Utter silence welcomed me when I got home; My parents were probably at work and my sister would be with her friends.

This wasn't something new. I was used to being alone in the house. But I still feel alone sometimes.

And I hate myself for that.

I decided to watch some TV before I start with my assignments.

As I grabbed some soda and sat on the couch my mind wandered back to everything that had happened this week. Azrail told me that he would give me my brother back. A guardian angel had chosen me to save a young boy's life.

Sometimes, all this feels so surreal that I begin to think that I am just making up everything in my head. But the number on my wrist is the wake up call that makes me realize all this is real.

The TV played on in the background as I suddenly began to feel sick. If I failed then I would have to live with this guilt, all my life. That too a long one, as Azrail mentioned.

A person's life depended on me and if I failed then they would die.

Because of me.

The weight of the situation slowly started to sit on my shoulders as I realized that I needed a plan. These 18 days were going to be crucial because all the steps I took, would affect both of our lives.

I remembered the remote that Damon had given me if I ever needed him. I quickly climb upstairs and try searching for that button in my room. It was lying near my bedside table.

Should I just push it?

Should it be a gentle push or a hard one?

Once or twice?

Without giving another thought I just pushed the button.

Bright light fills the room and I need to cover my eyes. When my eyes finally adjust to the brightness, I open them. Damon stands there looking smug because I needed his help. He snaps his fingers and the light dies down.

"You need my help, don't you?"

And here is the mighty Damon, I thought to myself while shaking my head.

"Remove that smugness. You were the one who needed a mortal's help at the beginning. I have 18 days left and I need to know how to get Xavier to open up."

Xavier had a very simple personality. But his mind was too complicated. I had to know what was going on in there.

Damon, being his guardian angel, would know about all that.

At least I hoped that he did.

"Go to his house. He spends a lot of time there. Check if that is a healthy environment. I don't think he has many friends but get him to meet your friends. All you need to do is know why he wants to take that step and help him see everything that he has and he shouldn't throw it all."

Wow! Damon did care about Xavier. I could see it in his eyes. I knew a guardian angel is supposed to protect you but I didn't know that they cared about you too.

"I will ask Xavier if we can study at his house tomorrow. Also Azrail paid me a visit today."

I felt that it was necessary for him to know about Azrail.

"What! Are you alright? Oh my god! Gabriel is going to kill me when he knows about this. He told me to choose someone stronger. Did Azrail give you a bait? Did you take it-"

Gabriel? Now who is this Gabriel. I feel like I am watching a show and new characters are being introduced to me day by day.

"Wait a minute. Now who is this Gabriel? And why would he care if you choose me. Also who said I'm not strong?"

I hate how some men think that women aren't strong. We might not be as huge as them but we do have physical strength, you know?

"Mentally strong. Emotionally Strong, Ophelia! You may have a strong exterior but you really are fragile from inside. Gabriel is your Guardian Angel. He knows about your family history and all about Preston. Did Azrail promise to give you Preston if you stopped helping Xavier?"

I was dumbfounded. I took Karate classes as a kid and I knew I was physically strong but my emotional strength never occurred to me.

"Yes, he did. But I have made my decision. Don't worry I won't give up on Xavier. He will be meeting up with me tomorrow and I'm going to tell him that I chose Xavier. He will leave me alone then."

If I tell him that I don't want Preston then Azrail won't have anything to lure me with. This way he would leave me alone.

"He is the Angel of Death! How do you think he got this name? He won't leave you alone even if you don't choose Preston. He feeds of the darkness.

He is rewarded with the most darkness when he brings in a soul who committed suicide. That's why he wants Xavier this desperately."