"I don't know. I feel a little disconnected. Like even when I'm here. I'm not. When I look at Xavier, I remember a twelve year old boy who used to look up to his older sister. Not some bulky eighteen year old man who is applying to colleges. All these years when I was home, I used to think about the day I would get back home. But until now it was all just a possibility that didn't even feel like it was gonna come true. I used to think about Xavier. And mum. There is a part of me that remembers mum was pregnant. But the other part still feels like I am just making up these stuff. Like it's not even there. I'm just making it all up. I feel like I am not Nicole Diego. The first born of two loving parents. With one brother and possible sibling" 

"Yes Nicole. You have two sisters. You have two twin sisters named Hazel and Olivia. They are both five. Turning six soon in January."