This is the best pillow ever. It's warm and it's soft. It even smells nice. If only I could wake up like this every day. Ahh, this is almost magic-

Wait, why is this pillow hard now. And why does it have arms?

My eyes open immediately and find myself in Xavier's arms. His soft snores fill the room as his chest heaves gently. He has his arm tightly wrapped around me and the other on his stomach. My head lied on his chest. I don't remember sleeping like this.

The last thing I remember is playing with his hair while he slept soundly. I looked back at him and saw him sleeping like a baby. The frown that always stayed on his face was no longer there. He looked at peace. Almost, happy. Without any worries. About his mom and sisters, about school, about Nicole.

His black hair was a mess. A few strands had fallen on to his closed eyes. I took my hand, which too rested on his chest, and moved the strands away from his face. His snores quietened for some time. I got up after kissing his forehead, once more.

I looked out of the window and saw the sky was clear. There were a few trees that had been uprooted but other than that, there were no signs of a storm. The clouds had moved away and the blue in the sky was back. I looked at the phone to check the time.

It was 6 in the evening. Wow, we had slept for two hours straight. I covered my face with my palms and sat for a few minutes. My mind wandered back to what I saw. Those tattoos. They looked exactly like the ones in the photo. There was a dragon that was spewing fire. In the fire, there was a heart with the initials, N and A.

That man had the same tattoo.

I rubbed my eyes and decided to leave this matter. It was probably, my mind playing tricks on me.

I looked back at Xavier and saw that he was still sleeping.

"Xavier, wake up! It's 6 p.m. and the storm has miracu- Xavier! Wake up, you dummy!"

I couldn't believe this guy. I was trying to wake him up and he didn't even budge.

Honestly, I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so away from pain. So much, at peace. But, if I didn't, we would lose our chance to meet Nicole. It was still early, so we could make it.

"Xavier! Wake up!"

FINE! I had tried the humane method, but it did not affect it.

I moved closer to him and prepared myself to scream in his ears. I tried not to touch him, so, I wouldn't ruin the nice surprise, I'd planned for him.


"Got you!"

One second, I was next to Xavier, preparing to scream in his ears and the next I was in his arms, on top of him. His warm body engulfed him as his arms held my waist in place.

"W-What a-are you doing? Put me down, you imbecile!"

He smiled at me silently. The dimple in his right cheek deepened as I palmed my hands on his chest to support myself. His tired eyes looked at me like I was the only sun in his universe. But didn't he know?

I was the sun that no longer shined.

Ahh, that had a nice ring to it. I could use it in a poem.

"I had such a peaceful sleep. I wish I could sleep li- Lia, your hair smells like cherries."

I wasn't sure about my hair smelling like cherries but I was damn sure about my face that looked like a cherry right now.

Xavier always said stuff like that. Not knowing the effect it had on me.

"Shut up, Xavier. Stop saying stuff like that."

His arms tightened even more as my blush grew deeper. His messed up hair and his droopy eyes, smiling lazily at me, made the perfect canvas ever.

"I'm not lying, Lia. I speak the truth. Your hair does smell like cherries."

My toes curled at his husky voice. I knew I was losing control. But, somehow, I didn't mind it.

Somehow, my mind, whose biggest fear was losing control, didn't mind losing it with Xavier.

If a few weeks ago, someone would have told me that I would be lying in someone's arms, I would have laughed at their faces.

That's because I didn't think I was unique enough to be loved by anyone. Pretty enough to be liked. I had always been so replaceable. A smart mind with no looks.

I still thought this. I still wondered what Xavier saw in me.

It scared me a little. too. Relationships could be as messy as hell. I mean, it wasn't that they weren't stable.

They were. But some days, they were a broken seesaw. A disaster.

But being with Xavier taught me one thing. He taught me that life doesn't wait for anyone. So doesn't time. Time was even worse.

One minute, it held your hand, and the other, it left you with no hand to hold.

He taught me to live in the moment because the moment never lives for you.

I looked back at Xavier and saw him looking intently at me. Almost, analyzing me.

Was there something on my face?

Or worse, my hair?

I, subconsciously, touched my face to check if there was something on my face. Xavier took my hand off of my face and kept it on the bed. His free hand cupped my cheek as he stared into my eyes.

Goosebumps covered my arms as I shivered. Xavier's gaze was so intense. I feared, that I would melt into a puddle, any second. He leaned in and stopped. He looked back at me, asking me for permission.

I leaned closer, saying a silent yes.

His lips brushed mine, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that I could inhale his breath, feel the warmth of his skin, and it felt like soft rain on a summer evening.

I closed my eyes as his hand went back to my neck. I almost lost my balance as the kiss deepened. It was slow. Not a rough one. Not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.

I moved away to catch my breath. His hand left my cheek but his touch lingered long after it was gone. I smiled with my eyes shut tight. I didn't want to forget this, ever. While the storm outside had stopped, we had created one of our own.

It took a few minutes for our breaths to calm down. No words were exchanged, but the look I saw, when I opened my eyes, spoke volumes. With his eyes still closed, Xavier smiled, leaning his forehead against mine.

I got off the bed and went into the bathroom. I immediately locked the door. God, I couldn't believe that had just happened. Xavier and I kissed, for the second time.

'Third', my mind said, reminding me of my actions on the roof that night.

My cheeks were flushed as my heart raced. My skin still tingled from Xavier's touch as I tried to calm myself down. Xavier held me gently like he was scared that something would happen to me, but his touch was firm.

There was no slipping out. After a few minutes of giggling while standing against the door, I finally managed to calm myself down. I got out of the bathroom with my hair hiding my face. I looked at Xavier who was no longer on the bed.

He stood next to the window, with his hands in his pockets.

"Done giggling?"

My eyes widened and the blush came knocking on my door. Why did he have to say stuff like that?


We collected the hoodies and the phone chargers and left the room. After returning the room key at the reception, we were back in Xavier's car. The wind had settled and the weather was back to normal.

I removed the hoodie and kept it in the backseat.


Xavier's hands gripped the steering wheel. His firm hold reminded me of the way he held me. This blush wasn't going away anytime soon.

"Yeah, Lia. I think I'm."

He smiled at me once last time and he started driving. I held Nicole's location in google maps in my hand, as Xavier focused on the road.

"Keep driving straight for a mile and then take a sharp right."

We drove in silence, with just the robotic voice in the background. I wonder, what Nicole's reaction might be? This was a risky move. Things could either go completely downhill from here or it might get better.

I had no idea.

I didn't know how Xavier was holding up so well. I mean, I would be shitting bricks if I was in his place.

"Take a short left in 300 meters and you will reach your destination."

Reach your destination?


I saw the beach we had walked in on our right and that familiar restaurant a few yards away. Xavier had parked near a tall building that stood out. Most of the buildings in Fremont were really short, due to frequent earthquakes. Xavier turned the ignition off and gave my hand a firm squeeze.

He looked at me with determination in his eyes. He gave me a soft smile and spoke.

"Let's go, Lia."

I nodded and we both got out. We entered the building with a tornado of fear and courage in our hearts.

The building was dark from inside. There were lights, but the walls were dark brown while the ceilings were grey. Was the owner colorblind while choosing the colors?

We didn't have her apartment number, so we walked to the reception. An elderly man sat behind the table, with his head in his phone.

"Excuse me? Could you please tell us the flat number of Nicole Diego?"

He looked at us with his glasses halfway down his face.

"And, who are you to Miss. Nicole?"

Xavier looked at me and then spoke, "I'm her brother."

The man nodded and then, his eyes shifted to me.

"And, who might this young lady be?"

I don't think anybody other than family was allowed.

"She's my fiance. We are kind of in a hurry. Could you please give us the apartment number?"

He stared at us for a minute or two and then opened his record. He looked around for a few seconds and then looked back at us.

"1203; 12th Floor, the third apartment on the right."

We thanked him and entered the elevator. My hands were shaking. I couldn't get myself to stop fidgeting. I didn't know what was going to happen in a few minutes. But, I had a gut feeling, that it wasn't going to be good.

I tried to calm my shaking hands, by taking a few deep breaths but nothing worked. A warm hand came on top of mine. I looked at Xavier, as he smiled reassuringly at me.

"Don't worry. I am gonna be just fine."

I nodded but I couldn't help notice the fear that lurked behind in his eyes.