Chapter 6 - The pawn

"I've been waiting for a time to use you..."

The Duchess pranced her way closer to Ophelia.

The little girl had just lost her mother figure; this was the perfect time to get her hands on her.

"Say, how about raising you as my real daughter?"

She added breathlessly. The atmosphere had turned heavy between them.

The Duchess did not fret at all, for what harm could a bunny as fragile as snow do to her? She needed a pawn, and there was one before her -The perfect pawn.

Ophelia didn't move a muscle at their shared distance, she just observed the Duchess at her pesky offer to her.

' this was what she wanted...a pawn eh?'

"Looking at must miss her greatly, she adopted you without a thought -but is that really all that there is? ..."

'Tell me everything, child....who sent you here?'

The Duchess thought inside her head. She had been meaning to ask the little girl ever since she entered the estate. Why would that old fag and the Duke adopt this child of no origin?

This left her wondering she didn't want to miss anything inside the Marcias estate. She wanted to be the center of it all; no one could escape her grasp. That's how it has always been for her side.

'Yet, this little bitch dared to enter the estate without my knowing...'

She thought. She should be a threat, but at her age the duchess viewed the little girl a vulnerable prey. But she couldn't help but think that the girl must have been bewitching everyone to get on her side. She hated the thought of it -someone was better than her, someone filthier than herself dared to get under her skin.

"What do you think? I can protect you under my wing and raise you as my own, I've always longed for a daughter."

She smiled sweetly at the young girl as if to take back the radiating threat she was provoking at her. She had to put on a facade for this young one. She needed a pawn usable at her disposal and Ophelia happened to be one that was close to her unfilial son.

"I'll give you a week....come to me when you have made a decision, child. I have been feeling lonely. Seeing you reminds me of my younger days..."

The duchess added calmly and proceeded with her words without waiting for Ophelia's response.


Ophelia, deep in thought, never could have expected for this moment. The duchess -as far as her memories can take her had never approached Ophelia, yet it was clear what the duchess was implying.

'The duchess thinks I am hiding something from her, so she wants to keep an eye....she wants me and Icarus in her fingers.'

Ophelia thoroughly scanned through each word the duchess had said...

"W-why would my lady raise Pheli as her own.....there is nothing good about me that I can offer Duchess in return..."

She responded desperately like a lost child. She needed to get close to the Duchess like this, and never had she imagined that she would approach her first.

"..My, you're a wise child for your age aren't you?"

The duchess thought it was a good thing for the little runt to know her place.

" son, He has no playmate, and he hates his mother so much..... I need you to stay close by his side..."

The Duchess replied.

It was clear to Ophelia; the Duchess had viewed his son and now her as a threat....but why?

"...I'm sure you might wonder why, since Icarus had been contacted by the blasted Eastern Empire, there's nothing I can do about him.... if only he'd come to his mother...."

There was a hint of sadness from the Duchess' voice, she sounded longing for Icarus yet there was that devilish smirk again... is everyone insane in the Marcias estate?

"-So you want Ophelia to be by his side, my lady?"

Ophelia answered meekly.

"...that's right, and while you're at it....make sure to visit me once a week in my room....mother has a lot to teach you~"

She added grimly and left for the hall.


It was funny how the duchess had assumed that Ophelia agreed on the deal.

'There was no way for me to refuse either way.'

But something about the Duchess' words had triggered her curiosity as well. Why was she taken in by the Marcias at the first place? There were too many mysteries happening at once. She was right, the Marcias' estate was a breeding place for secrets, and she just might happen to be one.


Walking at the pond near the garden, Ophelia had decided to clear her thoughts for a moment.

Icarus' the unlikely victim of his own mother had involved himself with the empire's enemy.

This was really surprising for Ophelia, and for the Marcias to seem unshakened by this threat had kept silent about this to their king. Marcias being one of the most powerful in the Northern Empire must have planned for a rebellion. Was the Duke aware of all the things happening?

And the Duchess had kept her eyes on her as well. To every nook and corner Ophelia turned, she seemed to surround herself with more secrets and lies ahead. Who should she trust?

'If it wasn't for the ring granny left, I wouldn't be able to notice these things'

At the thought of granny Mar, Ophelia remembered the opal ring. There was magic in that ring. Where could it have gone? Who kept the ring after granny died held an empty answer.

Looking around, Ophelia thought of endless possibilities and answers to her question... For now she could only keep her guard up around the Duchess and insure Icarus' safety.

"Icarus, what are you doing now?" Ophelia wondered.


Icarus had the ride of his life. He was taken to the Eastern Empire; it was another one of the perks of being a Marcias. Despite the Eastern being the Northern's formidable enemy, he managed to form an alliance with them -more like they needed him. He played a special role more than anyone in the Marcias in which they had viewed him as a threat in their estate, no the empire itself should know how threatening his existence was.

Icarus could not stop grinning as he felt victorious.

'Ah, right....there is that little thing.'

Icarus had peered outside his window and upon seeing the blue irises in the way. He couldn't help but think about the orphan girl back home. She had the same hue as those irises.


He had wondered again. She was pure innocence before him, yet when they had lost the granny she had seemed to act out of her character -as if something had been broken. Not only that, but Icarus had sense the lurking darkness at the mansion had grew darker and active. He had felt this familiar sensation before when he first met Ophelia.

"Who are you really?"

He asked at the empty silence as the wind brushed his majestic face.


Upon Icarus' arrival, the carriage halted in front of the Eastern Empire's palace gate.

Looking out the window, Icarus was fascinated for he was welcomed with heavy armed knights along with the red carpet as his entrance.

"My lord, we welcome you to the Eastern Empire..."

Nelson, the Eastern Duke Ambassador was the first to greet the long awaited crown prince of their kingdom. He was truly in awe at the sight of the twelve year old boy. He was small but had a strong outer appearance, his aura was noble and without a doubt, he should be the next king. He looked flawless and wise to his house, he was raised in the Marcias after all, Nelson could only applaud at the cold outer exterior the young lord bear on his face -was the perfect look for the bearer of the crown.

The Eastern King had high hopes for his successor; he had fallen gravely ill and had failed to produce a successor with his concubines ever since he had laid his eyes and had spent a night with Katerina Marcias-the godforsaken Marcias' Duchess.

Icarus went inside the Palace and proceeded with the ceremony and a feast was held until dusk to celebrate.


Ophelia, alone and unbothered had been wondering around the estate looking for clues and observing. Everyone seemed cautious at their whereabouts.The Duchess had disappeared in sight and Zachy -the family butler had been very busy in managing the interior affairs of the Mansion for the Duke's upcoming birthday.

'Where was the Duke in all of these things happening around the estate?'

Ophelia couldn't help but wonder. Was the Duke far too busy to spare his family his time?

The Duke had barely appeared in Ophelia's previous life.

'But then again, he is the head of this house...he must know something'

At dusk, Ophelia retreated to her room and decided to read books about magic and even the Royal history books for her knowledge.

'I have to learn as much as I can....this little body can't even do a single thing.'

In Ophelia's mind, being a pawn was the only quality and identity she had left.

So whether if she had to side with the devil herself, she had to use this opportunity at her advantage. She was not gonna let them have their way on her.

She had planned on approaching Icarus tonight. She had to find out his whereabouts and affairs but she needed to gain his trust first.


It wasn't until 10 pm, when majority of the household was asleep, that Icarus inside the royal carriage had arrived.

'Why is he so late?'

Ophelia had managed to stay awake with her small body and waited for him.

She felt eager to know.


Icarus, tired and fulfilled had gone straight to his room for a shower.

He was satisfied at what he had achieved. It was only an amount of time that the Marcias would meet their end. He hated the estate as much as he had hated his mother. It was like a prison cell for him that drove him insane. He felt desperate to get out and runaway of the darkness. He had felt this way but he couldn't explain why as if a memory had lapse his understanding why he was born a Marcias in the first place.

The nasty secrets this household possessed would be revealed in a snap of his fingers

-but that was only if he survived until then.

'Until then..... That blue-eyed girl shouldn't get on my nerves.'

He was flustered at his own thoughts about Ophelia. She had him worried for her, but he was frustrated that he couldn't figure out what the innocent girl had been thinking- or if she was not tainted by the Marcias at all. He couldn't grasp why her existence had suddenly felt important, as if he felt obligated towards her.


Icarus was still half naked with his body soaking wet, he had just finished his bath.


"It's Ophelia, brother."

Ophelia responded quickly and quietly. She didn't want to be discovered by anyone like this. It was unladylike for her to intrude in the middle of the night like this.

' do we have here...?'

Icarus thought Ophelia's action had gotten bolder at the moment.

With a quick swift, Icarus opened his door to Ophelia and gently but quickly tugged her in his room. No one better saw her and spied on her in the middle of the night.

He had forced her by surprised that she bumped into his naked chest, her nose was now wet. Ophelia stared at him, eyes wide and embarrassed at the heavenly sight.

'Wait....what awkward situation is this?'

"Uhm.....I-icarus, I'm sorry to have come-"

Ophelia started, she had forgotten to call him her brother -feeling conscious at the breathtaking sight of him. He was wet all over; though he was young he had that profound noble look that he took after from the Duchess. He is the Duchess' son after all.

"So, why did you come?" -Icarus asked nonchalantly.

He was ignoring the distance between them, and Ophelia couldn't back against him, she was stuck by the door.

' can't runaway this time...'

Icarus thought menacingly.

Ophelia, stuck at their position, her heart pounded at their proximity. They had shared the same air now and she could feel his breath. But nonetheless, Icarus seemed to be comfortable and didn't bother her presence.

"T-this morning, brother and the E-eastern Empire...Why?"

She managed to ask.

Was she spying on me?'

Icarus thought and looked at her eye to eye, though he was a few inches taller.

"How did my mother talk you out through"

He hissed at her.

'Damn. That Duchess must have gotten to Ophelia first...she must be using her to get to me...'

Icarus eyes grew colder by the minute. But he waited patiently for her to give him an excuse.

'Come on, defend my mother'

Icarus was intent and never batted his eyes to Ophelia.

Ophelia, surprised and taken aback from his words could only stare back at him.

She didn't know how to respond... Should she tell him? Would he trust her? But she doesn't even know if Icarus would take her words if she admitted. And she wouldn't dare give him an obvious excuse to act worriedly as a family; he was far too vigilant for that. It was another choice to make.

"....a pawn...I can be your pawn...."

Ophelia suggested to the never-batting eyes of Icarus. She was enticed by those gleaming amethyst that held hers. She didn't know if this offer would lead them safely to an assuring future. But if a pawn is all that she can be, then she better get the most out of the two worlds.

It was the Duchess and her son now... so far they had been battling an invisible force of darkness that is yet to be discovered.

-Two evils and a pawn. Who will prevail?