"Will you tell me now, boy?"

I had an early shift at the restaurant today, and Luca wasn't going to get off of my back until I told him what had happened. I didn't know where to start. Should I tell him about Nicole being kidnapped or the fact that she's in love with a gang leader

Honestly, I wasn't even sure if everything that Luco had told me was true.

My only safe bet was to go on with what he had said.

"I'm trying to find Nicol-"

"Are you mad, boy? You're just taking a different path to the same destination your dad took. You will die. Nicole took her decision. She left you all."

He didn't know what he was saying. He didn't know anything about Nicole. I knew she had made mistakes in life. Especially this being one of them. But I couldn't leave her on her own. She was always there for me whenever I messed up as a kid. 

And, now I needed to be there for her.