Chapter 113 - The Criterion Of The Wish

After having a talk with Artemis, Reya returned to their room with a slightly lose heart. The solution for her problem was close by. Sighing, she entered their dorm. Blue popped her head out a d nodded at her. "Did you find the hospital? hssss,"

"Yeah, everything is good. Thank you so much," she bowed to her respectfully.

"Don't need to be distant. Friend of Vickie is my friend as well," hissing loudly, the snake entered her hole again.

Reya directly walked over to Clive's new room and knocked. He opened it with only his pants on.

"Put a shirt on. We need to have talk," she barged in and sat on his bed. The crazy scientist had already filled his room with few equipments and he had even pulled out wiring and the light attachments down. "I guess you showing your anger this way?"