Chapter 19 - Just a little longer

Earlier that morning:

'We don't have that much time left...'

The young heir had woken up since dawn when the Duchess had entered the mansion again. He was in light spirits, his physique had turned muscular compared to his frail figure and he felt strong like never before.

Right, his memories were back now. The recurring pain back in the Duke's lobby had his memories rumbled back into place. He knew what he had to do now and what he has to do for Ophelia. It was only a matter of time before she awakens, and he had to take her far away from this place as soon as possible by his side.


"You're finally back...can we talk?"

"It's been a while..." Icarus buttons up his white shirt and turns around to face the Duke himself.

"Today...I plan to reveal myself to her, this much is all I can do..."The Duke looks back at the crown prince's amethyst eyes that held power and a stern look not befitting for his age.

'It's just like from back then...Roselia' -the Duke thought to himself. Icarus' strong presence emitted the same aura as Roselia back then, and the Duke felt nostalgic as if he were talking to Roselia himself.

"You do what you have to...I'll be taking her with me. I won't hold back this time."

And with that, the two went there ways again. Not taking much time in order not to attract much attention. And in that same morning, Ophelia woke up and later found herself in a serious discussion with the Duke who finally revealed himself as the rumored first crown prince that involved himself on black magic.


For once and for all, it became clear to Ophelia that the Marcias estate had rooted from the first crown prince when he was chosen by the dark bead. And for years that turned into decades, the Marcias estate had been the lingering nest of the dark bead and were at the same time protected under the Royal blood. This could explain why the Marcias were never accused of any offenses since the King himself protected his son and tried to cover up any mess that involved the Marcias.

'No wonder everything that I knew about the Marcias were just baseless rumors...'

Ophelia was now headed to her room that afternoon. She had to repack her things for her arranged travel to the Eastern Empire.


The Duchess had spent her day in the garden. Though it did not really make sense why she would be sitting here over a cup of tea as she stared at the blooming red roses, but she indeed enjoyed the sight of it. It reminded her of her young youthful days, the roses were blooming shamelessly and showing its entire beauty in display. It would have been similar to her when she had spread her legs for the young lord's father...Ah, what fiery passion it was. Redder than these roses, her blood had stained those naughty white sheets. It had been the best night of her life, and she too wondered if tonight. She remembered doing it twice with two Royals, she quivered in excitement at the thought. Maybe, she could taste it again with the Duke?

"AHHH~ Noo duke...I'm not readyy for this..." She gasped at her own imagination. She knew she was no longer in her prime years, but her naughty side had been clearly showing up as her mind convinces her so. The Duchess' head was seriously impacted by the dark bead that had started to fade from her, that she was no longer in any sane state to think thoroughly.

As she thought things through with delusions in her little world, the Duchess however did not notice the servants who had passed by, they couldn't help exchanging baffled and embarrassed looks together when they saw her peculiar personality. The Duchess paid no heed to this and was rather feeling fulfilled just by the thought of how she and the Duke were going to share their love tonight.

"Ah-Ahchoo....." The duke had sneezed, he had felt his back shivering as if someone had been talking behind his back.

"Ahh...I can't focus at all..." Duke stopped his paper works and decided to look out the window. There he saw the crazy Duchess, who had brazenly displayed her naughty side in the garden.

'...what the hell?'

He felt ashamed and somehow guilty. He couldn't help but think that everything happening to the Marcias were consequences from his mistakes. Though it was a long time ago, the regret he was feeling now is void, however he couldn't help to stare with contempt over the Duchess' figure. He shouldn't have gotten himself involve with Katerina, no, he shouldn't have spared her a glance when he had Roselia in his clutches. But he hated himself more and more for he couldn't bring himself to finish the things he have started. Everything would have been different. But nevertheless, these thoughts are useless. Blinking away his mudded thoughts, he went down and picked her up from the garden. As he took her back to her room, she had begged him to stay.

"Close your eyes, dear wife" He said in a bold husky, yet sad voice.

"OHHH" the duchess, in her peak had obeyed her husband obediently and lied down on her bed.

"Now, imagine me on top of you..." He began

"Oh my~ how shameless dear, don't do that~" She moaned in joy.

...'...what is this woman even thinking? Who does she think she is'....

" can do anything you want...just keep it down..." And with that he left his wife in her lecherous imagination to finish his papers. He couldn't dare to stay in the same room as the Duchess, fearing he might really give in to his dark desires that the Duchess had provoked. He had longed to finish everything with his hands but Roselia had forbade him to do so, especially when he was still vulnerable under the influence of black magic.

"AAHHH~ shhh ....yes...myy your so goood~ohh" Her moans were loud and clear and she had giggled like a young maiden would. And the door silently, slowly closed.

"I can set things right for you...just a little bit longer" A venomous smile spreads across Katerina's pale-looking face. She had felt weaker by the moment but some parts of the dark bead hadn't totally dispersed from her. Her facial structure had changed as she turned paler by the moment, revealing a monstrous appearance hidden beneath her flawless looks. Licking her lips in such a manner to show that she had grown impatient, but she mustn't hurry since her prey had not yet bloom, yes, the timing must be right.