The light shone bright as I opened my eyes the next morning. Everything felt alright for a few seconds until I remembered everything that had happened yesterday. It just felt so surreal. The 20 on my wrist was long gone and it had been replaced with a 19.

I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth. As I looked into the mirror, I saw someone else for a second. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the way I look. I just wish I was prettier.

Like Luna.

The eyes that stared back at me were empty. They didn't have any emotion They were just tired.

My face was pale. It had always been pale but there was no rosiness left on my cheeks.

Just like there was no happiness left in this world.

I averted my eyes to the other direction and just got dressed.

I headed downstairs as I finished dressing up. I found my mum inside the kitchen. I smiled at her but she ignored me, as usual. I just want to wake up one day and see the love I yearn for in my mum's eyes.

Since Preston died, she never saw me as her daughter.

I was just the monster who had killed her youngest child.

I don't blame myself, honestly. But if I could ever switch places with Preston, I would do so gladly.

At least this way she would have loved me.

I grabbed an apple and headed out to Little Italy. I wasn't sure if Xavier would be there but it was worth a shot.

The smell of Italian delicacies once again filled my nostrils as I entered that cozy restaurant. It had an interior that would make you feel right at home and I had heard that even the food here was pretty good.

I looked around for the face that would forever be stuck in my memory and found him serving one of the tables in the corner.

He was right there in front of me but he seemed so far away. It felt like the moment i would try to approach him, he would run away.

If anyone saw him, then at the first glance he looked like any other teenage boy trying to earn money for college.

But that would be it. Because no one tried to dig deeper.

I waited for him to finish his shift. As I saw him head towards the exit, I quickly ran to catch up with.

"Hey, Xavier!"

"Oh, hey Ophelia. Didn't expect to see you here."

"My friends and I are going out to the skateboard park a few blocks away. You should come, Xavier. It's really a lot of fun!"

"No, I wouldn't want to intrude; I think I'll just head home now. I have a few assignments to complete too. Thanks for the invite."

"I'm so not taking no for an answer. I'll help you complete these assignments tomorrow. I'll text you the time and address. "

I turned to leave once he reluctantly agreed. A smile of victory adorned my face as I started walking home.

"Ophelia! Wait."

"Yeah, Xavier?"

"you don't have my number; Here I'll save it on your phone."

Airhead Ophelia has once more come to the surface. I mentally hit myself on the head and shook my head as I heard Xavier chuckle.

I turned to leave once again as he handed me my phone.

This time I smiled at my victory of bringing a smile on his face.

At least my stupidity brought a ray of light in the land of darkness he lived in.