Chapter 70 - The Brown Egg

After their emotional reunion, Reya and the two all started searching for the third egg.

Reya wordily glanced up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly to her right. She then glanced at her watch. It had become 11 am already. 'Only two more hours to go. If I don't find the egg...then....' she gingerly held her right hand and glanced around.

Something did not feel right. It felt as if something or someone was following her.

'Haily I think someone is following's this weird feeling like someone is watching us intently. Even my hair is rising,' Reya thought to her friends.

Without looking back, Haily transmitted a message. 'I know...I can hear their depreciable thoughts. It's that cute brunette that and that blond guy,'

'I think so to...hey, warn Jaiye too,' Reya thought back tightly clutching her bag.

'I don't need to. This girl has been strung up for a long time now,' Haily sent her thoughts. Glancing back, she laughed out jubilantly pulling Jaiye forward.