Chapter 2 - The World Trembled

Huge tremors ran throughout the hospital, she hugged her poor mother to her bosom. The nurses and residents started evacuating to the safety.

One of them came towards them and said "Please move towards the exits, please move in an ordered manner towards the stairs," she shouted to calm the panicked people. Another tremor was felt through the building and people ran towards the stairs.

Reya pulled a nurse towards her and said, "Her sisters in the room 302. When will she be evacuated?"

She nodded her head and said "They will be evacuated by a medical professional, please move towards the exit" she tried pushing her towards the nearby exit.

"Wait, when will you bring them?" Reya yelled. They both were being pushed by the panicked crowd.

Her mother gripped her hands firmly and whispered, "Mina! mina is still there."

Reya held her gaze and hugged her tightly. "Mum, I want you to listen, I'll bring Mina. You go on ahead," She yelled into her ears.

"Reya!! Reya, no, don't let go, come back." Her mother's screams were heard behind her as she let go of her hand.

The ground trembled again; the lights went out; she almost lost her balance as she swam through the crowd. Going against the crowd's direction was very difficult, she kept losing her balance as people push her the other way.

Reya was quite near Mina's room when one rude man slammed into her shoulders; she tripped and fell on a nearby waiting chair. Her head banged loudly against the hand rest of the chair.

Her ears started ringing loudly as her vision became hazy.

She gasping at the walls to pull herself up, but someone stamped on her leg and her leg snapped loudly.

"Ahhhh" she screamed as she hopped up with her broken leg.

Limping, she entered into her sister's room. Her sister stood by the window and was watching something with fear.

"Mina" Reya screamed.

Mina turned back and rushed into her arms.

She hugged her close to her body. "Mina everything is fine. I'll take you out." Reya whispered.

Lifting her little sister up Reya strode towards the door. But a terrifying sight out the window froze her on the spot.

A huge red structure stood covering the entire sky. It looked as if the satellite or rock was moving closer to earth. The entire building shook. This snapped her out of her daze.

Her little sister was sobbing on her shoulders. Patting her lightly on her back, she took a final look at the horrifying sight out the window before running out the door.

Reya followed the crowd down the stairs as she hopped on one leg. Tears filled her vision from pain. They were presently on the fifth floor, so she hopped for almost two stories. There were times she almost lost her balance, but she held onto the walls. 'I have to save Mina' she thought as she pushed herself in her broken leg.

They reached the ground floor soon, and she hopped along with the crowd towards the safety assembly area.

'I hoped my mom would be there' she thought as her struggled to breathe.

They both reached the area and started searching for their mum's bleached blond head.

Reya found her after searching for 15 minutes. "Mom," she shouted as she spoted her mom near the fire engines.

"Reya, Mina," Their mother sobbed as she ran over to them. She gave them a crushing hug and started sobbing on her shoulder. "Thank god, thank god." She muttering and started vigorously kissing their foreheads.

A huge rumble was heard; all three of they turned back and gazed at the hospital. The entire building started crumpling from the top floor. Screams ran as people cried for their loved one or people started panicking. The firefighters ran towards the now ruined building, trying to save as many as they can.

'If I had waited for Mina to be rescued.... I don't even want to imagine it,' she thought as she gazed at her mother with tears in her eyes.

"Mom," Reya cried as she leaned into her.

"What happened, Reya? What happened to you? Are you hurt somewhere? Tell me," Her mother demanded as she took her little sister out of her arms.

"Her legs," she wept as she lean against her.

It started to hurt badly. All her adrenalin got used up in her run. Her vision started turning hazy. "Mom" she whispered softly as she fell to the ground. The last thing she saw was the ominous object in the sky as she lost her consciousness.

Reya snapped opened her eyes with a start. She was in a small tent; there were many patients around her with different levels of wound. Mina was sleeping curled up on her bed.

"Thank god," she whispered and just hugged her close to her as tears ran down her face. Cries were heard in all directions, she gazed at a woman that was crying for the firefighter to save her son.

'What is happening to this world?' she wondered as she searched for her mother.

Just then her mother was walking through the multitude of people in the tent with a cup in her hand. "Reya" she called as she stepped through the crowd.

"How are you feeling, dear? Does your leg still hurt?" she questioned with a worried look.

"I am okay, mom. Are you hurt anywhere?" Reya whispered. "Mom, I was so scared," she cried as she hugged her close to her.

"Don't be dear, mom's here. Mom's here for you. We will face this together," she whispered.

"What is going on? What is that thing in the sky?" Reya said as she got out of her arms.

"No one knows dear. But it looks like a huge rock. People are panicking Reya. And the authorities refuse to answer what it was." She said as she tied up her hair. She started fussing about her hair when one of the nurses came to attend her wounds.

"Are you feeling good Reya? How would you rate your pain from 1 to 10?" The nurse said, looking down at her notepad.

"Um, Five, I guess," Reya answered awkwardly.

"Good, please call for me if you feel too much pain" the nurse repeated and walked to her next patient.

The world was changing around them and unknowing so were they.