Chapter 5



—🕊Third Person (POVs)

As Little Yurina was hiding behind that big black curtain, the red haired guy which name is Yoru finished his counting one up to twenty and he then opens his eyes and smiled.

" Hmm.. Where could they be hiding? " Yoru said while looking around the living room.

While Yurina was just hiding behind the curtain and was giggling a little, while Yoru was just walking around the living room, and what Yurina didn't know is that.. Yoru the fire fox demon actually already know where she was hiding for his a demon and Yurina has a strong smell of being human.

Yoru was just pretending that he couldn't see where Yurina was hiding and so Yoru had an idea, his idea is to pretend leaving the room.

" *sigh* Where are they exactly hiding? " He said out loud.

Yoru then pretends to walk like he was leaving the room but only to know that Yoru was actually standing upside down at the ceiling, waiting for Yurina to come out where she was hiding.

After a few moments, Yurina heard the slam of the door, she then peck a little behind the curtain and when she thought that no one was actually inside the living room, she then jumped out from where she was hiding and she then walked happily towards to the spot where Yoru was standing and counting to one up to twenty.

As she was walking and was about to reach the spot were Yuro's safe place, and when Yurina was about to reach that safe place, someone touches her hair and so Little Yurina stopped and looked who was behind her.

" I got you. *smile*" Yoru said and Yurina was so surprised to see Yoru standing behind her.

" How did you — Wait, I thought you left? " Yurina said with her frowned face.

" I didn't, I was waiting for you to come out, and when you did, now here I am." Yoru

" That's cheating! It's unfair! " Yurina says and while Yoru the demon laughs.

" I guess, you will be the next seeker then.*smile*" Yoru said while Yurina crossed her arms.

" Now, where is Zenaku. " Yoru said and while Yurina was smiling because she saw Zenaku the white hair guy leaving the room.




" Where's that guy exactly?  " Yoru mumbled, while Yurina also helped him to find Zenaku who left the living room while both of them were playing hide and seek.

" I saw him leaving the room while you were counting one up to twenty." Yurina replied.

They've been looking for Zenaku for the last few hours when Yoru finds Yurina, but after that hours, they've never seen Zenaku's hiding place, they've searched for him every entire rooms of the house.

" I guess Zenaku Wins!!!  " Yurina said cheerfully.

And by that, the fire fox demon gives up looking for his brother who actually went out to the house to buy some few groceries at the demon black market, cause they were running out of supplies, cause Zenaku is the one who is encharge of cooking at the kitchen.

" But where is Zenaku hiding anyway? " Yurina said while facing Yoru.

" He'll come out, let's just go and play some video games, do you know how to play video games? *smile*" Yoru

" No, teach me. *smile*" Yurina said happily

" I'd be glad to teach you, my princess. " Yoru said

And with that, both of them played video games which all demons always plays, and the game is called ''KILLING HUMANS ''Which Yurina actually enjoyed playing the game.


—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

While Yoru is busy talking to the phone while his other hands where also playing at the video game, I was also enjoying the game that he teaches me too play, and it's about how to kill humans, and I enjoyed the game very much.

" We're home my sweet cake, did you missed daddy and mommy? *smile*" I then stopped playing the video game and look behind me.

" We brought you presents my darling!!  *smile*" My mom said cheerfully—well I mean, they said they are demons.

I then stood up and went straight to them and I give them a welcoming hugged.

" Awe~ did you really missed us my sweet cake? *smile*" Dad said

" No, she misses me first! " My mom said

" I'm her father, she misses me first. " My dad said

" Me, she misses me first." My mom said

" My King and Queen, the princess, misses both of you." Yoru

" She did? *smile* " My mother said

" Yes, I do, I missed both of you, please don't fight each other. *smile*" I said

" Oh! We promise to you we won't sweet cake. *smile*" My dad said

After that, I give them both a tight hugged and a peck kisses on their cheeks.

" Oh my~ I'm so glad to have child! " My mother said

" Why did we not adopted a child in the first place! " My dad said

" You have no brain, that was that. " My mother said and I just laughed

" Why don't you opened the present we brought to you sweet cake. *smile*" My dad said

And so, I then began opening all the presents they've bought for me, some are small and some are big, they bought so many gifts just for me.

" Thank you, my mommy and daddy. *smile*" I said and they both just said 'Awe~'

" And here, we made this for you.*smile*" My mom said

" What's this? " I asked curiously.

" It's a potion that can suppress you're smell of being human, and you will have a demon smell for a week only, and after a week you need to drink it again." My mother said

" Why?  " I said

" Because, the demons will eat you. " My dad said and I then felt scared a bit and very funny to think that they will eat me.

( But do Demons will actually going to eat me!?? )

" And by the mean time, you need to drink the potion, because when the red moon will rise, your dad and I, are planning to change you to a demon with our blood that you will drink. " My mother said

" So, I need to wait for the red moon? " I asked.

" Yes. " both of them answered.

" When is that red moon going to rise?  " I asked

" Hmm. Yoru when will be the Red Moon going to rise?  " Mother asked.

" After one hundred days. " Yoru replied.

( One hundred days.)

" And so, whike waiting for the red moon, you need to drink that potion, do you understand? *smile*" Father said and so I nodded.

" And oh, wear this ring all the time and never removed it. " Father said while putting a ring on my finger.

" Why can't I remove it?  " I asked

" It will protect you from danger, and whatever you think, the ring will grant whatever you like." Mother said

" Just don't use the maximum power, it's really dangerous, stick to the level one power of a demon, do you understand?  " Father said and I nodded as an agreement and by that, Zenaku just appeared out of nowhere holding three bags on his arms.

" Where have you been?  " Yoru asked.

" Groceries, did something happen?  " Zenaku

" Yeah, we we're looking for you for an hour." Yoru said while crossing his arms.

" We we're running out of ingredients, so what do you expect for me? " Zenaku

" You cheated. " Yoru

" What's this all fuss about?  " Mother asked

" Yurina asked to play Hide and Seek, but Zenaku disappeared out of nowhere and we couldn't find him, and just to know that he actually leave the house buying some groceries. " Yoru

" Oh so, did the three of you play somw games while we were out?  " Father asked joyfully.

" Did you have fun playing with them darling?  *smile*" Mother said

" Yes mother, I did. " I said

" We'll we'll, looks like our human daughter, seems to have adjusted to the environment in here, and now you seem to have getting closer to our both faithful servants. *smile*" Father said

" Shall we all play balls outside the house? *smile*" Mother said

" My Queen that's a fantastic idea!  *smile*" Father said and a ball then suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

And we suddenly just teleported outside the house within just a single snap from father's finger, and Mother is looking beautiful with her comfort clothes.

( I have never had a family like this... So happy.)

( I wish this isn't just a dream.)