As soon as I reached home, I untied my shoe laces, kept them aside and ran upstairs. It was 2 and Xavier was picking me up in an hour.

I had to find something good to wear. I mean, it's not a date or something but I need to look presentable.

I looked through my closet and couldn't find anything suitable. This is the first time something like this has happened. I was never the 'I have a closet full of clothes nothing to wear' kind of girl.

I guess there is a first time to everything.

"Mind if I ask what are you doing, my little sister?"

God does she have the habit to scare me. I thought I was alone but Luna was there.

"I am actually going to study at a friend's house; I need to find something nice to wear. He is picking me up in an hour."

I regretted it as soon as I ended my sentence; I realized I had made one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

"HE!!!? Oh my god!! My little sister's finally growing up!! Who is he? What's his name? Doe he go to your school? How does he look-"

"Luna, it's a study session. We are only completing our pending assignments at his house along with looking after his twins sisters. Nothing else. Also have you seen my face? Why would any guy go for a girl like me? I'm so u-"

"Don't you dare complete that sentence, Lia! You are pretty and I don't know how is that going to get into your thick head. Now describe your 'friend' to me."

She wasn't going to stop annoying me until I answered her question. I only had 40 minutes left and I needed to get ready.

"His name's Xavier Diego and he goes to school with me. He's got black hair, green eyes and a sharp jaw line: one of the prettiest guys at our school, actually. He has two 5-year-old twin sisters and he loves them more than anything. Now can you please help me choose something good to wear?"

She brought this cute white t-shirt from her closet and paired it with a pair of high waist jeans. She styled my hair into a high ponytail after a long debate.

I was finally good to go when the bell rang. I quickly packed my bag and rushed for the door.

As I opened the door, Xavier stood there looking innocent as ever. He had changed into a sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans. His eyes glowed in contrast to when I first met him. He had a smile on his face that made the butterflies in my stomach go all crazy.

Focus Ophelia, Focus.

"Wow! I mean, you look really pretty, Ophelia."

Was he talking to me? Did a guy just tell me I look pretty. This had to be a dream!

"Thank you Xavier. You don't look too bad yourself."

"Thank you, wanna get going?"

"Yeah sure. I'm leaving Luna!"

We got into his car and he started driving. I rolled down the window and let the wind caress my face. I loved the wind. It made me feel like I wasn't the only one running.


Ophelia looked like a goddamn angel. Every time her brown eyes looked at me, I felt safe. I felt vulnerable. Like she could read everything I tried to hide.

Her soft pink lips moved every time she spoke; I wanted to feel how soft they were.

Every time she got a compliment, her cheeks turned the most beautiful shade of pink and her eyes looked down.

Her auburn hair that flew across her face as the wind danced with her eyes closed was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. She looked at so much peace that I always wanted her to be this happy.

I hoped that this is one of the images that flash in front of my eyes when I'm finally at peace.

"So what do you like to do in your free time?"

I wanted to get to know her. I wanted my memory to go on in the minds of people except my family even when I'm gone.

"I actually write poems. I am really passionate about writing. It's the only thing that gets my mind off things. I even sketch, but not that often. What about you?"

What did I do in my free time? I thought about how better this world would be without my existence. I wonder how things would have turned out if that night didn't happen.

"I like to read. It's kind of like an escape for me too."

We talked for sometime but then we conversed with our silence.

A comfortable silence.

Our unspoken words were heard by our souls as our hearts danced to the beats of the music that played in the background.