"Wh-Who are you?"

He smiled like a maniac and came forward. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. I tried to get off of my bed when my hands kept gettin pulled back. I turned my head and found them chained to the bed post.

When did I get chained!?

I tried to scream, which I knew was my only way out. 


"You don't think anyone can hear you, do you? Oh my! You turned out to be even dumber than the last one."

I stared at the invader, fear taking place of the blood that ran in my veins. I had to do something. 


I tried to pull my hands again. But that only managed to hurt me more. My wrists stung, indicating the wound had gone deeper. I couldn't let this be the end. 

I looked back at the men, trying to let defiance be the only thing on my face, even when I knew fear was evident.