Chapter 30 - The end

The sun has risen on its place peacefully -signaling a good omen for the events of the day.

The Eastern Palace had been in total chaos for the previous days in preparation of this very day. Even the town's people and noble folks were preparing feasts and gifts in celebration.


A harmless word that required commitment and engagement to a chosen partner. Risk, responsibility, chaos, and what else? Was Ophelia ready for this?

She had been thinking about that word for the past few days. She didn't know she could love or was she even lovable in the first place. She had her doubts and a heavy story on her back, arriving in this destination was the last thing that could happen.

'....But here I am...'

Clothed in white laces and silky linens. Her hair tide neatly and embellished with pink-tinted white roses. Purity and innocence were portrayed by Ophelia's beauty.

Time passed on quickly as if it had been dawning for the moment of the ceremony. Everything was prepared and designed elegantly in per Icarus' commands. Damen, his half-brother had arrived since dawn and had drifted off to sleep as he seated and waited for the ceremony to start.

Talia, on the other hand had been feeling annoyed since the previous days. She had hated Damen's company who always seemed to have his way on her. She went into the bride's room and volunteered in assisting Ophelia.


"Sister! You look gorgeous, no that would be an look so divine! Let me help you with your zipper." Talia greets the blushing bride.

Ophelia smiled in response and complemented her. She had been overwhelmed with joy from the moment she woke up. Tears were now forming in her eyes.

"Hey... Don't cry, everything's fine can cry after, okay?" Talia smiled at her sweetly.

The two stared at each other for a while. Indeed, it was a bit awkward for the two sisters to share a comforting moment.

"I'm fine now...It's time to go." Ophelia nodded at her briefly, she had felt assured and had found the courage to face life head on.


The bells chimed harmoniously that is had sounded pleasant to everyone's ear. Finally, the ceremony had begun.

Icarus, stood there with the Councilor as the host of the wedding and some high-ranked nobles were lined up along with Duke Nikolas-the ambassador and Damen as Icarus' right hand. They looked all formal and charming in their suits. As the bell rang, white doves were released into the open sky as the bride made her entrance.

It was a public wedding, the red carpet had been laid out in front of the Palace' gates where Icarus and the nobles stood as they watch the bride in making her first appearance.

The crowd, mixed with nobles and peasants had lined up formally looking their best to give support to the greatest wedding that is being held.

Surely, it was a long walk for Ophelia as she had climbed down from the royal carriage, decorated in fine gold and white roses.

The orchestra had begun to play as the bride stepped her first unto the red carpet. Matching her rhythm, the music melodically hummed a fine tune, each note reaching a crescendo as Ophelia stepped even more closer to her destination.

It was a breathtaking sight for Icarus. Peace at last, overwhelming joy and romance. It was nothing that he have ever dreamed of has happened before him. The sound of her footsteps clear in his mind, her angelic beauty hidden under the veil- everything about her made his heart throb romantically.

" could someone look like this...I love her.." Icarus whispered out which had caught the attention of the Nobles and Damen who lined up on his sides. The men have been caught unguarded by the King's words. Although the music had played and filled the atmosphere, they had always paid attention to their king. Some coughed to hide their embarrassment and some had blushed like Damen. -they were all too new to this side of the cold Eastern King, but now they were aware, that without a doubt he loves her.


Finally, stepping her last and Icarus reaching for her hand. She looked up to him only to be entangled with his enticing exterior.

'Handsome would not suffice...'

Ophelia thought as she placed her small hands on Icarus' alluring huge ones.

-if there was any word to describe the way he looked, Ophelia's words would not give justice to the man who dressed like a god before her. He was robed in white linen coat that had dark blue linings-highlighting his broad titanic shoulders. His clothes were sophisticatedly lined with golden embellishments-one suited for a king.

His clean hard jaw slowly moved as his enticing lips formed a smile.

The ceremony had carried on unknowingly for the two, they had been captivated with each other's presence.

Ophelia took her time eyeing him entirely -His amethyst eyes deemed passion for the woman before him, and his raven locks were flipped back majestically. '..Just, wow.'

As she swallowed the whole scenery before her, the nobles that had lined up were nothing compared to the stunning man who was soon to be hers. They were indeed dressed in richness but her eyes have been held captive by Icarus alone.


The crowd cheered silently with their hearts as the music went on. The two couples had been finally reunited at the very entrance of the castle. Gold, gold was everywhere within the Palace' walls. Flying lanterns and candles were designed in their traditional embellishments. The garden had bloomed perfectly in this season, it was the perfect day as the flowers were in their fullness. The ceremony went on, they had placed their rings on each other, the time had somehow stop for the two and without any haste they had reached the end-

"You may now kiss the bride."

Icarus, not wasting any more moment to make Ophelia his. He swifts his perfect lean arms and embraced Ophelia's delicate waist.

The air suspended in an intoxicating love-atmosphere. The eyes of the nobles awed and amazed by their beauty and passion displayed. Damen squirmed in his position, -it was the most awaited moment. (Fuck..just kisss already!)

-With one nervous glance from Icarus, his eyes had quivered in excitement and joy. Ophelia reflected his and she pleasingly flutters her long lashes at their closeness. 'Finally, we can be together'-

Their lips crashed delightfully at each other's warmth.-At this the crowd cheered loudly and some had whistled in celebration of their oneness.


A few hours have passed after the ceremony. It was finally night and the celebration had just begun. Festive music echoed throughout the entire kingdom, it was like a festival. Folks outside the palace danced in their own kind of music in honor of the Empire's newly wedded royalties. The smell of booze and joyful cheers echoed within the walls and everyone was peacefully chaotic in a sense.

Inside the Palace, a banquet hall had been reserved for all the nobles who served the kingdom. Young nobles had swept the entire floor with their dancing, sharing laughter and starting some sparks were in the ballroom.

The newlyweds had changed into their loyal attire for the night. They sat before the huge banquet and had witness the joyous celebrations and had all sorts of gifts presented to them. The two could only smile tirelessly, but deep inside they had longed to be alone together.


Ophelia was now dressed in a fiery red attire. Her ocean-jewel eyes were brightly emphasized despite the conflicting colors. She looked ravishing and tempting. -Icarus, blinded at her alluring figure, slowly leaned closer to Ophelia.

"My dear, are you trying to make me fall deeper?" Icarus asks ambiguously.

"Look who's talking..." Ophelia had blushed at his words but had appealingly made a swift move to her beloved. Her hand had rested on his manly chest and their eyes glued on each other.

-"Presenting! Gifts from the Southern Empire" Damen's voice have cut off their intimate moment.

It was Talia, who had presented on behalf of the the Southern empire to congratulate the couple. -after thanking and placing the gift before them, the couple resumed in silence.

"..So where were we?" Icarus began.

Playfully, he grabs Ophelia's hands and fumbles unto it gently.

"Haha, you were planning on something huh" Ophelia giggles at the thought of Icarus.

"Of course, I never fail to surprise you. Tonight we-"

-"Presenting! From the Noble Knights!"- Damen's voice have cut through again, mixed with the loud music and chatter. Icarus patience was running out.

'..this guy, does he want to die tonight?...'

Without any furthermore interruptions, Icarus glared his eyes at the gleeful mess. He gently tugs Ophelia's hand to follow him out.

-Ophelia followed her husband, obediently leaving the messy halls and left the responsibility to Damen. Ophelia felt sorry for the innocent lord and found Icarus' childish behavior amusing.

They stopped back in the garden. The garden which young Icarus who was still the Marcias heir have taken the 12 year old Ophelia as his attendant to wait for him. Ophelia felt nostalgic at the site. It was no longer the same scenery as before, there was more than one king of variety and flowers were fully blossoming.

"..I told you didn't I?" Icarus breaks off the silence between them, slowly wrapping his arms on Ophelia's precious tummy that carried their future together.

"...what?" Ophelia mumbles in response.

"Back then, I swore I'd make you stay here..." He smiled giddily, looking at the scenery. Though it was dark, but the flying lanterns and candles had lit up the garden in the most special way. It had made the scenery magical for them.

Ophelia remembers at the back of her mind, what Icarus had told her that day.

"You mean, "Don't take all of the scenery at once or else I'll get bored?" She laughs softly.

"...I kept that promise, how do you feel now?" He asks.

"...I didn't know it was a promise. haha...Honestly, I thought I would marry an Eastern noble to stay here...And I did." She looks up to Icarus and smiled at him genuinely.

"...well, are you satisfied with me here Ophelia?" His voice had turned low and concern. Was he perhaps anxious? Insecure?

"That's not it, the point is that the man I married is you. You're the best part in this Palace Icarus. I would never get bored, the scenery might change or stay...but none of it matters as long as I'm with you." Ophelia assures him lovingly.

Her eyes have shown sincerity to Icarus, he had thought her sparkling jewels were glowing bluer at the moment. His heart felt warmth from her words, he was always amazed how Ophelia managed to change his doubts into hope. Staring deeply into each other's eyes and her lips…those lips had spoken wonders to him.

Icarus closed their gaps and allowed their lips to feel each other's warmth again. A pure, passionate kiss burned their lips as they explored each other slowly.

(Pew, pew!) The sound of fireworks erupted in the clear night sky. The two fulfilled with each other's heat, peacefully peered at the astonishing colors that bloomed and disappeared.

They have been through so much, but nothing could steal this moment from them.

Not pain, nor sad memories, and even if the darkness came for the two; they had each other now.

To fight despite the odds, to find love beneath the pain, it had all been worthwhile for Ophelia.

There was no doubt that it was the greatest secret to be told -that sometimes darkness tampers with your life in order to awaken the light inside, and it had shined brightly for Ophelia.
