Chapter 22

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As Yoru and And Zenaku left my room, I then get up from my bed and went inside the bathroom again, and then.. I put some cold water on the bathub, after that.. A hand with sharp claws appeared right in front of me and I then hold its hands and followed where I'm about to go.

There was only darkness that I could only see, there was no light at all, until we reach the light where it all begins.

" You cannot marry a human!! " A man who has horns said while the woman who was sitting on the floor was crying.

" But I love him, please I've done what you want me to do for years, now, I want you to le—." The woman said but she was slapped on her face.

" I have said it already and this is my last word to you, you will not marry that human and if I caught you still seeing him, I will send someone to kill that human. " The man said and so I looked at the woman who was only crying, one of the woman who looks servants helped the woman to get up and they brought her to her room.

" Lady, here's a water. " The woman said

" Leave. " The woman said and she then leaves to this woman's room, who looks like my human mother, the woman than touches her stomach.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry my child, I hope you will reborn to a family who loves you so dearly, and a family who will accept who you are, a family who worries about you a lot. " The woman said and tears began to fall down on her cheeks again.

" When you will be reborn as a human, always remember that you still had a blood of a pure demon from your past life, my dear child. " she said while touching her tummy and smiled.

" You will be undefeatable little demon, my dear child, I am so sorry that you are born to this cruel world, don't you worry, you will be reborn again as a half demon. " The woman said and so I walked towards her, and I saw her face, she does looks like my human mother.

" But I do hope, when you will be reborn, you won't be as evil as the people who hurt you. " The woman said and she then stood up and packed her things.

( Where is she going? )

The woman then disappeared to her room and another image and place was shown again, it was the... The day when the war begins and the woman who looks like exactly my mom will be punished for life sentence.

" My child will be reborn again!!! And soon you will grow fears to her at the near future." the woman said

" We will make sure that it'll not happen." One of the man said

" You should have not married that human in the first place, you should have married me instead of that human!!!  " The man said

" I will never marry a dumb demon like you, even if you're the last demon in this wo—. " The woman said but only to be slapped on her face.

( She's a demon, why can't she used her powers.)

" What are you gonna do hah? Stare at me to death? " The man than laugh.

" I feel terrible for your dead child, I hope she will be punished for being your daughter." The man said while cleaning his sword that he uses to chopped of the childs head.

" You and you're crew and the lady who you will marry will never had a child, and you will live for a long period of time, not until my daughter will comeback and will take over the entire underworld, and when that happens, you will meet the child who will makes you feels scared and will make you feel guilty for what you've done to me and to her father. " The woman said while I was just standing besides the woman, I couldn't see the man's face.

" As if. " The man smiled and ordered his team to kill her brutally and slowly.

I couldn't watch the scene anymore, it's making me sick and then one of my shadow guardian appears in front of me.

" Let's take you back home, you have seen enough, tomorrow you won't be able to remember everything what you've seen today." She said and then when she touches my forehead I then suddenly feels sleepy.


As I woke up from my bed, I then stared at the ceiling blankly, I couldn't remember what I just dreamed last night, plus my head hurts, and so I then get up and went straight to the bathroom and just to saw there was already water and bubbles on my bathub.

( Hmm.. Did Yoru prepared the bath for me again? )

After that, I then wore my school uniform again and then a knocked was heard outside my room and then I saw Yoru and I then smiled to him, he then tied the ribbon to my hair.

" Did you have a goodnight sleep? " Yoru asked and I then went quiet.

( Somethings missing.)

" I guess so, I had a weird dream, but I couldn't remember it, but Where's Zenaku? " I said while smiling... I want to lighten up the mood today.

" His preparing food, come on the Queen and King is waiting for you at the dining room." Yoru said and smile to me.

I then holds his hands and we both walked through the hallway and then when we reach where the dining area is, and when he opened the door, I then saw my mommy daddy who looks at me when they saw me.

" Sweet cake!!!  " Father said

" My sweet darling, how was your sleep? " Mother said and so I smiled.

" It was good, how about you two? " I said while smiling.

" We have a good night sleep too, come on let's eat before the food gets cold, Yoru and Zenaku come and join us for breakfast. " Father said

" I will come home late sweet darling, don't make troubles and make us worried again okay? " Mother said and so I nodded.

As we all finished eating our breakfast, Mommy and daddy then lead me outside the house, while Zenaku will be at the house cleaning dishes, and Yoru will be the one who will send me to school.

" Have fun at school okay?  " Mother said and so I smiled.

" Crush every opponent okay? " Father said and I just nodded to both of them and smiled.

( Something is really missing.)

