Chapter 15

—🕊Arata Hisae Masatane (POVs)

( W-what's that!?? )

( She just cries out all of a sudden, but then.. Out of the blue... three lightning strike behind her.)

I then took a step back, but someone was touching my hair and so I creep out and look who was it, but there wasn't anyone and when I face front I saw a black looking tall shadow woman in front of me and she then choked me up on the air.

" How dare you, hurt our little princess!  " A dark voice from the shadow was heard, and that gives me shiver.

" Mommy!!!!! *cries*" I then look at the girl at her back, one of the creature was licking her wound and tries to stop the bleeding and so I look back again to the shadow but then she throws me up on the air and she followed me and then kicked me down to the ground.

( Ugh!!! My body hurts!! What are this looking creatures in front of me!!!? )

" You have no authority to hurt the princess you commoner." The dark figure woman with eight feet tall said, I can't see her face,  she is just a looking shadow person—or a smoke person.

( But... What!??? A commoner!!! How dare this crazy thing called me a commoner!!! )

" I am Pri—. " I said but she cut me off.

" I have no intention to know who you are nor to kill you, and  you are not allowed to hurt the princess, if you do so, you have to passed through me and the other creatures." It says.

( Who are they?! )

" Who the hell are you!? You shouldn't be interfering someone's battle. " I said

" As far as I know, I can, it says in the rules. " It says.

" It does, but the three of you aren't even her animal guardians, only animal guardians can interfere the battle or even stop the battle. " I said and crossed my arms.

" Yes you are right, shall we call the second guardian of Ms. Yurina? *smile*" It says, and then I saw two hole as if it's a mouth of the shadow.

( This lady is creepy.)

Out of the blue, the rain started to pour, and a loud thunder again was heard but this one.. A large ball of lightning strike outside of the school's Ocean area.


" Are you now calling a demon mermaid? " I said and laughed but then the ground starts to shake hardly, it feels like an earthquake, and the most painful thing is.. We all heard the most loudest noise that I've never heard before.





" There, you have it, it'll not stop the fight between you and the princess, but in order to start the fight with our princess, you need to fight Ms.Yurina's second guardian pet." It says

( I-I.. I can't fight that!!! )

( That is the most feared kraken of the ocean and animals! And the rarest animal in the ocean... )

( One stare and I won't be able to move around and that means.. I'll die on one round.)

" That's unfair! That's a—huge opponent. " I said

" You're a demon a find a way to defeat it, or do you want me to fight against you? " It says and then a dark aura around this lady can be seen and it's the most scariest thing I have never felt.

My opponent is impossible.. To defeat.. Especially that little girls guardians. She has powerful guardians that no ordinary demon can defeat it.

" I—I... Retreat." I said

" That means. You los—." It says but was cut off when Queen Hori spoke.

" Let the little child fight against Hisae, no one not even a single guardian should interfere the fight, I want to see who will win and who will lose the fight without animal guardians. " Queen Hori

( Now that's what I'm talking about..)

" I respect your decision My Queen, but she—. " It says but this little demon spoke up.

" I'm okay now, I can fight I guess. " she said.

The shadow lady and the two creature then step aside and now I'm facing this little girl and she's staring to me again.. blankly, but then... Her dark red eyes were staring at me intensely.

" Were not having a staring co—. " I said but then suddenly I puke blood.

( What's going on!?? Why am I puking blood all of a sudden!??? )

" Ew, why is she puking blood in the middle of the battle, that's gross. " I heard one of the demons said and so I stared this little girl angrily and so I closed my mouth and took another step but my knees are shaking.

" Take another step, and you will soon bow down to me, like how you forced me to bow down in front of you on the hallway, remember? " She said and so I stared at her.

( What's her problem!?? )

( This isn't a fight!!! )

" My problem? Is someone like you, who fights with a seven year old demon who have no idea to fight. " she said

" You think this is a fight between a seven year old me and a princess like you? " she said and was staring at me like she was staring to my soul.

" Then don't think, this isn't a fight nor a battle between you and me, this is a war between you and me that you started in the first place, and the consequences is one only, and it's— death. " she said

( Why am I feeling like this? )

I glared at her and took another step, but however my knees were too weak and so I kneeled down, with my horrified face.

( What's going on? Why can't I move my feet? )

( My body feels like it's getting weak and weaker than ever.)

( This feels like a nightmare.)

" Just now, you have crossed the line,that's why you are puking blood non-stop, like how i was bleeding non-stop too, it feels grows and scary right? That's how I felt, now I want you to feel the same, it's nice seeing you this way." she said

( She... She.. Who the hell is she threatening me!!  )

" You won't get away with this little girl! You ain't threatening me. " I said looking at her and that only makes me feel like sick when I met her red eyes.

" Don't worry I will not hide or run away from you, and I'm not threatening you nor giving you a death wish, I'm giving you a warning, crossed the next border, and I'll sure to bury you alive that even demons can't get you out, nor your family." she said

( I have never met a psychopath little demon girl like her before.)

" Just to let you know, I'm Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō, my father is Akuma Hida Rokurō, and my beautiful mother is Runa Haruhi Rokurō, and pin that information to your head, slapsoil. " she said

( S-she.. She's.. King Akuma and Queen Runa's daughter!????  )

( Why did I not know that they had a child!???? )

( My parents will kill me if they know about this!!!! )

" And again, don't play games with me, because I win them, and never mess up with me again because.. I won't let one single hair from my enemies escape." she said and then she walked away from me and her guardians disappeared and I then feel free again and... I can.. Move now.

The gloomy cloud and the rain, stop. When the battle was over, and when that little demon walked away from me, and I was the only one who was laying on the floor puking blood but.. The blood then suddenly stop. and so I took a glance on her again.

" Yasha!!!!!! *smile*" she said cheerfully.

( This demon is two faced.)

( She can be very scary and fearsome demon, but on the other side, she looks so innocent and cheerful.)

( I can't... I can't accept this fact.)

( I can't accept this.. I'm being defeated by a little demon for the first time.)

( I won't accept this.)

( I will never be.)