicious, and it'll calm my nerves while I'm at it."

Coming to the stove area, Li Siwen held a wooden stick and picked, poked, twisted. Hey, a piece of coal that had yet to finish burning appeared. He felt so pleased with himself.


Didn't he mention previously that he was going to make a fire by drilling wood every day? Please, in life, it's all about being flexible.

Moments later, a fire burned brightly. Following that was the aroma of food filling the room——hello dinner, goodbye dinner.

An hour later, Li Siwen who managed to make himself 20% full rubbed his head, his gaze deep. Then, let's begin, Sacred Sun Assassin Master Lu had once said, one would go mad before becoming obsessed, mere suffering; is it really worth mentioning!


Another hour later, Li Siwen was hugging a huge rock. His gaze was still deep and his face pale. He was virtually close to doubting life, but—how nice!

Although the process of Spirit Development reaching 40% was an unbearable sight, he could already sense the immense difference from before.

Within a ten meter diameter, without having to activate Spirit Vision, he had this illusion that he'd activated the secondary spirit force field.

Even if it was in his darkness, he could sense the rough location of some objects in this area.

Such a feeling was very obscure, he'd even confuse it with vision for a bit, because he couldn't distinguish whether he'd seen that or sensed that.

In addition, his hearing could reach up to about a hundred meters, but it wasn't inclusive of all sounds, instead, he could lock onto the location of a certain frequency more accurately, for example, the calls of insects and the buzzing of mosquitoes.

Regarding vision, there was probably an enhancement too, but it was night so he couldn't be sure too.

Finally, it was his Spirit Vision smoothly leveling up to level 4. After release, the coverage radius could reach up to 30 meter and last 12 minutes. It could be forcibly activated twice within six hours but each activation would consume eight Spirit Points. This would really hurt.

"I just don't know whether these three orbs can be upgraded or not, otherwise I'd be running short of this blue one."

With this thought, Li Siwen swiftly fell into a deep sleep.

All was well through the night until daybreak. His hunger had awakened him.

"I cannot go on like this, the matter of hunting wild boars has to be put on the agenda. Moreover, I have to get some staple food back here, otherwise, how will I get through winter?"

It burdened Li Siwen with worries, so he opened his Attribute Bar and as usual, first added five Vitality Points to Health, then three Vitality Points to Stamina and kept two Vitality Points in reserve. Then he took his axe and began his daily logging. Right now, he was already deeply aware that whether it was Vitality Points or Spirit Points, both weren't enough for use, and even if they were, it could not resolve all troublesome problems, for example, going hungry.

After logging for an hour and filling the Vitality Points in the green orb fully, he went to speed up the maturation of two stalks of anti-inflammatory herb, two stalks of hemostatic herb, one stalk of iron wolf venom herb and he was done with his logging task. He would not touch the remaining nine Vitality Points and the Vitality Points that he would earn in the afternoon. They were to be kept till tomorrow morning before he distributed them. This was just in case, so he could have enough Vitality Points to preserve his life.

However, when he was logging today, Li Siwen had strolled around everywhere, yet he did not even find the shadow of a breakfast snake. This made him very depressed, because a breakfast snake could not only provide him the lowest security of survival, it could also provide large amounts of Spirit Points for him. To be honest, it'd been literally too easy gaining the Spirit Points these few days.

Next, Li Siwen placed these seven stalks of ripened herbs into the tree house to be air and sun dried, then he specially made a trip to the river to refill water. On this round trip, he actually still did not find even one breakfast.

"No way, I only grilled a few of them, and they'd gone extinct?"

Although he was confused, Li Siwen did not give much thought to it. His current stamina was still very ample. Even if he was hungry, he could still hang in there for two days. He was about to carry out his wild boar hunting strategy.

For the entire morning, he had been systematically chopping tree branches, chopping off the tree trunks, digging pits around the tree house using the hoe, placing the round logs vertically, tying them with vines, bustling about, not idle at all.

When it came to noon, north, south, east, west, another layer had reinforced all four sides of the tree house. Its defense capability saw a substantial growth.

Subsequently, he still planned on getting his hands on more vines, and along the outside of the tree house, he'd tie them all up. This way, it could continue to reinforce the strength of the house and also block the sizable holes, small gaps and whatnot.

Finally, there would be another stone wall outside and the inside will be stuffed with mud. While making defense stronger, it would also be even warmer, that's right, making preparations for winter, it would never be too early.

Besides, the inside of this tree house was a good 70 to 80 square meters. It could be a bedroom and also a warehouse. Haha, feels great.