RECAP FROM XAVIER'S POV (Because some of you were not able to load the last part)

"One, it makes me laugh that you still say that you love my sister when you hurt her like no body ever has. And that is coming from the girl whose mother has been blaming her daughter since her birth. You hurt ophelia even worse than our mother ever has. You fucking told her that she was boring and that she was trying to save you like you were her patient. God she really wasted her time on someone like you. Have you looked at yourself? You look like you are standing on the brink of falling into your darkness. You look like someone who would rather love his own darkness than get up and take the courage to overcome his fears. Oh, wait, you already proved that you can't do that. You did choose your own darkness, your own selfishness over my sister. So now tell me who is the immature one, fool."