Chapter 28

"Good morning..."

Icarus' warm husky voice echoed in Ophelia's mind as he leaned on to kiss her forehead. Ophelia, delighted, kept her eyes shut.

"...just a little longer..."

She whispers sleepily. She was still naked under the white sheets that were now spotted red. Icarus had stood up and a ruffling of clothes filled the calming silence between them.

"...don't stay too long, need to dress up soon"

Icarus added as he went outside Ophelia's room.

....'Is today something special?'

Still keeping her eyes close, her stomach churned a cry of hunger. She was indeed hungry but her legs felt weak. Ophelia blushed as her mind flashed the heated night they have shared.

Icarus was a beast in bed. Ophelia, still not getting over it was as red as a tomato. But she had to get up soon and she gained the courage to stand up despite the pain.

It wasn't long enough until they have met again in the Palace' dining halls.

Damen sat across her and Icarus had escorted a mysterious pretty lady that Ophelia never met before. Confused, Ophelia flashed a worried look but continued to put on a nonchalant face.

'Who is she?...'

Damen who seems to notice this shifted uncomfortably in his sit. They were clearly hiding something from Ophelia. The reason she had to dress up this early meant there was an occasion aside from sending out Damen back to his kingdom.

The lady had a short silver hair and her eyes were ocean blue just like Ophelia's. But what attracted Ophelia the most was her vigorous aura that carried on a strong noble impression. Ophelia couldn't help but wonder and her mind had taken her to assumptions that weren't impossible.

'...A king needs a queen…could it be...'

The thought made her nervous. Icarus was clearly passed his marrying age and he needed someone to carry on the burdens with as the ruler of the Eastern Empire. And the fact that she had been trapped all this time inside the black bead meant that she had missed everything.

"Don't look at me like that..." the silver-haired lady had spoken up and she sounded so elegant and direct with power, everyone gathered at the table were in silence and Icarus spared her a warning glance.

Ophelia was seated at Icarus' left side and Icarus sat at the center. Damen was on his right which was across Ophelia and the Lady sat at Damen's side.

"....Talia Chloros, from the Southern Empire...nice to meet you, finally"

She beams at the wondering Ophelia who had looked at her confused. Ophelia pondered at the lady's words. What could someone from the Southern Empire be doing here?

"..Ophe-" Ophelia trying to be polite wanted to introduce herself in return.

"Ophelia Marcias...I've known you for a long time now..." She cuts her.

'...What's her deal?'

Ophelia didn't like the aura around her, it seemed rude.

"Ophelia, my sister, I am so grateful you made it " The lady had shown hope in her eyes as she watch Ophelia bewildered at the sound "sister" that had left her mouth.

(Ahem) Icarus disturbs the tense atmosphere.

"Talia...please leave it to me" Icarus sounded firm and grounded.

"...Hey! What's your deal? I've been waiting for should pay me back for the trouble you've caused my sister-" Talia bursts out of her character. She was squabbling with Icarus which looked like a childish fight.

"...h-hey don't talk this way it might confuse Ophelia, and calling her sister out of the blue, what do you-"Icarus answered in a reluctant manner.

"...I would so! Do you think I will only sit back and watch you turn my sister into a mistress?!"


The walls echoed through with Talia's words. Icarus now had a dark expression on his face, Damen on the other hand was dead silent as he watch the drama between the two. Ophelia stood up from her sit.

"...can someone explain first?"

Ophelia plopped down back at her seat. She was also nervous as to what Icarus has to say.

"-sorry..." the two apologized at the same time.

"..Sister, I only have the best intentions for you..." Talia began and glared at Icarus slightly.

"Please, I am not your sister, you may call me Ophelia"

"I-okay. I'm sorry for being rude. Ahem. "

"...Ophelia... Your mother was the first crown princess of the Southern Empire...but she had died and the Emperor married later, I am your younger sibling" She blushed, embarrassingly cute when she had stated her relations to Ophelia.

"The Southern Empire is known for its ancient artifacts and their rich mana fuels. Considering this, we have our ways in breaking off curses and intervene anything that involved magic. In this future, that we have taken you, The Eastern King and I were supposed to be wed in order to reunite the whole continent but as we went along with their plans, we were heading to a dead end. Unknowingly, the Northern Empire were influenced with the dark energy coming from the Mansion. Before everything was swallowed in the dark, we were able to activate a magical barrier with Icarus, and thus tracked that dark energy and we ended up saving you as well in the process."

"As the first princess of the Southern Empire. I have waited long enough and have looked for you... I don't want you to be a mistress of the Eastern Empire...please grant us just this, in your return you shall take your name Anastasia Chloros." Talia offered her hand to her sister in desperation.

"Enough...What's this mistress you're speaking of? I have never come into any marriage agreements." Icarus sharply states at Talia. He looked really pissed off.

'...if you weren't a noble I would have seriously have your neck off....' he thought. But then backed off as he realized this person had saved them and had shared the same blood with Ophelia.

"You! ...lies! I clearly heard you speaking with Nikolas (Eastern Duke Ambassador)....I thought you were marrying an Eastern noble?!" She vexed at Icarus.

"Sigh...that Eastern noble your speaking of is none other than -" Icarus glanced in a trance at Ophelia. He wanted to avoid this topic but this silver haired idiot had went on ramping her way.

"What? (Her eyes bulges)...I-it can't be?!" Talia had realized her mistakes, and swallowed her words in disbelief.

They were now averting the gaze of the young lady Ophelia. Somehow, things have taken off in an awkward assumption. Talia felt bitter and bit her lips.

"..I...I'm sorry to have made such haste...but I only want my sister to be happy." She insisted and a tear had dropped on her face. Talia felt regret and blamed herself for jumping to conclusions.

Ophelia, took the young lady's hand as if to assure her. She smiled at her calmly.

"...thank you…I really appreciate everyone here. I don't even know you that much but…I guess I'm here to fulfill that role now."