The night had always been my friend, but today, it really wasn't acting like one. I sat next to the window in my room, with a warm mug of coffee. I looked at the steam rise as I sipped on it slowly.

I hated adding sugar to my coffee. The bitterness never failed to make me realize things I ran away from. Bitter coffee was my only cure for denial.

What I saw today, wasn't something I could forget. No, I was sure, I was going to carry it to my grave. I didn't really have words to describe what I felt today. It was like I was filled with these emotions but I had no way to express it. 

I rested my head against the cold window. The temperature had dropped in San Fransisco, too, due to the sandstorm. Plus, the fact that winter was right around the corner didn't help. 

I loved the winter though. The whites and greys made me feel at home. I usually just take my journal to write my feelings out.