"Ophelia? Are you hiding? Is there like an another surprise? You know a day with you would have been enough for me."

I couldn't find her anywhere. I kept looking around, the dark lighting in the room making it difficult for me to find her. The whole lavish layout of the party was amazing. It made me feel like we were living a royal fantasy.


I tried to scream louder than the music that was playing but I was sure it wasn't loud enough. 


Such a funny word, isn't it?

No matter how hard you try to be enough you can never be. Because people keep taking whatever you give for granted and don't stop asking more. 

Shut up, Xavier.

This isn't the time for that. I need to find Ophelia. After practicing slow dancing the whole morning, I finally found the guts to tell her I loved her. I had to tell her now or else I would go back to being a coward.