Chapter 22

"Icarus! Wake up...."

Ophelia desperately tried to wake Icarus up. Something must have happened to the young lord to fall. But despite her pleas, Icarus didn't show any sign of waking up.

Earlier, Icarus had showed up in the royal garden to take Ophelia with him. But somehow, he had given off a tragic reaction upon Ophelia's touch. He had offered Ophelia his hand to help her stand, as she was sitting idly in the green grass.

A few moments passed and a small group of Eastern knights and some Officials had gathered the site of the fallen heir.

'How did they get here all at once?'

Soon after, the Royal herbalist had arrived and had checked Icarus' pulse. The knights on the other hand had separated Ophelia from getting near Icarus, undoubtedly she had been suspected of the sudden occurrence.

"Lock her up! She has inflicted the young heir of dark magic...Don't let her get near him!" The official had declared and Ophelia was taken with both hands. She couldn't fight back in her state.

'...what dark magic are they on about?'

"No! I didn't do such a thing..!"

Ophelia exasperated as hot tears rolled down her cheeks. Everything had happened in a flash. The Royal herbalist had removed Icarus's clothes revealing a long scar-like on his chest. For some reason it had turned red like a fresh wound. Who did such a thing?

"Silence! How dare you speak of were the last person his Highness had contact with" The Counselor, at the same time Icarus' tutor glared at the young Ophelia.

Ophelia confused and in utter shock didn't know what to say. Someone must have planned this through. She had no idea how Icarus could get such a wound without any weapon around them. Obviously, it could only be down with some magic.


Ophelia with no one by her side had been locked up in isolation. She didn't know which part she was in the Palace but it seemed to be a basement instead of a dungeon. She had been brought in for interrogation.

"This time you should answer honestly"

The inspector had arrived again and it wasn't the first question. Ophelia who had been cold wet on her feet couldn't stop her teeth from chattering. She had been tortured this way for the past minutes and Icarus had no news of waking up.

"What curse have you inflicted on his highness?"


(Splash) another cold barrel had been thrown at her.

"Witches! Do you think we are dumb huh? Ophelia Marcias...Are you telling me a Marcias didn't do this?!" He roared in angered and it echoed through the empty cold room.

Ophelia hadn't expected this cruel treatment, Icarus is after all, their only heir. So of course, they had to be thorough to save the fallen prince. But to a twelve year old like her? Her body had been feverish and every time she breathe out, smoke would come out of her nostrils. She wouldn't last long. The eastern empire never showed mercy to its opponent after all.

"I don't have all day young lady, Speak...How do we wake his highness up?"

He turned his voice low as if to notice Ophelia about to faint. He was ready to bargain with her and it was the last straw before he would end up killing her.

"...the Duke...Please…call him…" Ophelia coughed and had lost her consciousness. The last thing she saw was a young blonde haired knight, it was blurry but his hair shined, enough for her to be able to recognize who it was.


(Step, step, step)

Ophelia could hear the loud footsteps. She also felt someone had cuddled her and carried her in warmth. Icarus? Did he save her again? Is he alright now?

She slowly opened her eyes. And with much disappointment, it was the young knight.

...'.Sir Damen?'

"Shh…everything's alright, we'll get you out of here soon." His voice soothing and gentle made her warm.


Ophelia had been too weak to move a single joint and allowed herself to be carried in his arms. Whatever had happened, the duke must have taken care of it and they were heading back now. And with that she went into a deep sleep.


"Ha! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. One moment later, and if Damen had not appeared in the dungeon she could have been dead!" The Southern princess accused Icarus of his plans.

"T-talia, calm down. Let him explain, okay?" Damen, at his soft-spoken words had made its way to Talias heart. His words were always soothing to everyone, he could save havoc and was the only balance between the two.

"Damen's right Talia, don't jump into conclusions yet. As of now, we finally acquired what we must. All we have to do is wait for her to wake up. But for now, we need to head back before she fully awakens."

Icarus gently brushes off the chocolate strand on Ophelia's face. She was sleeping peacefully, as it appeared on the surface. But the young lady was in another nightmare as she had always been.


"Mmh...My l-lord!" Ophelia woke up and jolted. Adjusting her eyes to the environment she was in the same old room. She was back in her room, and sitting across her bedside was the Duke himself.

"Duke…What happened? Did you bring us back? Where is he?" Her eyes were worried and red.

"The young lord is fine Ophelia...what you should worry is yourself..." the Duke answered but his tone didn't sound right…The duke himself seemed downcast.

The duchess arrived a moment later, she couldn't have missed such important moment.

'A touching family reunion...' was in her mind when she saw this.

Ophelia, felt confused as ever. Why is the Duke, the one who had forbade her to come back had brought her back to the mansion himself? Or maybe it was the best choice, the young lord has his life full now, and she shouldn't meddle with him anymore.

"~Opheliaa deary, why the sad face..." The Duchess broke the silence between them.

"Wife, we can have the family reunion later, Ophelia and I have to talk." The duke blurted seriousness in his tone as if implying for the duchess not to make any stupid comment on this.

"~scary, but still sexy...bonjour" She left the scene gracefully. She had utterly became a useless character in this household and she had forgotten why Icarus had been the center of her hatred.

"Is he still...asleep?"

Ophelia spoke hoarsely as the Duchess left.

"He hasn't regain consciousness..."

" might be best for you to live with the Marcias relatives..." The duke suddenly added. "As I've said before, you shouldn't stay here anymore."

'...No...But that means I would just go back to the way it was...' Ophelia thought in her mind. And at that moment she had remembered what the counselor had accused her of.

"Dark mage... the Counselor said that Icarus must have been inflicted by dark magic..." Ophelia blurted.