Chapter 19

—🕊Akuma Hida Rokurō (POVs)

When I arrived at home, I was also humming and dancing on the hallway... I'm just so happy today hehehehe.

While I was inside the school near the window, I saw my own sweet cake having a battle with one of the students demon and I am so proud as a father, that she beats that demon.

( I got a strong cute little girl! )

( I wonder if she's playing in her room right now.)

( As a father, I shall check her on her room.)

I then walked as fast and when I reach out to her room, I then knocked outside her room twice but there was no answer, so I opened the door and just to see she wasn't inside her room.

" Sweet cake, are you playing hide and seek to papa? "I said excitedly, but she didn't answered.

( Hmm... Maybe she's hiding on her closet.)

I then walked towards to the closet and opened it but there were only clothes of her and the few things I bought for my sweet cake.

( Okay there's no need to panicked, maybe she's inside the bathroom.)

I then walked towards to my sweet cakes bathroom and knocked on the door.

" Sweet cake, are you taking a bath? If so, I'll just wait on the living room." I said and turned around just to see Zenaku holding a tray of food and was looking at me.

" My King, I didn't know you had already arrived." He said and puts the food on the table.

" Is my sweet cake is inside the bathroom?  " I said and with that Yoru just suddenly came out of the bathroom.

" Oh! My King, I heard your voice when I was inside the bathroom. " Yoru

( What's he doing in there? )

" What were you doing in my sweet cakes bathroom? " I said confusedly.

" Oh, I was looking for Mr.Velthazor, cause I will be feeding him a milk, cause that's what Little Yurina wants. " Yoru said and so I just nodded.

" But where's my sweet cake? She's not inside this room. " I said and both of them went quiet.

" I was in the kitchen, preparing a food for Princess Yurina and for her black kitty Velthazor. " Zenaku said and so I looked Yoru.

" When I come inside to Little Yurina's room, she wasn't here too. " Yoru said.

( Oh no!!!! My baby sweet cake!!!! Is gone!!!! )

" What!???? Call my Queen!!!! And find my sweet cake!!  " I said and then left the room to call some police demon to find my lost sweet cake.

When I went inside the living room, I then grab the telephone and call them.


PD - [ Hello, King Akuma, it's so ni—.]

Akuma - [ Shut up, I lost my beautiful cute sweet cake at home.]

PD - [ What? You have a child? We should cele—.]

Akuma - [ I'll kill you if you don't find my beautiful cute sweet cake.]

PD - [ But My King, we don't know what your little girl looks like.]

Akuma - [ I'll send you a picture of my beautiful cute sweet cake, and you need to find her! And if you don't find my sweet cake, I will kill all of you in there!!! ]


" My King, the Queen will arrived in here any minute now." Yoru

" My King, I cannot trace and find Princess Yurina whereabouts." Zenaku

" Oh my poor sweet cake, where are you? " I said and started to cry.

" Oh My King, please don't be sad." Zenaku

( But my poor baby is lost~ Huhuhu.)

( Where Is my beautiful cute sweet cake!!! )

" My King the news about Princess Yurina being lost is now all over the underworld, the headquarters are now trying their best to find the missing Princess Yurina." Zenaku

( My poor baby sweet cake, I hope she's okay.)

" There will be over six thousand of demon soldier who is looking for the Little Princes my King. " Yoru

" And there are six hundreds of elite demons from all around the underworld are now looking for your missing princess, and the headquarters are spreading news about this matter, and the picture of Princess Yurina around the underworld too, in order to find her as soon as possible. " Zenaku

" Only six thousand of demon soldiers and six hundred elite demon are looking for my daughter!???  " I said angrily.

" Yes, my king. " Zenaku said

" No!! Order all those f*cking soldiers to find my daughter!!! If they won't find my daughter, I will create war in this entire underworld!!!  " I said

" Y-yes my king. " both of them said.

( My sweet cake is all alone now.)

( Where is my sweet cake?!! )

( I want my sweet cake come back to me.)

After that the rain started to pour and a loud thunder was heard outside the mansion and my Queen then arrived.

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

Velthazor the kitty, leads me the way to escape from those demons who keeps pinching my cheeks and keeps calling me that I look so cute for being a demon.

As I escape from them, I then sighed and thanked Mr.Velthazor for helping me out, and when I was about to walked away, someone's hand where on my head and so I looked who was it, and I saw him again.

" Yasha? " I said

" Found you pumpkin demon." He said and smiled at me.

( What's he doing in here? )

( Did he buy something in here too? )


" Do not touch my commoners head, you looking dog animal." Kitty said

" Why you little black—." He said but then Mr.Velthazor tries to bite him and so I carried Mr. Velthazor.


" Don't touch my commoner." Kitty said and so I just laughed.

" What are you doing in here at the Demon Black Market hah?! Do you know how dangerous this place is? " He said and looked at me.

" I just bought stuff from my mommy and daddy and to my two other family." I said and smiled.

" Geez, next time, tell to one of those bastards if you're going somewhere they don't know, so that they won't get worried, you're so trouble maker." He said and I looked at him.

" What do you mean?  " I said

" Get a permission to go outside you dummy *sigh* Did this cat even told you that it's very dangerous to go in here!??  " he said strictly.

" Ah.. Yeah?  " I said

" Then why are you still here? " he said

" Because I want to buy something?  "I said

( Why is he so mad at me? )

" Then let those bastards buy the stuff you want to buy, they are servants anyway." He said

" They aren't just servants to me, they are my family. " I said and started to walked away from him.

" And now you're pissed of than me!?  " He said

" *sigh* You're lucky that you're a small pumpheaded pumpkin, if not.. I've already do thing's to you by now. " He said and when I looked at him, he was smiling.

" You're creepier than the woman who scared me that day. " I said

" Where are you going dummy?  " He said, and so I stopped walking and looked behind me.

( Where am I exactly going? )

" Ah.. I don't know. " I said, and I heard Yasha then sighed.

" You're one cute dumb*ss demon, come on I'll bring you back to your home, they must be so worried about you little trouble maker." He said and carries me on his arms.

" I can walk you know, you don't need to carry me." I said

" Don't move or I'll let you go without any warning." He said and so I didn't.

And a black hole thingy then appeared right in front of us again, while I was just holding to Yasha's shoulder, and after that, we then went inside through the black hole thingy.