Chapter 31

—🕊Yasha Koizumi Kōsei (POVs)

As I watch this pumpheaded pumpkin eating a lots of sweet chocolate, she then lend me one of her chocolate that I bought for her and I just ignored it.

" You don't want one? " she said while eating a chocolate on her other hand and so I just stared at her.

" Then it's mine." She said and then she eats it also.

( My... What a chocolate lover.)

As this pumpheaded demon was eating her chocolate, my rival then just come towards to our table and he even sit down right next to this little demon!!!!

" Hey!! Watch we're you sitting!!!! " I said and point at him and he just smiles at me and then ignored me like I was not in here.

" My... You have a very big appetite." Daimon said and I just rolled my eyes over and then crossed my arms.

" And you have.. A very modest.... breast. " Daimon said and that made me to turn and looked at him.

( What the actual f*ck!!??? )

I then looked at to this demon right in front of me, who was also sitting right next to Daimon, but when I looked at her, she was unusual.

She was staring down, and she's... Trembling, I don't know if she was trembling into fear or... It's something else.

" Daimon, I think you're making her uncomfortable." White Kai said and this rival of mine just smiled and when I was about to speak to this demon, her two chocolate that I just bought for her... Was... Shattered into small pieces.

" What... Did you.. Just said to me!?????  " She yelled while facing Daimon who was surprised, and all the students inside the cafeteria turned around to our direction.

( Holy sh*t...)

( I... I think... This is my first time getting goosebumps... No.. This is my second time getting goosebumps over by a child.)

As I was done looking at Daimon, I then looked at this pumpheaded pumpkin and.. What was more frightening...

This little demon... Has this strong aura that surrounds her... And her dark red eyes were shining and was glaring.. Staring into Daimons eyes.

" I sa—." Daimon said but he was cut off right, when this demon then just kicked his face and he was thrown pretty far from our table.

I then looked back to look at this pumpheaded pumpkin in front of me with my mouth opened from shock.

" Of course, I have small breast!!! I'm still growing up!!!! You idiot!!! " she said and yelled very loud, I then looked at to Daimon who just got up and he then just teleported where we were.

" Never expected you were quite strong." Daimon said while smiling.

" I may be small, but I am very dangerous. " she said and then glared.

" How dangerous? You're just a little kid." Daimon said and smirked at this demon in front of me, but now... This pumpheaded pumpkin is now even glaring more.

But what's more shocking? I saw a dark energy from her, and I can also sense dark powers from her and this pumpheaded demon in front of me was... Different.

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

( How dare you.... Saying mean things to me!!! )

( I am still small, and Im still growing up!!! )

( You never know!!! I might have big boobs when I grow up!!!! )

( Don't you dare underestimate me!!!! )

As I was glaring at him, my stomach then suddenly feels hurts, so I then looked at my tummy and touched it.

( My tummy hurts....)

" What's wrong? Is there something wrong with your tummy little girl? " this blacked hair dude said and so I looked at him again and glared.

( I don't like it when you calls me little!!!! )

( Everybody can call me that! But not a single one like you!!! )

As I was staring at him, I then glared at him even more and then I just smiled, when I think of an idea.

( Since you call me.. Little.)

( Then what if I'll turn you into a little girl like me! )

( I'm super clover.)

" What's with the smile? " he said and so I walked towards him and then I lend him my hand.

" What do you want? A money? " He said

" Hold my hand, you'll see." I said and smile, and without asking why, he then touches my hand and when he did, he was then hit by lightning  inside the cafeteria.

" What the heck was tha!??? " I heard one of his friends says, but I was still holding this black hair guys hand and when I let go of his hand, I then smile at him, he was now turned into baby girl, right in front of me, just what I was thinking for.

" What the heck??? " Rikichi

" There, you call me little? Then why don't I turn you to into a baby instead. I'm pretty clover." I said and smiled, I then touches my tummy again because it really hurts.

" My brother... Oh my... You've turn into a baby girl. " This white haired guys said and he then carries this guy I just turned into a baby.

" Ohh.. Kawaiii!  " this guy's friends said.

I then walked towards to Yasha and grabs his hands and looked at him.

" tummy hurts. "I said and pouted in front of him and so he then smiles at me.

" That's what you get for eating a lots of chocolate!  " he yelled at me and so I cried in front of him.

" Wahhhhhh!!! Why are you yelling!?????  " I said

" I wasn't... *sigh*. " He said and then he carried me on his arms again.

" Man, I think I just turned into a babysitter, anyway, is your stomach really hurt that much? " Yasha said and so I nodded to him and then this white haired guy tapped my shoulder.

" Don't touch her. " Yasha said and even glared at him.

" No beggie, please turn my baby brother back into his old self again before you go. " this white haired guy said.

" No. His a meanie, Yasha.. My tummy hurts." I said as an excuse, so I won't turn that black haired guy into his old self again and Yasha did walked away from this white haired guy and Rikichi, Takehito followed us also.