That looks like an ass

Edward could clearly feel something called "culture shock". As a healthy man in his mid-twenties, it wasn't like he didn't have his 'urges' and now that everything was been offered to him on a platter, it felt hard for him to resist himself.

'No! I can't do this. I can't think of something like this! Taking Rain who is with Roc…. IMPOSSIBLE. I was cheating on by my wife in the previous world. I will not go down the NTR route on Roc. And watch them? What am I a voyeur pervert?'

He could understand the underlying meaning behind Daisy's and Night's words. They wanted the excuse of Roc and Debro to make him move into a tent from a cave so that the trio could be all alone.

Edward hadn't done this intentionally as he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself.

Who didn't want to be alone with two beautiful girls?

This was a primitive society. It was run by the nature of hormones and men.