Chapter 29: Unexpected Gain

Zhou Kun was extremely nervous at the moment, and he was staring at the passage in front of him intently. If the passage did not open as scheduled today, he would miss the opportunity to purchase the watermelons.

There were two tons of flour behind Zhou Kun, which he had purchased during the day for a total of 6000 yuan.

During the day, two tons of flour were delivered to the cold storage warehouse, and the workers looked at Zhou Kun as if they were looking at a freak.

There were still a few bottles of peach juice in Zhou Kun's pocket, which he had asked his uncle to prepare in order to help Old Hughie recover. However, he never dared to bring whole peaches anymore. After all, who knew what kind of trouble would arise if he were to leave the seeds of peaches in the other world? 

There were also some toffee candies, which had their wrappers removed, in his pocket that he planned to give to Naby and the other children like her in the manor. 

Everything that happened in the manor the day before made Zhou Kun rather emotional. His act of making money using the passage actually brought about turmoil to the other world. Although Zhou Kun could not restrict everyone, he could at least help Naby and the people who lived together with her in the manor.

Zhou Kun had already brought Two Thousand back to his residence. Since he had found out about Two Thousand's identity, it would no longer be appropriate for him to take it back to the other world. 

All of a sudden, the wall of the cold storage warehouse began to change, and after the commotion subsided, the passage opened as scheduled.

"Teacher Hughie, do you think Mr. Cohen will come?" Naby asked distractedly while performing the magical experiment with her hands.

Two days had passed from the date Zhou Kun had agreed upon. The vines had already been put away in the cellar, but Zhou Kun did not show up even after a long time.

"Naby, you must concentrate when you're conducting magical experiments. I believe Mr. Cohen must have been held back by something. He will definitely come back. "

All of a sudden, Mike hurriedly ran into the laboratory and yelled, "Mr. Cohen is here..."

"Really?" Little Naby asked. She was so excited that she almost spilled the reagent in her hand. 

Old Hughie shook his head and said, "Naby, you'd better go take a look."

Before he could finish speaking, Naby had already vanished from the laboratory together with Mike. 

Zhou Kun finally found the manor where Naby lived, according to his memory. Before he reached the door, he saw that there was already a group of children waiting at the entrance of the village. 

At the instant that they saw Zhou Kun, the children began to report in different directions of the village. They called, "Mr. Cohen is here... Mr. Cohen is here..." 

Gaya had long brought along a bunch of people and got ready to receive Zhou Kun with carts full of vines behind them. 

"Mr. Cohen, you're finally here."

"I was held up by something that cropped up along the way. I'm very sorry." Zhou Kun had already inquired about it while on his way there. He showed up two days later than the agreed time, and during the journey, he was worried that Gaya might have grown impatient and sold it to Master Hans next door. However, it seemed that he had been thinking too much.

Nevertheless, he could not understand what the carts of yellow vines behind them meant. Could it be... 

Zhou Kun suddenly had an ominous hunch. He sprinted towards the plantation, only to see a red area in the plantation.

His watermelons... had all been crushed.

At that moment, Zhou Kun heard the sounds of his heart shattering. He realized that when he was discussing the acquisition with Gaya, he did not make it clear that he wanted the watermelons instead of the vines. That was the reason for the huge misunderstanding. 

Gaya had no idea what was wrong with Zhou Kun. He wondered, 'Didn't he say that he wanted to acquire the vines?' 

Why did he suddenly run to the plantation again?

A group of them followed Zhou Kun and noticed the sudden change in his expression. They thought that he was about to change his mind.

For the sake of the cooperation with Zhou Kun, the people of the manor rejected Master Hans' offer to purchase three days ago. If Zhou Kun were to say that he didn't want the vines anymore at this juncture, the manor's would be in a terrible predicament.

Zhou Kun looked at the worried people behind him. He calmed down and said, "Gaya, arrange for some people to collect the white flour from me."

Zhou Kun's arrival had brought a lot of vitality to that dull town, but Zhou Kun was feeling a little dejected because he did not manage to receive the goods that he wanted this time. After all, he had invested 6,000 yuan, and yet, he did not recoup any of it. 

Zhou Kun put his hands behind his back and continued walking mindlessly. Soon, he arrived at the borders of the manor. 

Just as he was about to turn around, Zhou Kunsaw another type of fruit that he was familiar with.

Isn't it grapes that are hanging on the wall outside?

To confirm his guess, Zhou Kun picked a single grape from the bunch of green grapes outside the wall and put it in his mouth.

He initially thought that the grape would be sour, but a floral scent exploded in his throat when he swallowed it. Apart from that, it was also extremely crunchy, with a sweet and sour aftertaste. It tasted similar to grapes. 

However, the rich floral fragrance had enriched the taste of the grapes.

Zhou Kun immediately decided that he wanted to bring that batch of grapes back with him. 

He casually waved and beckoned a child who was playing on the field. He asked, "Who does the plantation next door belongs to?" 

Recognizing him to be Mr. Cohen, the guest of the manor, the child answered obediently, "The plantations here all belong to Master Hans. It's said that valuable hardwood vines are being grown on them." 

"Hardwood vines? Are they harvested wood?" 

Ever since the watermelon incident, Zhou Kun could be considered to have understood that the people there only cared about the parts of their magical plants that had magical value. Almost no one cared about the other parts like the fruits of the plants.

"Yes, it seems to be a very powerful magical wood, but unfortunately, we can't grow it in our manor." 

"What is that Master Hans like? Is he amiable and easy to get along with?" 

"Well..." The child seemed a little hesitant. Although Master Hans was no longer their master, the terrible impression he had left on them, still made the child a little afraid of him. 

Seeing that he couldn't find out anything from the child, Zhou Kun gave him a few candies and let him go.

Zhou Kun originally thought that there would be some twists and turns during the acquisition of grapes, but to his surprise, Master Hans was extremely stingy, like Grandet. 

When Zhou Kun wanted to exchange the vines for the worthless fruit of hardwood vines, he was so elated that he almost leaped up. 

The vines in the manor next door could be exchanged for at least one Dragon Crystal. Yet, a fool was exchanging one Dragon Crystal's worth of vines for the garbage in his manor. How could Hans give up such a good deal?

He immediately summoned the farmers who were working in the manor and ordered them to start collecting the ripe fruit on the hardwood vines.

Hans' manor was much larger than that of Gaya and the rest. His hardwood vine plantation alone covered an area of about 33 acres of land. Although there were not many ripe grapes, Zhou Kun managed to take away two tons of grapes. 

According to Hans, the growth period of hardwood vines was about one year, and in the middle of each growth year, the vines will gradually bear fruit. In other words, whenever Zhou Kun visited, he would be able to take away a batch of grapes, which was considered a stable source of supply.

When Zhou Kun returned to the cold storage warehouse, he casually arranged the grapes and went to bed, because he was planning to go to the hospital early the following morning. He wanted to let his father consume Potion No. 11 to see whether it could wake him up.