I kept glancing at my wrist as I walked through the hallway to see the number that had printed itself overnight; 21. It was written in this bold black ink and I couldn't rub it off no matter what.

Was it 21 days?

21 hours?

I had no idea.

Our headmaster's usual stern voice was filled with grief as it echoed through the corridor, "My dear students, I regret to inform you all, your classmate Xavier Diego, is no longer among us. He took his own life yesterday night. Please pray for his soul to rest in peace."

Silence filled the hallways. Not one word was spoken. Shock was the first thing you could see on people's faces. Dread and guilt followed.

A strange heaviness filled my chest as the realization that I would no longer see him standing near his locker, bobbing his head to the beat of music that filled his ears.

The bell rang, and our feet automatically started moving to our respective classes.

The rest of the day was the same; sullen faces filled the school as a kind of darkness hovered above our heads.

My best friend, Dawn, kept asking me if I was alright every time she saw my pale face. I only nodded my head because I couldn't bring myself to speak.

A funeral was being held in his memory that evening and I decided to go support his family.

When I reached the church where the funeral was being held, I heard the sky thunder. It started raining heavily. It felt like the sky too mourned with all of us. I saw Xavier's mother standing near his casket.

Audrey looked like a fragile women. She was the kind of mother that was more of a friend to her kids. I didn't know what was going on in her head but I knew her heart was broken into these pieces, that were too small to pick up.

I saw Hazel and Olivia, Xavier's 5 year old twin sisters asking their mum when would Xavier come back.

As my turn came to pay my respect and see him one last time, I slowly stood up from my seat.

I walked towards his casket and looked at his still body.

His eyes were closed and his skin was lifeless.

My throat began to close up as the thought of someone I knew was lying dead in a casket in front of me settled in my mind.

I couldn't help but wonder how he could leave a family that loved him to death.

As I was on my way back home I thought of that one time Xavier and I had to do a Literature project together. It wasn't that long ago.

Maybe a month back or so. But he seemed so happy. As the realization finally settled in that a boy I had gone to school with for almost 11 years is no longer alive, my chest tightened again.

I felt a hand over my shoulder and turned around to find a man that looked in his late twenties completely dressed in white. He had these bright blue eyes that looked like a baby's. His tanned skin shone in the night.

I asked politely, if I knew him.

He shook his head and said, "No, but you will be needing me in the next 21 days."