I stand in front of the mirror and studied my face.

This face belongs to a girl who can no longer stand on her two feet ever again. Someone whose heart has been broken is afraid whether it will still beat.

I wonder if my face will ever look the same again, or if I'll always see this melancholy in my reflection.

"Lia, come down for breakfast, won't you?"

I shook my head. 

Like she could see it. If Xavier couldn't see my heart that was breaking right in front of him, how would Luna see my head shaking which isn't even in front of her.

I didn't want to eat. There was no way I could bring the food near my mouth and force my teeth to move and chew it after Xavier uttered those words. 

I am bored of how you look. I am bored of reassuring you that you are beautiful enough.


You are stronger than that, Ophelia.